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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import glob, os, re, time
from datetime import datetime
from docx import Document
from docx.oxml.ns import qn
from docx.shared import Pt,RGBColor
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
import http.client
from urllib import parse
TEST = False # True为测试状态不发短信 False为正式状态发送短信。
dDate = {
'dateStart': '6月8日',
'dateEnd': '14日'
fn = 'D:/Projects/POM/DATA/2023年6月/6.16周预警/周预警_2023.6.15.xlsx'
outPath = 'D:/Projects/POM/DATA/2023年6月/6.16周预警/'
cities = {'白银市', '武威市',
'临夏回族自治州', '平凉市', '定西市', '定西市', '嘉峪关市',
'兰州新区','陇南市', '张掖市', '庆阳市宁县', '庆阳市镇原县', } #
cities = {'天水市', '平凉市', '定西市', '定西市', '嘉峪关市',
'兰州新区','陇南市', '张掖市', '庆阳市镇原县', } #
#cities = {'酒泉市'}
# 电话号码
contactsDWL = {
'szq': '13359446622',
'zyb': '13609346975',
'shx': '18089386522'
contacts = {
'天水市': {'王慧': '18706936366', '王肖肖': '17793816150'},
'白银市': {'高雅丽': '15393391905', '张静静': '13830021006'},
'定西市': {'张勇':'13993200605', '高刚': '18993265998'},
'酒泉市': {'吴建平': '13389370534'},
'临夏回族自治州': {'周世泽': '13830103221', '马清明': '13993012391', '马静': '13993096392'},
'平凉市': {'雷勇': '13809330195', '万朵': '15193383961'},
'武威市': {'马巨龙': '15379291530'}, #'孙彪': '17793551918'},
'嘉峪关市': {'彭松涛': '18893605128'},
'庆阳市': {'孙德勋': '13909342931', '闫红': '18993490882'},
#'庆阳市华池县': {'李保宁': '13739343092'},
'庆阳市宁县': {'zyb': '13609346975'},
'庆阳市镇原县': {'zyb': '13609346975'},#'刘主任': '13994327967', '王怡文': '18219942918'
'兰州新区': {'高天晓副主任':'13993685885', '刘玉明科长':'17726983336', '闫鹏':'15117091122', },
'陇南市': {'王军主任':'18093988558', '杨帅兵':'13830941310'},
'张掖市': {'张炜':'18993628432', '李伟璟':'13909365376'}
df = pd.read_excel(fn)
df.replace('\s+', '', regex=True, inplace=True)
df.loc[df['账号类型']=='微信服务号', '账号类型'] = '微信'
df.loc[df['账号类型']=='微信订阅号', '账号类型'] = '微信'
df['账号类型'] = df['账号类型'].str.replace(r'^其他\+','')
sms_host = "sms.yunpian.com"
port = 443
sms_tpl_send_uri = "/v2/sms/tpl_single_send.json"
apikey = "304eb08353f7ebf00596737acfc31f53"
def tpl_send_sms(sms_host, port, sms_tpl_send_uri, apikey, tpl_id, tpl_value, mobile):
params = parse.urlencode({
'apikey': apikey,
'tpl_id': tpl_id,
'tpl_value': parse.urlencode(tpl_value),
'mobile': mobile
headers = {
"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept": "text/plain"
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(sms_host, port=port, timeout=30)
conn.request("POST", sms_tpl_send_uri, params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
response_str = response.read()
return response_str
aa = 0
bb = 0
for city in cities:
dfC = df.loc[df['市/省局']==city].copy()
