(function() { var define = undefined; return (function outer(modules, cache, entry) {
if (typeof Bokeh !== "undefined") {
var _ = Bokeh._;
for (var name in modules) {
Bokeh.require.modules[name] = modules[name];
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
var exports = Bokeh.require(entry[i]);
if (_.isObject(exports.models)) {
_.extend(Bokeh, _.omit(exports, "models"));
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot find Bokeh. You have to load it prior to loading plugins.");
var _;
_ = require("underscore");
module.exports = {
LinAlg: require("./api/linalg"),
Charts: require("./api/charts"),
Plotting: require("./api/plotting"),
Document: require("./document").Document,
sprintf: require("sprintf")
_.extend(module.exports, require("./api/models"));
var $, Document, _, bar, cumsum, embed, hexcolor2rgb, is_dark, models, num2hexcolor, palettes, pie, sprintf, sum;
_ = require("underscore");
$ = require("jquery");
sprintf = require("sprintf");
Document = require("../document").Document;
embed = require("../embed");
models = require("./models");
palettes = require("../palettes/palettes");
sum = function(array) {
return array.reduce(((function(_this) {
return function(a, b) {
return a + b;
})(this)), 0);
cumsum = function(array) {
var result;
result = [];
array.reduce((function(a, b, i) {
return result[i] = a + b;
}), 0);
return result;
num2hexcolor = function(num) {
return sprintf("#%06x", num);
hexcolor2rgb = function(color) {
var b, g, r;
r = parseInt(color.substr(1, 2), 16);
g = parseInt(color.substr(3, 2), 16);
b = parseInt(color.substr(5, 2), 16);
return [r, g, b];
is_dark = function(arg) {
var b, g, l, r;
r = arg[0], g = arg[1], b = arg[2];
l = 1 - (0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b) / 255;
return l >= 0.6;
pie = function(data, opts) {
var angle_span, colors, cumulative_values, cx, cy, end_angle, end_angles, g1, g2, h1, half_angles, half_radius, hover, i, inner_radius, k, labels, normalized_values, outer_radius, palette, plot, r1, r2, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, source, start_angle, start_angles, text_angles, text_colors, text_cx, text_cy, to_cartesian, to_radians, tooltip, total_value, values, xdr, ydr;
if (opts == null) {
opts = {};
labels = [];
values = [];
for (i = k = 0, ref = Math.min(data.labels.length, data.values.length); 0 <= ref ? k < ref : k > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++k : --k) {
if (data.values[i] > 0) {
start_angle = (ref1 = opts.start_angle) != null ? ref1 : 0;
end_angle = (ref2 = opts.end_angle) != null ? ref2 : start_angle + 2 * Math.PI;
angle_span = Math.abs(end_angle - start_angle);
to_radians = function(x) {
return angle_span * x;
total_value = sum(values);
normalized_values = values.map(function(v) {
return v / total_value;
cumulative_values = cumsum(normalized_values);
end_angles = cumulative_values.map(function(v) {
return start_angle + to_radians(v);
start_angles = [start_angle].concat(end_angles.slice(0, -1));
half_angles = _.zip(start_angles, end_angles).map((function(_this) {
return function(arg) {
var end, start;
start = arg[0], end = arg[1];
return (start + end) / 2;
if (opts.center == null) {
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
} else if (_.isArray(opts.center)) {
cx = opts.center[0];
cy = opts.center[1];
} else {
cx = opts.center.x;
cy = opts.center.y;
inner_radius = (ref3 = opts.inner_radius) != null ? ref3 : 0;
outer_radius = (ref4 = opts.outer_radius) != null ? ref4 : 1;
if (_.isArray(opts.palette)) {
palette = opts.palette;
} else {
palette = palettes[(ref5 = opts.palette) != null ? ref5 : "Spectral11"].map(num2hexcolor);
colors = (function() {
var m, ref6, results;
results = [];
for (i = m = 0, ref6 = normalized_values.length; 0 <= ref6 ? m < ref6 : m > ref6; i = 0 <= ref6 ? ++m : --m) {
results.push(palette[i % palette.length]);
return results;
text_colors = colors.map(function(c) {
if (is_dark(hexcolor2rgb(c))) {
return "white";
} else {
return "black";
to_cartesian = function(r, alpha) {
return [r * Math.cos(alpha), r * Math.sin(alpha)];
