875 lines
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875 lines
29 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2015 Hyunje Alex Jun and other contributors
* Licensed under the MIT License
(function (factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node/CommonJS
} else {
// Browser globals
})(function ($) {
'use strict';
function getInt(x) {
if (typeof x === 'string') {
return parseInt(x, 10);
} else {
return ~~x;
var defaultSettings = {
wheelSpeed: 1,
wheelPropagation: false,
swipePropagation: true,
minScrollbarLength: null,
maxScrollbarLength: null,
useBothWheelAxes: false,
useKeyboard: true,
suppressScrollX: false,
suppressScrollY: false,
scrollXMarginOffset: 0,
scrollYMarginOffset: 0,
includePadding: false
var incrementingId = 0;
var eventClassFactory = function () {
var id = incrementingId++;
return function (eventName) {
var className = '.perfect-scrollbar-' + id;
if (typeof eventName === 'undefined') {
return className;
} else {
return eventName + className;
var isWebkit = 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style;
$.fn.perfectScrollbar = function (suppliedSettings, option) {
return this.each(function () {
var settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaultSettings);
var $this = $(this);
var isPluginAlive = function () { return !!$this; };
if (typeof suppliedSettings === "object") {
// Override default settings with any supplied
$.extend(true, settings, suppliedSettings);
} else {
// If no setting was supplied, then the first param must be the option
option = suppliedSettings;
// Catch options
if (option === 'update') {
if ($this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update')) {
return $this;
else if (option === 'destroy') {
if ($this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy')) {
return $this;
if ($this.data('perfect-scrollbar')) {
// if there's already perfect-scrollbar
return $this.data('perfect-scrollbar');
// Or generate new perfectScrollbar
var containerWidth;
var containerHeight;
var contentWidth;
var contentHeight;
var isRtl = $this.css('direction') === "rtl";
var eventClass = eventClassFactory();
var ownerDocument = this.ownerDocument || document;
var $scrollbarXRail = $("<div class='ps-scrollbar-x-rail'>").appendTo($this);
var $scrollbarX = $("<div class='ps-scrollbar-x'>").appendTo($scrollbarXRail);
var scrollbarXActive;
var scrollbarXWidth;
var scrollbarXLeft;
var scrollbarXBottom = getInt($scrollbarXRail.css('bottom'));
var isScrollbarXUsingBottom = scrollbarXBottom === scrollbarXBottom; // !isNaN
var scrollbarXTop = isScrollbarXUsingBottom ? null : getInt($scrollbarXRail.css('top'));
var railBorderXWidth = getInt($scrollbarXRail.css('borderLeftWidth')) + getInt($scrollbarXRail.css('borderRightWidth'));
var railXMarginWidth = getInt($scrollbarXRail.css('marginLeft')) + getInt($scrollbarXRail.css('marginRight'));
var railXWidth;
var $scrollbarYRail = $("<div class='ps-scrollbar-y-rail'>").appendTo($this);
var $scrollbarY = $("<div class='ps-scrollbar-y'>").appendTo($scrollbarYRail);
var scrollbarYActive;
var scrollbarYHeight;
var scrollbarYTop;
var scrollbarYRight = getInt($scrollbarYRail.css('right'));
var isScrollbarYUsingRight = scrollbarYRight === scrollbarYRight; // !isNaN
var scrollbarYLeft = isScrollbarYUsingRight ? null : getInt($scrollbarYRail.css('left'));
var railBorderYWidth = getInt($scrollbarYRail.css('borderTopWidth')) + getInt($scrollbarYRail.css('borderBottomWidth'));
var railYMarginHeight = getInt($scrollbarYRail.css('marginTop')) + getInt($scrollbarYRail.css('marginBottom'));
var railYHeight;
function updateScrollTop(currentTop, deltaY) {
var newTop = currentTop + deltaY;
var maxTop = containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight;
if (newTop < 0) {
scrollbarYTop = 0;
} else if (newTop > maxTop) {
scrollbarYTop = maxTop;
} else {
scrollbarYTop = newTop;
var scrollTop = getInt(scrollbarYTop * (contentHeight - containerHeight) / (containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight));
function updateScrollLeft(currentLeft, deltaX) {
var newLeft = currentLeft + deltaX;
var maxLeft = containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth;
