/*jshint node: true, strict: false */ var fs = require('fs'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var replace = require('gulp-replace'); // ----- hint ----- // var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); gulp.task( 'hint-js', function() { return gulp.src('js/*.js') .pipe( jshint() ) .pipe( jshint.reporter('default') ); }); gulp.task( 'hint-test', function() { return gulp.src('test/unit/*.js') .pipe( jshint() ) .pipe( jshint.reporter('default') ); }); gulp.task( 'hint-task', function() { return gulp.src('gulpfile.js') .pipe( jshint() ) .pipe( jshint.reporter('default') ); }); var jsonlint = require('gulp-json-lint'); gulp.task( 'jsonlint', function() { return gulp.src( '*.json' ) .pipe( jsonlint() ) .pipe( jsonlint.report('verbose') ); }); gulp.task( 'hint', [ 'hint-js', 'hint-test', 'hint-task', 'jsonlint' ]); // -------------------------- make pkgd -------------------------- // // regex for banner comment var reBannerComment = new RegExp('^\\s*(?:\\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/)\\s*'); function getBanner() { var src = fs.readFileSync( 'js/isotope.js', 'utf8' ); var matches = src.match( reBannerComment ); var banner = matches[0].replace( 'Isotope', 'Isotope PACKAGED' ); return banner; } function addBanner( str ) { return replace( /^/, str ); } var rjsOptimize = require('gulp-requirejs-optimize'); gulp.task( 'requirejs', function() { var definitionRE = /define\(\s*'isotope\/isotope'(.|\n)+\],/; var banner = getBanner(); // HACK src is not needed // should refactor rjsOptimize to produce src return gulp.src('js/isotope.js') .pipe( rjsOptimize({ baseUrl: 'bower_components', optimize: 'none', include: [ 'jquery-bridget/jquery-bridget', 'isotope/isotope' ], paths: { isotope: '../js/', jquery: 'empty:' } }) ) // munge AMD definition .pipe( replace( definitionRE, function( definition ) { // remove named module return definition.replace( "'isotope/isotope',", '' ) // use explicit file paths, './item' -> 'isotope/js/item' .replace( /'.\//g, "'isotope/js/" ); }) ) .pipe( replace( "define( 'isotope/", "define( 'isotope/js/" ) ) // add banner .pipe( addBanner( banner ) ) .pipe( rename('isotope.pkgd.js') ) .pipe( gulp.dest('dist') ); }); // ----- uglify ----- // var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); gulp.task( 'uglify', [ 'requirejs' ], function() { var banner = getBanner(); gulp.src('dist/isotope.pkgd.js') .pipe( uglify() ) // add banner .pipe( addBanner( banner ) ) .pipe( rename('isotope.pkgd.min.js') ) .pipe( gulp.dest('dist') ); }); // ----- version ----- // // set version in source files var minimist = require('minimist'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var chalk = require('chalk'); // use gulp version -t 1.2.3 gulp.task( 'version', function() { var args = minimist( process.argv.slice(3) ); var version = args.t; if ( !version || !/^\d\.\d+\.\d+/.test( version ) ) { gutil.log( 'invalid version: ' + chalk.red( version ) ); return; } gutil.log( 'ticking version to ' + chalk.green( version ) ); gulp.src('js/isotope.js') .pipe( replace( /Packery v\d\.\d+\.\d+/, 'Isotope v' + version ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest('js') ); gulp.src( [ 'package.json' ] ) .pipe( replace( /"version": "\d\.\d+\.\d+"/, '"version": "' + version + '"' ) ) .pipe( gulp.dest('.') ); // replace CDN links in README var minorVersion = version.match( /^\d\.\d+/ )[0]; gulp.src('README.md') .pipe( replace( /isotope-layout@\d\.\d+/g, 'isotope-layout@' + minorVersion )) .pipe( gulp.dest('.') ); }); // ----- default ----- // gulp.task( 'default', [ 'hint', 'uglify' ]);