half_radius = (inner_radius + outer_radius) / 2;
ref6 = _.unzip(half_angles.map((function(_this) {
return function(half_angle) {
return to_cartesian(half_radius, half_angle);
})(this))), text_cx = ref6[0], text_cy = ref6[1];
text_cx = text_cx.map(function(x) {
return x + cx;
text_cy = text_cy.map(function(y) {
return y + cy;
text_angles = half_angles.map(function(a) {
if (a >= Math.PI / 2 && a <= 3 * Math.PI / 2) {
return a + Math.PI;
} else {
return a;
source = new Bokeh.ColumnDataSource({
data: {
labels: labels,
values: values,
percentages: normalized_values.map((function(_this) {
return function(v) {
return sprintf("%.2f%%", v * 100);
start_angles: start_angles,
end_angles: end_angles,
text_angles: text_angles,
colors: colors,
text_colors: text_colors,
text_cx: text_cx,
text_cy: text_cy
g1 = new models.AnnularWedge({
x: cx,
y: cy,
inner_radius: inner_radius,
outer_radius: outer_radius,
start_angle: {
field: "start_angles"
end_angle: {
field: "end_angles"
line_color: null,
line_width: 1,
fill_color: {
field: "colors"
h1 = new models.AnnularWedge({
x: cx,
y: cy,
inner_radius: inner_radius,
outer_radius: outer_radius,
start_angle: {
field: "start_angles"
end_angle: {
field: "end_angles"
line_color: null,
line_width: 1,
fill_color: {
field: "colors"
fill_alpha: 0.8
r1 = new models.GlyphRenderer({
data_source: source,
glyph: g1,
hover_glyph: h1
g2 = new models.Text({
x: {
field: "text_cx"
y: {
field: "text_cy"
text: {
field: (ref7 = opts.slice_labels) != null ? ref7 : "labels"
angle: {
field: "text_angles"
text_align: "center",
text_baseline: "middle",
text_color: {
field: "text_colors"
text_font_size: "9pt"
r2 = new models.GlyphRenderer({
data_source: source,
glyph: g2
xdr = new models.DataRange1d({
renderers: [r1],
range_padding: 0.2
ydr = new models.DataRange1d({
renderers: [r1],
range_padding: 0.2
plot = new models.Plot({
x_range: xdr,
y_range: ydr
if (opts.width != null) {
plot.plot_width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
plot.plot_height = opts.height;
plot.add_renderers(r1, r2);
tooltip = "
@values (@percentages)
hover = new models.HoverTool({
renderers: [r1],
tooltips: tooltip
return plot;
bar = function(data, opts) {
var anchor, attachment, bottom, column_names, columns, dy, g1, hover, i, j, k, label, labels, left, len, len1, len2, len3, len4, m, n, name, o, orientation, p, palette, plot, q, r, r1, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, renderers, right, row, rows, s, source, stacked, tooltip, top, v, xaxis, xdr, xformatter, yaxis, ydr;
if (opts == null) {
opts = {};
column_names = data[0];
rows = data.slice(1);
columns = (function() {
var k, len, results;
results = [];
for (k = 0, len = column_names.length; k < len; k++) {
name = column_names[k];
return results;
for (k = 0, len = rows.length; k < len; k++) {
row = rows[k];
for (i = m = 0, len1 = row.length; m < len1; i = ++m) {
v = row[i];
labels = _.map(columns[0], function(v) {
return v.toString();
columns = columns.slice(1);
yaxis = new models.CategoricalAxis();
ydr = new models.FactorRange({
factors: labels
if (opts.axis_number_format != null) {
xformatter = new models.NumeralTickFormatter({
format: opts.axis_number_format
} else {
xformatter = new models.BasicTickFormatter();
xaxis = new models.LinearAxis({
formatter: xformatter
xdr = new models.DataRange1d({
start: 0
if (_.isArray(opts.palette)) {
palette = opts.palette;
} else {
palette = palettes[(ref = opts.palette) != null ? ref : "Spectral11"].map(num2hexcolor);
stacked = (ref1 = opts.stacked) != null ? ref1 : false;
orientation = (ref2 = opts.orientation) != null ? ref2 : "horizontal";
renderers = [];
if (stacked) {
left = [];
right = [];
for (i = n = 0, ref3 = columns.length; 0 <= ref3 ? n < ref3 : n > ref3; i = 0 <= ref3 ? ++n : --n) {
bottom = [];
top = [];
for (j = o = 0, len2 = labels.length; o < len2; j = ++o) {
label = labels[j];
if (i === 0) {
} else {
left[j] += columns[i - 1][j];
right[j] += columns[i][j];
bottom.push(label + ":0");
top.push(label + ":1");
source = new Bokeh.ColumnDataSource({
data: {
left: _.clone(left),
right: _.clone(right),
top: top,