cc = dfC.shape[0]
if city == '庆阳市':
dfC = df.loc[(df['市/省局']==city)
& (df['区县/地方部门']!='华池县')
& (df['区县/地方部门']!='宁县')
& (df['区县/地方部门']!='镇原县')
if city == '庆阳市宁县':
dfC = df.loc[(df['市/省局'] == '庆阳市')
& (df['区县/地方部门'] == '宁县')].copy()
cc = dfC.shape[0]
if city == '庆阳市华池县':
dfC = df.loc[(df['市/省局'] == '庆阳市')
& (df['区县/地方部门'] == '华池县')].copy()
cc = dfC.shape[0]
if city == '庆阳市镇原县':
dfC = df.loc[(df['市/省局'] == '庆阳市')
& (df['区县/地方部门'] == '镇原县')].copy()
cc = dfC.shape[0]
dfCU = dfC.loc[dfC['监测结果']!='合格'].copy()
warningText = '【甘肃大未来科技】政务新媒体监测预警:{}{},监测{}政务新媒体账号{}个,更新频次和发布内容正常。'.format(dDate['dateStart'], dDate['dateEnd'], city, cc)
warningLists = []
if dfCU.shape[0] > 0:
warningText = '【甘肃大未来科技】政务新媒体监测预警:{}{}{}被监测的{}个政务新媒体账号中,有{}个账号无更新,具体名单附后,请予以关注提醒。'.format(dDate['dateStart'], dDate['dateEnd'], city, cc, dfCU.shape[0])
print( warningText )
if dfCU.shape[0] > 0:
group = dfCU.groupby('账号类型')
for type, dfa in group:
astr = ''
for index, row in dfa.iterrows():
astr += row['账号名称'] + ', '
s = '{}({}个): {}'.format(type, dfa.shape[0], astr[:-2])
warningLists.append( s )
print(' ')
# 生成总览文本
# 生成市州报告文本,存档
if 1:
doc = Document()
doc.styles['Normal'].font.name = u'宋体'
doc.styles['Normal']._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), u'宋体')
doc.styles['Normal'].font.size = Pt(16)
doc.styles['Normal'].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 0, 0)
p1 = doc.add_heading(city + '政务新媒体监测预警', 0)
p1.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
p2 = doc.add_paragraph(warningText)
p1.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
#p2.paragraph_format.left_indent = 406400
p2.paragraph_format.first_line_indent = 406400
for s in warningLists:
doc.save(outPath + city + '.docx')
# 发短信
if 1:
contacts[city].update(contactsDWL) # 向该市号码列表中添加大未来的号码
log = ''
sss = ''
for contact in contacts[city].keys():
log += contact + contacts[city][contact] + ', '
if dfCU.shape[0] > 0:
tpl_id = 4058906 # 【甘肃大未来科技】政务新媒体监测预警:#dateStart#至#dateEnd#,监测#city#政务新媒体账号#count#个,有#uq#个账号#problem#,未发现涉及敏感的错误内容。具体名单发至相关工作人员,请予以关注。
tpl_value = {'#dateStart#': dDate['dateStart'], '#dateEnd#': dDate['dateEnd'], '#city#': city,
'#count#': cc,
'#uq#': dfCU.shape[0], '#problem#': '未更新', }
sss = '【甘肃大未来科技】政务新媒体监测预警:' + dDate['dateStart'] + '' + dDate[
'dateEnd'] + '' + city + '被监测的' + str(cc) + '个政务新媒体账号中,有' \
+ str(dfCU.shape[0]) + '个账号' + '未更新' + ',未发现涉及敏感的错误内容。具体名单发至相关工作人员,请予以关注。'
if not TEST:
sss = tpl_send_sms(sms_host, port, sms_tpl_send_uri, apikey, tpl_id, tpl_value,
tpl_id = 4348890 # 【甘肃大未来科技】#dateStart#至#dateEnd#,监测#city#政务新媒体账号#amount#个,更新频次和发布内容正常。
