16 lines
709 B
16 lines
709 B
from fabistrano import deploy
from fabric.api import env
env.hosts = ["nut@"] # Replace with your host name or IP
# env.hosts = ["root@"] # Replace with your host name or IP
# env.base_dir = '/var/www/p3' # Set to your app's directory
env.base_dir = '/var/www/p3' # Set to your app's directory
env.app_name = 'newmediamonitoring' # This will deploy the app to /www/app_name.com/
env.git_clone = '' # Your git url
env.remote_owner = 'nut'
# env.remote_owner = 'root'
env.remote_group = 'www-data'
# env.remote_group = 'root'
env.restart_cmd = 'sudo service apache2 restart'
# env.restart_cmd = 'systemctl restart httpd.service'