if (newLeft < 0) {
scrollbarXLeft = 0;
} else if (newLeft > maxLeft) {
scrollbarXLeft = maxLeft;
} else {
scrollbarXLeft = newLeft;
var scrollLeft = getInt(scrollbarXLeft * (contentWidth - containerWidth) / (containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth));
function getThumbSize(thumbSize) {
if (settings.minScrollbarLength) {
thumbSize = Math.max(thumbSize, settings.minScrollbarLength);
if (settings.maxScrollbarLength) {
thumbSize = Math.min(thumbSize, settings.maxScrollbarLength);
return thumbSize;
function updateCss() {
var xRailOffset = {width: railXWidth};
if (isRtl) {
xRailOffset.left = $this.scrollLeft() + containerWidth - contentWidth;
} else {
xRailOffset.left = $this.scrollLeft();
if (isScrollbarXUsingBottom) {
xRailOffset.bottom = scrollbarXBottom - $this.scrollTop();
} else {
xRailOffset.top = scrollbarXTop + $this.scrollTop();
var railYOffset = {top: $this.scrollTop(), height: railYHeight};
if (isScrollbarYUsingRight) {
if (isRtl) {
railYOffset.right = contentWidth - $this.scrollLeft() - scrollbarYRight - $scrollbarY.outerWidth();
} else {
railYOffset.right = scrollbarYRight - $this.scrollLeft();
} else {
if (isRtl) {
railYOffset.left = $this.scrollLeft() + containerWidth * 2 - contentWidth - scrollbarYLeft - $scrollbarY.outerWidth();
} else {
railYOffset.left = scrollbarYLeft + $this.scrollLeft();
$scrollbarX.css({left: scrollbarXLeft, width: scrollbarXWidth - railBorderXWidth});
$scrollbarY.css({top: scrollbarYTop, height: scrollbarYHeight - railBorderYWidth});
function updateGeometry() {
// Hide scrollbars not to affect scrollWidth and scrollHeight
containerWidth = settings.includePadding ? $this.innerWidth() : $this.width();
containerHeight = settings.includePadding ? $this.innerHeight() : $this.height();
contentWidth = $this.prop('scrollWidth');
contentHeight = $this.prop('scrollHeight');
if (!settings.suppressScrollX && containerWidth + settings.scrollXMarginOffset < contentWidth) {
scrollbarXActive = true;
railXWidth = containerWidth - railXMarginWidth;
scrollbarXWidth = getThumbSize(getInt(railXWidth * containerWidth / contentWidth));
scrollbarXLeft = getInt($this.scrollLeft() * (railXWidth - scrollbarXWidth) / (contentWidth - containerWidth));
} else {
scrollbarXActive = false;
scrollbarXWidth = 0;
scrollbarXLeft = 0;
if (!settings.suppressScrollY && containerHeight + settings.scrollYMarginOffset < contentHeight) {
scrollbarYActive = true;
railYHeight = containerHeight - railYMarginHeight;
scrollbarYHeight = getThumbSize(getInt(railYHeight * containerHeight / contentHeight));
scrollbarYTop = getInt($this.scrollTop() * (railYHeight - scrollbarYHeight) / (contentHeight - containerHeight));
} else {
scrollbarYActive = false;
scrollbarYHeight = 0;
scrollbarYTop = 0;
if (scrollbarXLeft >= railXWidth - scrollbarXWidth) {
scrollbarXLeft = railXWidth - scrollbarXWidth;
if (scrollbarYTop >= railYHeight - scrollbarYHeight) {
scrollbarYTop = railYHeight - scrollbarYHeight;
if (scrollbarXActive) {
if (scrollbarYActive) {
function bindMouseScrollXHandler() {
var currentLeft;
var currentPageX;
var mouseMoveHandler = function (e) {
updateScrollLeft(currentLeft, e.pageX - currentPageX);
var mouseUpHandler = function (e) {
$(ownerDocument).unbind(eventClass('mousemove'), mouseMoveHandler);
$scrollbarX.bind(eventClass('mousedown'), function (e) {
currentPageX = e.pageX;
currentLeft = $scrollbarX.position().left;
$(ownerDocument).bind(eventClass('mousemove'), mouseMoveHandler);
$(ownerDocument).one(eventClass('mouseup'), mouseUpHandler);
currentLeft =
currentPageX = null;
function bindMouseScrollYHandler() {
var currentTop;
var currentPageY;
var mouseMoveHandler = function (e) {
updateScrollTop(currentTop, e.pageY - currentPageY);
var mouseUpHandler = function (e) {
$(ownerDocument).unbind(eventClass('mousemove'), mouseMoveHandler);
$scrollbarY.bind(eventClass('mousedown'), function (e) {
currentPageY = e.pageY;
currentTop = $scrollbarY.position().top;
$(ownerDocument).bind(eventClass('mousemove'), mouseMoveHandler);
$(ownerDocument).one(eventClass('mouseup'), mouseUpHandler);
currentTop =
currentPageY = null;