bottom: bottom,
labels: labels,
values: columns[i],
columns: (function() {
var len3, p, ref4, results;
ref4 = columns[i];
results = [];
for (p = 0, len3 = ref4.length; p < len3; p++) {
v = ref4[p];
results.push(column_names[i + 1]);
return results;
g1 = new models.Quad({
left: {
field: "left"
bottom: {
field: "bottom"
right: {
field: "right"
top: {
field: "top"
line_color: null,
fill_color: palette[i % palette.length]
r1 = new models.GlyphRenderer({
data_source: source,
glyph: g1
} else {
dy = 1 / columns.length;
for (i = p = 0, ref4 = columns.length; 0 <= ref4 ? p < ref4 : p > ref4; i = 0 <= ref4 ? ++p : --p) {
left = [];
right = [];
bottom = [];
top = [];
for (j = q = 0, len3 = labels.length; q < len3; j = ++q) {
label = labels[j];
bottom.push(label + ":" + (i * dy));
top.push(label + ":" + ((i + 1) * dy));
source = new Bokeh.ColumnDataSource({
data: {
left: left,
right: right,
top: top,
bottom: bottom,
labels: labels,
values: columns[i],
columns: (function() {
var len4, ref5, results, s;
ref5 = columns[i];
results = [];
for (s = 0, len4 = ref5.length; s < len4; s++) {
v = ref5[s];
results.push(column_names[i + 1]);
return results;
g1 = new models.Quad({
left: {
field: "left"
bottom: {
field: "bottom"
right: {
field: "right"
top: {
field: "top"
line_color: null,
fill_color: palette[i % palette.length]
r1 = new models.GlyphRenderer({
data_source: source,
glyph: g1
if (orientation === "vertical") {
ref5 = [ydr, xdr], xdr = ref5[0], ydr = ref5[1];
ref6 = [yaxis, xaxis], xaxis = ref6[0], yaxis = ref6[1];
for (s = 0, len4 = renderers.length; s < len4; s++) {
r = renderers[s];
data = r.data_source.data;
ref7 = [data.bottom, data.left], data.left = ref7[0], data.bottom = ref7[1];
ref8 = [data.top, data.right], data.right = ref8[0], data.top = ref8[1];
plot = new models.Plot({
x_range: xdr,
y_range: ydr
if (opts.width != null) {
plot.plot_width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
plot.plot_height = opts.height;
plot.add_renderers.apply(plot, renderers);
plot.add_layout(yaxis, "left");
plot.add_layout(xaxis, "below");
tooltip = "@labels
@columns: @values
if (orientation === "horizontal") {
anchor = "right_center";
attachment = "horizontal";
} else {
anchor = "top_center";
attachment = "vertical";
hover = new models.HoverTool({
renderers: renderers,
tooltips: tooltip,
point_policy: "snap_to_data",
anchor: anchor,
attachment: attachment,
show_arrow: opts.show_arrow
return plot;
module.exports = {
pie: pie,
bar: bar
"use strict";
function transpose(array) {
var rows = array.length;
var cols = array[0].length;
var transposed = [];
for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
transposed[j] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
transposed[j][i] = array[i][j];
return transposed;
exports.transpose = transpose;
function linspace(start, stop, num) {
if (num === void 0) { num = 100; }
var step = (stop - start) / (num - 1);
var array = new Array(num);
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
array[i] = start + step * i;
return array;
exports.linspace = linspace;
function arange(start, stop, step) {
if (step === void 0) { step = 1; }
var num = Math.ceil((stop - start) / step);
var array = new Array(num);
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
array[i] = start + step * i;
return array;
exports.arange = arange;
module.exports = {
Arrow: require("../models/annotations/arrow").Model,
OpenHead: require("../models/annotations/arrow_head").OpenHead,
NormalHead: require("../models/annotations/arrow_head").NormalHead,
VeeHead: require("../models/annotations/arrow_head").VeeHead,
BoxAnnotation: require("../models/annotations/box_annotation").Model,
ColorBar: require("../models/annotations/color_bar").Model,
Label: require("../models/annotations/label").Model,
LabelSet: require("../models/annotations/label_set").Model,
Legend: require("../models/annotations/legend").Model,
PolyAnnotation: require("../models/annotations/poly_annotation").Model,
Span: require("../models/annotations/span").Model,
Title: require("../models/annotations/title").Model,
