from django.apps import AppConfig from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django_summernote.utils import ( LANG_TO_LOCALE, uploaded_filepath, get_theme_files ) class DjangoSummernoteConfig(AppConfig): name = 'django_summernote' verbose_name = 'Django Summernote' theme = 'bs3' config = {} def __init__(self, app_name, app_module): super(DjangoSummernoteConfig, self).__init__(app_name, app_module) self.update_config() def get_default_config(self): return { # Using SummernoteWidget(iframe widget) for admin pages by default 'iframe': True, # These strings will be assumed as empty. 'empty': ('

', '

'), # Language-to-locale conversion table 'lang_matches': LANG_TO_LOCALE, # Attachment settings 'disable_attachment': False, 'attachment_upload_to': uploaded_filepath, 'attachment_storage_class': None, 'attachment_filesize_limit': 1024 * 1024, 'attachment_require_authentication': False, 'attachment_model': 'django_summernote.Attachment', # Shortcut name for jQuery 'jquery': '$', # Base media files only for SummernoteWidget 'base_css': '', 'base_js': '', # Media files for CodeMirror 'codemirror_css': ( '//', ), 'codemirror_js': ( '//', '//', '//', ), # Media files for all Summernote widgets 'default_css': '', 'default_js': '', # Additional media files only for SummernoteWidget 'css': (), 'js': (), # Additional media files only for SummernoteInplacewidget 'css_for_inplace': (), 'js_for_inplace': (), # For lazy loading (inplace widget only) 'lazy': False, # Summernote settings 'summernote': { 'width': 720, 'height': 480, 'lang': None, 'toolbar': [ ['style', ['style']], ['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'strikethrough', 'clear']], ['fontname', ['fontname']], ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], ['color', ['color']], ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], ['height', ['height']], ['table', ['table']], ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video', 'hr']], ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview']], ['help', ['help']], ], } } def _copy_old_configs(self, user, default): """ NOTE: Will be deprecated from 0.9 Copying old-style settings for backword-compatibility """ DEPRECATED_SUMMERNOTE_CONFIGS = ( 'width', 'height', 'lang', 'toolbar', ) for key in DEPRECATED_SUMMERNOTE_CONFIGS: if user.get(key): self.config['summernote'][key] = user.get(key) if not self.config['summernote'].get(key): self.config['summernote'][key] = default['summernote'].get(key) def update_config(self): self.theme = getattr(django_settings, 'SUMMERNOTE_THEME', 'bs3') DEFAULT_CONFIG = self.get_default_config() CONFIG = getattr(django_settings, 'SUMMERNOTE_CONFIG', {}) for key in ('base_css', 'base_js', 'default_css', 'default_js'): CONFIG[key] = get_theme_files(self.theme, key) self.config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() self.config.update(CONFIG) self._copy_old_configs(CONFIG, DEFAULT_CONFIG) def ready(self): pass