function shouldPreventWheel(deltaX, deltaY) {
var scrollTop = $this.scrollTop();
if (deltaX === 0) {
if (!scrollbarYActive) {
return false;
if ((scrollTop === 0 && deltaY > 0) || (scrollTop >= contentHeight - containerHeight && deltaY < 0)) {
return !settings.wheelPropagation;
var scrollLeft = $this.scrollLeft();
if (deltaY === 0) {
if (!scrollbarXActive) {
return false;
if ((scrollLeft === 0 && deltaX < 0) || (scrollLeft >= contentWidth - containerWidth && deltaX > 0)) {
return !settings.wheelPropagation;
return true;
function shouldPreventSwipe(deltaX, deltaY) {
var scrollTop = $this.scrollTop();
var scrollLeft = $this.scrollLeft();
var magnitudeX = Math.abs(deltaX);
var magnitudeY = Math.abs(deltaY);
if (magnitudeY > magnitudeX) {
// user is perhaps trying to swipe up/down the page
if (((deltaY < 0) && (scrollTop === contentHeight - containerHeight)) ||
((deltaY > 0) && (scrollTop === 0))) {
return !settings.swipePropagation;
} else if (magnitudeX > magnitudeY) {
// user is perhaps trying to swipe left/right across the page
if (((deltaX < 0) && (scrollLeft === contentWidth - containerWidth)) ||
((deltaX > 0) && (scrollLeft === 0))) {
return !settings.swipePropagation;
return true;
function bindMouseWheelHandler() {
var shouldPrevent = false;
function getDeltaFromEvent(e) {
var deltaX = e.originalEvent.deltaX;
var deltaY = -1 * e.originalEvent.deltaY;
if (typeof deltaX === "undefined" || typeof deltaY === "undefined") {
// OS X Safari
deltaX = -1 * e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaX / 6;
deltaY = e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY / 6;
if (e.originalEvent.deltaMode && e.originalEvent.deltaMode === 1) {
// Firefox in deltaMode 1: Line scrolling
deltaX *= 10;
deltaY *= 10;
if (deltaX !== deltaX && deltaY !== deltaY/* NaN checks */) {
// IE in some mouse drivers
deltaX = 0;
deltaY = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
return [deltaX, deltaY];
function mousewheelHandler(e) {
// FIXME: this is a quick fix for the select problem in FF and IE.
// If there comes an effective way to deal with the problem,
// this lines should be removed.
if (!isWebkit && $this.find('select:focus').length > 0) {
var delta = getDeltaFromEvent(e);
var deltaX = delta[0];
var deltaY = delta[1];
shouldPrevent = false;
if (!settings.useBothWheelAxes) {
// deltaX will only be used for horizontal scrolling and deltaY will
// only be used for vertical scrolling - this is the default
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed));
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed));
} else if (scrollbarYActive && !scrollbarXActive) {
// only vertical scrollbar is active and useBothWheelAxes option is
// active, so let's scroll vertical bar using both mouse wheel axes
if (deltaY) {
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed));
} else {
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed));
shouldPrevent = true;
} else if (scrollbarXActive && !scrollbarYActive) {
// useBothWheelAxes and only horizontal bar is active, so use both
// wheel axes for horizontal bar
if (deltaX) {
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed));
} else {
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed));
shouldPrevent = true;
shouldPrevent = (shouldPrevent || shouldPreventWheel(deltaX, deltaY));
if (shouldPrevent) {
if (typeof window.onwheel !== "undefined") {
$this.bind(eventClass('wheel'), mousewheelHandler);
} else if (typeof window.onmousewheel !== "undefined") {
$this.bind(eventClass('mousewheel'), mousewheelHandler);
function bindKeyboardHandler() {
var hovered = false;
$this.bind(eventClass('mouseenter'), function (e) {
hovered = true;
$this.bind(eventClass('mouseleave'), function (e) {
hovered = false;
var shouldPrevent = false;
$(ownerDocument).bind(eventClass('keydown'), function (e) {
if (e.isDefaultPrevented && e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
if (!hovered) {
var activeElement = document.activeElement ? document.activeElement : ownerDocument.activeElement;
// go deeper if element is a webcomponent
while (activeElement.shadowRoot) {
activeElement = activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement;