Tooltip: require("../models/annotations/tooltip").Model,
Axis: require("../models/axes/axis").Model,
ContinuousAxis: require("../models/axes/continuous_axis").Model,
LinearAxis: require("../models/axes/linear_axis").Model,
LogAxis: require("../models/axes/log_axis").Model,
CategoricalAxis: require("../models/axes/categorical_axis").Model,
DatetimeAxis: require("../models/axes/datetime_axis").Model,
OpenURL: require("../models/callbacks/open_url").Model,
CustomJS: require("../models/callbacks/customjs").Model,
TickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/tick_formatter").Model,
BasicTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/basic_tick_formatter").Model,
LogTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/basic_tick_formatter").Model,
CategoricalTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/categorical_tick_formatter").Model,
DatetimeTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/datetime_tick_formatter").Model,
FuncTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/func_tick_formatter").Model,
NumeralTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/numeral_tick_formatter").Model,
PrintfTickFormatter: require("../models/formatters/printf_tick_formatter").Model,
Glyph: require("../models/glyphs/glyph").Model,
AnnularWedge: require("../models/glyphs/annular_wedge").Model,
Annulus: require("../models/glyphs/annulus").Model,
Arc: require("../models/glyphs/arc").Model,
Bezier: require("../models/glyphs/bezier").Model,
Circle: require("../models/glyphs/circle").Model,
Ellipse: require("../models/glyphs/ellipse").Model,
ImageRGBA: require("../models/glyphs/image_rgba").Model,
Image: require("../models/glyphs/image").Model,
ImageURL: require("../models/glyphs/image_url").Model,
Line: require("../models/glyphs/line").Model,
MultiLine: require("../models/glyphs/multi_line").Model,
Oval: require("../models/glyphs/oval").Model,
Patch: require("../models/glyphs/patch").Model,
Patches: require("../models/glyphs/patches").Model,
Quad: require("../models/glyphs/quad").Model,
Quadratic: require("../models/glyphs/quadratic").Model,
Ray: require("../models/glyphs/ray").Model,
Rect: require("../models/glyphs/rect").Model,
Segment: require("../models/glyphs/segment").Model,
Text: require("../models/glyphs/text").Model,
Wedge: require("../models/glyphs/wedge").Model,
Gear: require("../models/glyphs/gear").Model,
Grid: require("../models/grids/grid").Model,
ImageSource: require("../models/tiles/image_source").Model,
LayoutDOM: require("../models/layouts/layout_dom").Model,
Row: require("../models/layouts/row").Model,
Column: require("../models/layouts/column").Model,
Spacer: require("../models/layouts/spacer").Model,
WidgetBox: require("../models/layouts/widget_box").Model,
GMapPlot: require("../models/plots/gmap_plot").Model,
LinearColorMapper: require("../models/mappers/linear_color_mapper").Model,
markers: [require('../models/markers/index')],
Model: require("../model").Model,
Plot: require("../models/plots/plot").Model,
Range: require("../models/ranges/range").Model,
Range1d: require("../models/ranges/range1d").Model,
DataRange: require("../models/ranges/data_range").Model,
DataRange1d: require("../models/ranges/data_range1d").Model,
FactorRange: require("../models/ranges/factor_range").Model,
Renderer: require("../models/renderers/renderer").Model,
TileRenderer: require("../models/tiles/tile_renderer").Model,
DynamicImageRenderer: require("../models/tiles/dynamic_image_renderer").Model,
GlyphRenderer: require("../models/renderers/glyph_renderer").Model,
GuideRenderer: require("../models/renderers/guide_renderer").Model,
DataSource: require("../models/sources/data_source").Model,
ColumnDataSource: require("../models/sources/column_data_source").Model,
AjaxDataSource: require("../models/sources/ajax_data_source").Model,
Ticker: require("../models/tickers/ticker").Model,
ContinuousTicker: require("../models/tickers/continuous_ticker").Model,
FixedTicker: require("../models/tickers/fixed_ticker").Model,
AdaptiveTicker: require("../models/tickers/adaptive_ticker").Model,