tpl_value = {'#dateStart#': dDate['dateStart'], '#dateEnd#': dDate['dateEnd'], '#city#': city,
'#amount#': cc}
sss = '【甘肃大未来科技】政务新媒体监测预警:' + dDate['dateStart'] + '' + dDate[
'dateEnd'] + ',监测' + city + '政务新媒体账号' + str(cc) + '个,更新频次和发布内容正常。'
if not TEST:
sss = tpl_send_sms(sms_host, port, sms_tpl_send_uri, apikey, tpl_id, tpl_value,
# print(' sendSMS ', contact, contacts[city][contact], sss)
print("sendSMS:", sss)
print(" ", log[:-2])
if 1:
if city in ['陇南市']:
dfCU.loc[dfCU['区县/地方部门']=='', '区县/地方部门'] = '市直单位'
dfCU['区县/地方部门'] = dfCU['区县/地方部门'].fillna('市直单位')
# 按县区统计账号数量
dfLN = dfCU.groupby('区县/地方部门').agg({"账号名称":"count"})
# 按类型汇总账号名称
dfLNR = dfCU.groupby(['区县/地方部门','账号类型'])['账号名称'].apply(lambda x:x.str.cat(sep=', ')).reset_index()
# 统计各平台账号个数
dfLNS = dfCU.groupby(['账号类型']).agg({"账号名称":"count"})
# 构建DataFrame
#types = list(dfCU['账号类型'].unique())
types = ['微信', '新浪微博', '今日头条', '抖音短视频']
l = ['区县', '未更新数'] + types
dfw = pd.DataFrame([],columns=l)
# 暂存数据
d = dict()
# 往暂存区写入县区名称和数量
for i, r in dfLN.iterrows():
d[i] = [r[0], '', '', '', '']
#d[i] = [r[0],] + types
# 区县/地方部门 账号类型 账号名称
#0 两当县 抖音短视频 陇南两当兴化乡
#1 两当县 新浪微博 陇南两当工信和商务, 陇南市两当地震
# 往暂存区分平台写入账号名称
for i, r in dfLNR.iterrows():
sCounty = r['区县/地方部门']
sType = r['账号类型']
sAccount = r['账号名称']
print(' ', sCounty, sType, sAccount)
d[sCounty][1 + types.index(sType)]=sAccount
# 从暂存区写入DataFrame
for k in d:
print(k, d[k][0], d[k][1], d[k][2], d[k][3], d[k][4])
dfw.loc[len(dfw)] = {'区县':k,'未更新数':d[k][0],types[0]:d[k][1],types[1]:d[k][2],types[2]:d[k][3],types[3]:d[k][4]}
# 调整输出表格列顺序
#order = ['区县', '未更新数', '微信', '新浪微博', '今日头条', '抖音短视频', ]
#dfw = dfw[order]
# 增加 总计 行
if types[0] in dfLNS.index:
d0 = dfLNS.loc[types[0],'账号名称']
d0 = 0
if types[1] in dfLNS.index:
d1 = dfLNS.loc[types[1],'账号名称']
d1 = 0
if types[2] in dfLNS.index:
d2 = dfLNS.loc[types[2],'账号名称']
d2 = 0
if types[3] in dfLNS.index:
d3 = dfLNS.loc[types[3],'账号名称']
d3 = 0
dfw.loc[len(dfw)] = { '区县':'总 计', '未更新数':dfw['未更新数'].sum(),
types[0]:d0, types[1]:d1,
types[2]:d2, types[3]:d3 }
print('==-==', d0, d1, d2, d3)
# 写出, 添加标题
sFn = outPath + city + '周预警' + datetime.now().strftime('_%Y.%m.%d') + '.xlsx'
print('======== write to ', sFn)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(sFn)
dfw.to_excel(writer, index=None, startrow=1) # , header=None
ws = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
title = '政务新媒体周预警未更新账号统计表({}-{}'.format(dDate['dateStart'], dDate['dateEnd'])
ws.write_string(0, 0, title)
#if city in ['陇南市']
#if 1 # 输出excel
aa += dfCU.shape[0]
bb += cc
print('----{}----({}/{})'.format(city, dfCU.shape[0], cc))
print('----{}----({}/{})'.format('ALL', aa, bb))