if ($(activeElement).is(":input,[contenteditable]")) {
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
switch (e.which) {
case 37: // left
deltaX = -30;
case 38: // up
deltaY = 30;
case 39: // right
deltaX = 30;
case 40: // down
deltaY = -30;
case 33: // page up
deltaY = 90;
case 32: // space bar
case 34: // page down
deltaY = -90;
case 35: // end
if (e.ctrlKey) {
deltaY = -contentHeight;
} else {
deltaY = -containerHeight;
case 36: // home
if (e.ctrlKey) {
deltaY = $this.scrollTop();
} else {
deltaY = containerHeight;
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - deltaY);
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + deltaX);
shouldPrevent = shouldPreventWheel(deltaX, deltaY);
if (shouldPrevent) {
function bindRailClickHandler() {
function stopPropagation(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }
$scrollbarY.bind(eventClass('click'), stopPropagation);
$scrollbarYRail.bind(eventClass('click'), function (e) {
var halfOfScrollbarLength = getInt(scrollbarYHeight / 2);
var positionTop = e.pageY - $scrollbarYRail.offset().top - halfOfScrollbarLength;
var maxPositionTop = containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight;
var positionRatio = positionTop / maxPositionTop;
if (positionRatio < 0) {
positionRatio = 0;
} else if (positionRatio > 1) {
positionRatio = 1;
$this.scrollTop((contentHeight - containerHeight) * positionRatio);
$scrollbarX.bind(eventClass('click'), stopPropagation);
$scrollbarXRail.bind(eventClass('click'), function (e) {
var halfOfScrollbarLength = getInt(scrollbarXWidth / 2);
var positionLeft = e.pageX - $scrollbarXRail.offset().left - halfOfScrollbarLength;
var maxPositionLeft = containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth;
var positionRatio = positionLeft / maxPositionLeft;
if (positionRatio < 0) {
positionRatio = 0;
} else if (positionRatio > 1) {
positionRatio = 1;
$this.scrollLeft((contentWidth - containerWidth) * positionRatio);
function bindSelectionHandler() {
function getRangeNode() {
var selection = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() :
document.getSlection ? document.getSlection() : {rangeCount: 0};
if (selection.rangeCount === 0) {
return null;
} else {
return selection.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
var scrollingLoop = null;
var scrollDiff = {top: 0, left: 0};
function startScrolling() {
if (!scrollingLoop) {
scrollingLoop = setInterval(function () {
if (!isPluginAlive()) {
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() + scrollDiff.top);
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + scrollDiff.left);
}, 50); // every .1 sec
function stopScrolling() {
if (scrollingLoop) {
scrollingLoop = null;
var isSelected = false;
$(ownerDocument).bind(eventClass('selectionchange'), function (e) {
if ($.contains($this[0], getRangeNode())) {
isSelected = true;
} else {
isSelected = false;
$(window).bind(eventClass('mouseup'), function (e) {
if (isSelected) {
isSelected = false;
$(window).bind(eventClass('mousemove'), function (e) {
if (isSelected) {
var mousePosition = {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY};
var containerOffset = $this.offset();
var containerGeometry = {
left: containerOffset.left,
right: containerOffset.left + $this.outerWidth(),
top: containerOffset.top,
bottom: containerOffset.top + $this.outerHeight()
if (mousePosition.x < containerGeometry.left + 3) {
scrollDiff.left = -5;
} else if (mousePosition.x > containerGeometry.right - 3) {
scrollDiff.left = 5;
} else {
scrollDiff.left = 0;
if (mousePosition.y < containerGeometry.top + 3) {
if (containerGeometry.top + 3 - mousePosition.y < 5) {
scrollDiff.top = -5;
} else {
scrollDiff.top = -20;
} else if (mousePosition.y > containerGeometry.bottom - 3) {
if (mousePosition.y - containerGeometry.bottom + 3 < 5) {
scrollDiff.top = 5;
} else {
scrollDiff.top = 20;
} else {
scrollDiff.top = 0;
if (scrollDiff.top === 0 && scrollDiff.left === 0) {
} else {
function bindTouchHandler(supportsTouch, supportsIePointer) {
function applyTouchMove(differenceX, differenceY) {
$this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - differenceY);