CompositeTicker: require("../models/tickers/composite_ticker").Model,
SingleIntervalTicker: require("../models/tickers/single_interval_ticker").Model,
DaysTicker: require("../models/tickers/days_ticker").Model,
MonthsTicker: require("../models/tickers/months_ticker").Model,
YearsTicker: require("../models/tickers/years_ticker").Model,
BasicTicker: require("../models/tickers/basic_ticker").Model,
LogTicker: require("../models/tickers/log_ticker").Model,
CategoricalTicker: require("../models/tickers/categorical_ticker").Model,
DatetimeTicker: require("../models/tickers/datetime_ticker").Model,
TileSource: require("../models/tiles/tile_source").Model,
MercatorTileSource: require("../models/tiles/mercator_tile_source").Model,
TMSTileSource: require("../models/tiles/tms_tile_source").Model,
WMTSTileSource: require("../models/tiles/wmts_tile_source").Model,
QUADKEYTileSource: require("../models/tiles/quadkey_tile_source").Model,
BBoxTileSource: require("../models/tiles/bbox_tile_source").Model,
ToolbarBase: require("../models/tools/toolbar_base").Model,
Toolbar: require("../models/tools/toolbar").Model,
ToolbarBox: require("../models/tools/toolbar_box").Model,
ToolEvents: require("../common/tool_events").Model,
Tool: require("../models/tools/tool").Model,
PanTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/pan_tool").Model,
WheelZoomTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/wheel_zoom_tool").Model,
SaveTool: require("../models/tools/actions/save_tool").Model,
UndoTool: require("../models/tools/actions/undo_tool").Model,
RedoTool: require("../models/tools/actions/redo_tool").Model,
ResetTool: require("../models/tools/actions/reset_tool").Model,
ResizeTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/resize_tool").Model,
CrosshairTool: require("../models/tools/inspectors/crosshair_tool").Model,
BoxZoomTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/box_zoom_tool").Model,
BoxSelectTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/box_select_tool").Model,
LassoSelectTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/lasso_select_tool").Model,
PolySelectTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/poly_select_tool").Model,
TapTool: require("../models/tools/gestures/tap_tool").Model,
HoverTool: require("../models/tools/inspectors/hover_tool").Model,
HelpTool: require("../models/tools/actions/help_tool").Model
var $, BOKEH_ROOT, Document, Figure, _, _default_tools, _default_tooltips, _known_tools, _with_default, color, embed, figure, gridplot, models, show, sprintf,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
slice = [].slice;
_ = require("underscore");
$ = require("jquery");
sprintf = require("sprintf");
Document = require("../document").Document;
embed = require("../embed");
BOKEH_ROOT = require("../embed").BOKEH_ROOT;
models = require("./models");
_default_tooltips = [["index", "$index"], ["data (x, y)", "($x, $y)"], ["canvas (x, y)", "($sx, $sy)"]];
_default_tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,save,reset,help";
_known_tools = {
pan: function(plot) {
return new models.PanTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ["width", "height"]
xpan: function(plot) {
return new models.PanTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ["width"]
ypan: function(plot) {
return new models.PanTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ["height"]
wheel_zoom: function(plot) {
return new models.WheelZoomTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ["width", "height"]
xwheel_zoom: function(plot) {
return new models.WheelZoomTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ["width"]
ywheel_zoom: function(plot) {
return new models.WheelZoomTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ["height"]
resize: function(plot) {
return new models.ResizeTool({
plot: plot
click: function(plot) {
return new models.TapTool({
plot: plot,
behavior: "inspect"
tap: function(plot) {
return new models.TapTool({
plot: plot
crosshair: function(plot) {
return new models.CrosshairTool({
plot: plot
box_select: function(plot) {
