#更新新媒体脚本,结果为有出入的新媒体列表。 ''' 1,将excel转为csv,使用utf-8编码集。 2、获取csv内容 3、与数据库中的数据逐项对比 ''' import csv import uuid import psycopg2 as psycopg2 # code = None # alias = None # attention = None # remark = None # identificationcode = None # function = None # articleurl = None # weixinid = None # type = None G2 = 'host= port=5432 dbname=newmediaDB3 user=newmedia password=newmedia2020!@#' def get_csv_weixin(path): with open("D:/2020/新媒体监测/新媒体对比结果_其他.csv", "w", newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow( ["序号", "冲突账号"]) with psycopg2.connect(G2) as connection: with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for r in reader: if r[1] != '单位全称': if '头条' not in r[7] and '微信' not in r[7] and '微博' not in r[7] and '抖音' not in r[7]: name = r[1] code = r[4] identificationcode = r[3] function = r[8] articleurl = r[12] biz = r[13] province = None cities = None district = None d_name = None c_name = None p_name = None print(r) try: with connection.cursor() as cursor_p: cursor_p.execute( "select * from dashboard_area_code_2020 where name = '%s'" % (r[9])) for p in cursor_p: province = p[1] p_name = p[2] with connection.cursor() as cursor_c: cursor_c.execute( "select * from dashboard_area_code_2020 where name = '%s'" % (r[10])) for c in cursor_c: cities = c[1] c_name = c[2] with connection.cursor() as cursor_d: cursor_d.execute( "select * from dashboard_area_code_2020 where name = '%s'" % (r[11])) for d in cursor_d: district = d[1] d_name = d[2] print(code) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "select * from dashboard_qita where code = '%s'" % (code)) # connection.commit() for c in cursor: print(str(c[10]) + "1111111111111111111111") with connection.cursor() as cursor2: cursor2.execute( "select * from dashboard_organization where id = '%s'" % (c[10])) for c2 in cursor2: print(str(c2[0]) + "55555555555555555555555") if str(name) == str(c2[1]) and str(province) == str(c2[3]) and str( cities) == str(c2[4]) and str(district) == str(c2[5]) and str( code) == str(c[1]) and str(identificationcode) == str( c[13]) and str(biz) == str(c[9]): print(c2) else: writer.writerow( [r[0], name, code, identificationcode, biz, p_name, c_name, d_name]) writer.writerow( [r[0], c2[1], c[1], c[13], c[9], c2[3], c2[4], c2[5]]) except: writer.writerow( [r[0], name, code, identificationcode, biz, p_name, c_name, d_name]) if __name__ == '__main__': get_csv_weixin('D:/2020/新媒体监测/TASK_ALL.csv')