$this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() - differenceX);
var startOffset = {};
var startTime = 0;
var speed = {};
var easingLoop = null;
var inGlobalTouch = false;
var inLocalTouch = false;
function globalTouchStart(e) {
inGlobalTouch = true;
function globalTouchEnd(e) {
inGlobalTouch = false;
function getTouch(e) {
if (e.originalEvent.targetTouches) {
return e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0];
} else {
// Maybe IE pointer
return e.originalEvent;
function shouldHandle(e) {
var event = e.originalEvent;
if (event.targetTouches && event.targetTouches.length === 1) {
return true;
if (event.pointerType && event.pointerType !== 'mouse' && event.pointerType !== event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE) {
return true;
return false;
function touchStart(e) {
if (shouldHandle(e)) {
inLocalTouch = true;
var touch = getTouch(e);
startOffset.pageX = touch.pageX;
startOffset.pageY = touch.pageY;
startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
if (easingLoop !== null) {
function touchMove(e) {
if (!inGlobalTouch && inLocalTouch && shouldHandle(e)) {
var touch = getTouch(e);
var currentOffset = {pageX: touch.pageX, pageY: touch.pageY};
var differenceX = currentOffset.pageX - startOffset.pageX;
var differenceY = currentOffset.pageY - startOffset.pageY;
applyTouchMove(differenceX, differenceY);
startOffset = currentOffset;
var currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();
var timeGap = currentTime - startTime;
if (timeGap > 0) {
speed.x = differenceX / timeGap;
speed.y = differenceY / timeGap;
startTime = currentTime;
if (shouldPreventSwipe(differenceX, differenceY)) {
function touchEnd(e) {
if (!inGlobalTouch && inLocalTouch) {
inLocalTouch = false;
easingLoop = setInterval(function () {
if (!isPluginAlive()) {
if (Math.abs(speed.x) < 0.01 && Math.abs(speed.y) < 0.01) {
applyTouchMove(speed.x * 30, speed.y * 30);
speed.x *= 0.8;
speed.y *= 0.8;
}, 10);
if (supportsTouch) {
$(window).bind(eventClass("touchstart"), globalTouchStart);
$(window).bind(eventClass("touchend"), globalTouchEnd);
$this.bind(eventClass("touchstart"), touchStart);
$this.bind(eventClass("touchmove"), touchMove);
$this.bind(eventClass("touchend"), touchEnd);
if (supportsIePointer) {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
$(window).bind(eventClass("pointerdown"), globalTouchStart);
$(window).bind(eventClass("pointerup"), globalTouchEnd);
$this.bind(eventClass("pointerdown"), touchStart);
$this.bind(eventClass("pointermove"), touchMove);
$this.bind(eventClass("pointerup"), touchEnd);
} else if (window.MSPointerEvent) {
$(window).bind(eventClass("MSPointerDown"), globalTouchStart);
$(window).bind(eventClass("MSPointerUp"), globalTouchEnd);
$this.bind(eventClass("MSPointerDown"), touchStart);
$this.bind(eventClass("MSPointerMove"), touchMove);
$this.bind(eventClass("MSPointerUp"), touchEnd);
function bindScrollHandler() {
$this.bind(eventClass('scroll'), function (e) {
function destroy() {
$this.data('perfect-scrollbar', null);
$this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update', null);
$this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy', null);
// clean all variables
$this =
$scrollbarXRail =
$scrollbarYRail =
$scrollbarX =
$scrollbarY =
scrollbarXActive =
scrollbarYActive =
containerWidth =
containerHeight =
contentWidth =
contentHeight =
scrollbarXWidth =
scrollbarXLeft =
scrollbarXBottom =
isScrollbarXUsingBottom =
scrollbarXTop =
scrollbarYHeight =
scrollbarYTop =
scrollbarYRight =
isScrollbarYUsingRight =
scrollbarYLeft =
isRtl =
eventClass = null;
var supportsTouch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch);
var supportsIePointer = window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== null;
function initialize() {
if (supportsTouch || supportsIePointer) {
bindTouchHandler(supportsTouch, supportsIePointer);
if (settings.useKeyboard) {
$this.data('perfect-scrollbar', $this);
$this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update', updateGeometry);
$this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy', destroy);
return $this;