return new models.BoxSelectTool({
plot: plot
xbox_select: function(plot) {
return new models.BoxSelectTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ['width']
ybox_select: function(plot) {
return new models.BoxSelectTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ['height']
poly_select: function(plot) {
return new models.PolySelectTool({
plot: plot
lasso_select: function(plot) {
return new models.LassoSelectTool({
plot: plot
box_zoom: function(plot) {
return new models.BoxZoomTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ['width', 'height']
xbox_zoom: function(plot) {
return new models.BoxZoomTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ['width']
ybox_zoom: function(plot) {
return new models.BoxZoomTool({
plot: plot,
dimensions: ['height']
hover: function(plot) {
return new models.HoverTool({
plot: plot,
tooltips: _default_tooltips
save: function(plot) {
return new models.SaveTool({
plot: plot
previewsave: function(plot) {
return new models.SaveTool({
plot: plot
undo: function(plot) {
return new models.UndoTool({
plot: plot
redo: function(plot) {
return new models.RedoTool({
plot: plot
reset: function(plot) {
return new models.ResetTool({
plot: plot
help: function(plot) {
return new models.HelpTool({
plot: plot
_with_default = function(value, default_value) {
if (value === void 0) {
return default_value;
} else {
return value;
Figure = (function(superClass) {
extend(Figure, superClass);
function Figure(attributes, options) {
var attrs, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, tools, x_axis_label, x_axis_location, x_axis_type, x_minor_ticks, y_axis_label, y_axis_location, y_axis_type, y_minor_ticks;
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = {};
if (options == null) {
options = {};
attrs = _.clone(attributes);
tools = _with_default(attrs.tools, _default_tools);
delete attrs.tools;
attrs.x_range = this._get_range(attrs.x_range);
attrs.y_range = this._get_range(attrs.y_range);
x_axis_type = _.isUndefined(attrs.x_axis_type) ? "auto" : attrs.x_axis_type;
y_axis_type = _.isUndefined(attrs.y_axis_type) ? "auto" : attrs.y_axis_type;
delete attrs.x_axis_type;
delete attrs.y_axis_type;
x_minor_ticks = (ref = attrs.x_minor_ticks) != null ? ref : "auto";
y_minor_ticks = (ref1 = attrs.y_minor_ticks) != null ? ref1 : "auto";
delete attrs.x_minor_ticks;
delete attrs.y_minor_ticks;
x_axis_location = (ref2 = attrs.x_axis_location) != null ? ref2 : "below";
y_axis_location = (ref3 = attrs.y_axis_location) != null ? ref3 : "left";
delete attrs.x_axis_location;
delete attrs.y_axis_location;
x_axis_label = (ref4 = attrs.x_axis_label) != null ? ref4 : "";
y_axis_label = (ref5 = attrs.y_axis_label) != null ? ref5 : "";
delete attrs.x_axis_label;
delete attrs.y_axis_label;
if (!_.isUndefined(attrs.width)) {
if (_.isUndefined(attrs.plot_width)) {
attrs.plot_width = attrs.width;
} else {
throw new Error("both 'width' and 'plot_width' can't be given at the same time");
delete attrs.width;
if (!_.isUndefined(attrs.height)) {
if (_.isUndefined(attrs.plot_height)) {
attrs.plot_height = attrs.height;
} else {
throw new Error("both 'height' and 'plot_height' can't be given at the same time");
delete attrs.height;
Figure.__super__.constructor.call(this, attrs, options);
this._process_guides(0, x_axis_type, x_axis_location, x_minor_ticks, x_axis_label);
this._process_guides(1, y_axis_type, y_axis_location, y_minor_ticks, y_axis_label);
this.add_tools.apply(this, this._process_tools(tools));
this._legend = new models.Legend({
plot: this
Object.defineProperty(Figure.prototype, "xgrid", {
get: function() {
return this.renderers.filter(function(r) {
return r instanceof models.Grid && r.dimension === 0;
Object.defineProperty(Figure.prototype, "ygrid", {
get: function() {
return this.renderers.filter(function(r) {
return r instanceof models.Grid && r.dimension === 1;
Object.defineProperty(Figure.prototype, "xaxis", {
get: function() {
return this.below.concat(this.above).filter(function(r) {
return r instanceof models.Axis;
Object.defineProperty(Figure.prototype, "yaxis", {
get: function() {
