import csv import json from collections import Counter import jieba from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. from dashboard.models import Weixin, Weixin_data, Toutiao_data, Weibo_data, Qita_jc, Group, Toutiao, Weibo, Qita, \ Douyin, Douyin_data, News from monitor.models import Test def new_media_public_opinion_weixin(request): weixin = Weixin.objects.all() group = Group.objects.all() weixin_data = Weixin_data.objects.all().order_by('-comment') res = [] for w in weixin_data: o = dict() o['id'] = str( o['code'] = w.weixin.code o['image'] = w.weixin.image o['title'] = w.title o['comment'] = w.comment o['reply'] = w.reply o['year'] = w.year o['month'] = w.month o['day'] = res.append(o) return render(request, 'monitor/new-media-public-opinion-weixin.html', {'res': res, 'weixin': weixin, 'group': group}) def new_media_public_opinion_toutiao(request): toutiao = Toutiao.objects.all() group = Group.objects.all() toutiao_data = Toutiao_data.objects.all().order_by('-count') res = [] for t in toutiao_data: o = dict() o['id'] = str( o['code'] = t.toutiao.code o['image'] = t.toutiao.image o['title'] = t.title o['count'] = t.count o['commentcount'] = t.commentcount o['reply'] = t.reply o['year'] = t.year o['month'] = t.month o['day'] = res.append(o) return render(request, 'monitor/new-media-public-opinion-toutiao.html', {'res': res, 'toutiao': toutiao, 'group': group}) def new_media_public_opinion_douyin(request): douyin = Douyin.objects.all() group = Group.objects.all() douyin_data = Douyin_data.objects.all().order_by('-comment') res = [] for d in douyin_data: o = dict() o['id'] = str( o['code'] = d.newmedia.code o['image'] = d.newmedia.image o['count'] = d.count o['count_jc'] = d.count_jc o['comment'] = d.comment o['reply'] = d.reply o['date'] = res.append(o) return render(request, 'monitor/new-media-public-opinion-douyin.html', {'res': res, 'douyin': douyin, 'group': group}) def new_media_public_opinion_weibo(request): weibo = Weibo.objects.all() group = Group.objects.all() weibo_data = Weibo_data.objects.all().order_by('-like') res = [] for w in weibo_data: o = dict() o['id'] = str( o['code'] = o['image'] = o['title'] = w.title o['like'] = o['transpond'] = w.transpond o['comment'] = w.comment o['year'] = w.year o['month'] = w.month o['day'] = res.append(o) return render(request, 'monitor/new-media-public-opinion-weibo.html', {'res': res, 'weibo': weibo, 'group': group}) def new_media_public_opinion_qita(request): qita = Qita.objects.all() group = Group.objects.all() qita_jc = Qita_jc.objects.all().order_by('-comment') res = [] for q in qita_jc: o = dict() o['id'] = str( o['type'] = q.qita.type o['name'] = o['image'] = q.qita.image o['count'] = q.count o['count_jc'] = q.count_jc o['comment'] = q.comment o['reply'] = q.reply o['year'] = q.year o['month'] = q.month o['day'] = res.append(o) return render(request, 'monitor/new-media-public-opinion-qita.html', {'res': res, 'qita': qita, 'group': group}) def timeliness_monitoring(request): return render(request, 'monitor/timeliness-monitoring.html') def error_monitoring(request): return render(request, 'monitor/error-monitoring.html') def sensitive_word_monitoring(request): return render(request, 'monitor/sensitive-word-monitoring.html') def comment_on_interactive_monitoring(request): return render(request, 'monitor/comment-on-interactive-monitoring.html') def comment_on_interactive_monitoring_json(request): data = Test.objects.all()[:500] r = [] for d in data: content = d.content r.append(content) # result = jieba.analyse.textrank(content, topK=400, withWeight=True) seg_list = jieba.cut(str(r)) # 对文本进行分词 c = Counter() for x in seg_list: # 进行词频统计 if len(x) > 1 and x != '\r\n': c[x] += 1 res = [] for (k, v) in c.most_common(200): # 遍历输出高频词 # print('%s%s %s %d' % (' ' * (5 - len(k)), k, '*', v)) # 剔除不是汉字的值 if all(map(lambda c: '\u4e00' <= c <= '\u9fa5', k)): o = dict() o['name'] = k o['value'] = v res.append(o) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ "res": res })) def monitoring_report(request): news = News.objects.filter(type='3').order_by('-date') count = News.objects.filter(type='3').count() return render(request, 'monitor/monitoring-report.html', {'news': news,'count':count}) def test(request): return render(request, 'monitor/test.html') def test_json(request): res = [] with open('D:/2020/舆论监测平台/新媒体监测数据/平凉/Result_PL.csv', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) results = [] try: for r in reader: print(r[0]) results.append(r[5]) except: print("777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777") seg_list = jieba.cut(str(results)) # 对文本进行分词 c = Counter() for x in seg_list: # 进行词频统计 if len(x) > 1 and x != '\r\n': c[x] += 1 for (k, v) in c.most_common(200): # 遍历输出高频词 if all(map(lambda c: '\u4e00' <= c <= '\u9fa5', k)): o = dict() o['name'] = k o['value'] = v res.append(o) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ "res": res }))