return this.left.concat(this.right).filter(function(r) {
return r instanceof models.Axis;
Figure.prototype.annular_wedge = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.AnnularWedge, "x,y,inner_radius,outer_radius,start_angle,end_angle", args);
Figure.prototype.annulus = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Annulus, "x,y,inner_radius,outer_radius", args);
Figure.prototype.arc = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Arc, "x,y,radius,start_angle,end_angle", args);
Figure.prototype.bezier = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Bezier, "x0,y0,x1,y1,cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1", args);
Figure.prototype.ellipse = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Ellipse, "x,y,width,height", args);
Figure.prototype.gear = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Gear, "x,y,module,teeth", args);
Figure.prototype.image = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Image, "color_mapper,image,rows,cols,x,y,dw,dh", args);
Figure.prototype.image_rgba = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.ImageRGBA, "image,rows,cols,x,y,dw,dh", args);
Figure.prototype.image_url = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.ImageURL, "url,x,y,w,h", args);
Figure.prototype.line = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Line, "x,y", args);
Figure.prototype.multi_line = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.MultiLine, "xs,ys", args);
Figure.prototype.oval = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Oval, "x,y,width,height", args);
Figure.prototype.patch = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Patch, "x,y", args);
Figure.prototype.patches = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Patches, "xs,ys", args);
Figure.prototype.quad = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Quad, "left,right,bottom,top", args);
Figure.prototype.quadratic = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Quadratic, "x0,y0,x1,y1,cx,cy", args);
Figure.prototype.ray = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Ray, "x,y,length", args);
Figure.prototype.rect = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Rect, "x,y,width,height", args);
Figure.prototype.segment = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Segment, "x0,y0,x1,y1", args);
Figure.prototype.text = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Text, "x,y,text", args);
Figure.prototype.wedge = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._glyph(models.Wedge, "x,y,radius,start_angle,end_angle", args);
Figure.prototype.asterisk = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.Asterisk, args);
Figure.prototype.circle = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.Circle, args);
Figure.prototype.circle_cross = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.CircleCross, args);
Figure.prototype.circle_x = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.CircleX, args);
Figure.prototype.cross = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.Cross, args);
Figure.prototype.diamond = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.Diamond, args);
Figure.prototype.diamond_cross = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.DiamondCross, args);
Figure.prototype.inverted_triangle = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.InvertedTriangle, args);
Figure.prototype.square = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.Square, args);
Figure.prototype.square_cross = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.SquareCross, args);
Figure.prototype.square_x = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.SquareX, args);
Figure.prototype.triangle = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.Triangle, args);
Figure.prototype.x = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this._marker(models.X, args);
Figure.prototype._vectorable = ["fill_color", "fill_alpha", "line_color", "line_alpha", "line_width", "text_color", "text_alpha", "text_font_size"];
Figure.prototype._default_color = "#1f77b4";
Figure.prototype._default_alpha = 1.0;
Figure.prototype._pop_colors_and_alpha = function(cls, attrs, prefix, default_color, default_alpha) {
var _update_with, alpha, color, result;
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "";
if (default_color == null) {
default_color = this._default_color;
if (default_alpha == null) {
default_alpha = this._default_alpha;
result = {};
color = _with_default(attrs[prefix + "color"], default_color);
alpha = _with_default(attrs[prefix + "alpha"], default_alpha);
delete attrs[prefix + "color"];
delete attrs[prefix + "alpha"];
_update_with = function(name, default_value) {
if (cls.prototype.props[name] != null) {
result[name] = _with_default(attrs[prefix + name], default_value);
return delete attrs[prefix + name];
_update_with("fill_color", color);
_update_with("line_color", color);
_update_with("text_color", "black");
_update_with("fill_alpha", alpha);
_update_with("line_alpha", alpha);
_update_with("text_alpha", alpha);
return result;
Figure.prototype._find_uniq_name = function(data, name) {
var i, new_name;
i = 1;
while (true) {
new_name = name + "__" + i;
if (data[new_name] != null) {
i += 1;
} else {
return new_name;
Figure.prototype._fixup_values = function(cls, data, attrs) {
var name, results, value;
results = [];
for (name in attrs) {
value = attrs[name];
results.push((function(_this) {
return function(name, value) {
var field, prop;
prop = cls.prototype.props[name];
if (prop != null) {
if (prop.type.prototype.dataspec) {
if (value != null) {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
if (data[name] != null) {
if (data[name] !== value) {
field = _this._find_uniq_name(data, name);
data[field] = value;
} else {
field = name;
} else {
field = name;
data[field] = value;
return attrs[name] = {
field: field
} else if (_.isNumber(value) || _.isString(value)) {
return attrs[name] = {
value: value
})(this)(name, value));
return results;
Figure.prototype._glyph = function(cls, params, args) {
var _make_glyph, attrs, data, fn, glyph, glyph_ca, glyph_renderer, has_hglyph, has_sglyph, hglyph, hglyph_ca, i, j, k, legend, len, nsglyph, nsglyph_ca, opts, param, ref, ref1, sglyph, sglyph_ca, source;
params = params.split(",");
if (args.length === 1) {
attrs = args[0];
attrs = _.clone(attrs);
} else {
ref = args, args = 2 <= ref.length ? slice.call(ref, 0, j = ref.length - 1) : (j = 0, []), opts = ref[j++];
attrs = _.clone(opts);
fn = function(param, i) {
return attrs[param] = args[i];
for (i = k = 0, len = params.length; k < len; i = ++k) {
param = params[i];
fn(param, i);
legend = attrs.legend;
delete attrs.legend;
has_sglyph = _.any(_.keys(attrs), function(key) {
return key.startsWith("selection_");
has_hglyph = _.any(_.keys(attrs), function(key) {
return key.startsWith("hover_");
glyph_ca = this._pop_colors_and_alpha(cls, attrs);
nsglyph_ca = this._pop_colors_and_alpha(cls, attrs, "nonselection_", void 0, 0.1);
sglyph_ca = has_sglyph ? this._pop_colors_and_alpha(cls, attrs, "selection_") : {};
hglyph_ca = has_hglyph ? this._pop_colors_and_alpha(cls, attrs, "hover_") : {};
source = (ref1 = attrs.source) != null ? ref1 : new models.ColumnDataSource();
data = _.clone(source.data);
delete attrs.source;
this._fixup_values(cls, data, glyph_ca);
this._fixup_values(cls, data, nsglyph_ca);
this._fixup_values(cls, data, sglyph_ca);
this._fixup_values(cls, data, hglyph_ca);
this._fixup_values(cls, data, attrs);
source.data = data;
_make_glyph = (function(_this) {
return function(cls, attrs, extra_attrs) {
return new cls(_.extend({}, attrs, extra_attrs));
glyph = _make_glyph(cls, attrs, glyph_ca);
nsglyph = _make_glyph(cls, attrs, nsglyph_ca);
sglyph = has_sglyph ? _make_glyph(cls, attrs, sglyph_ca) : null;
hglyph = has_hglyph ? _make_glyph(cls, attrs, hglyph_ca) : null;
glyph_renderer = new models.GlyphRenderer({
data_source: source,
glyph: glyph,
nonselection_glyph: nsglyph,
selection_glyph: sglyph,
hover_glyph: hglyph
if (legend != null) {
this._update_legend(legend, glyph_renderer);
return glyph_renderer;
Figure.prototype._marker = function(cls, args) {
return this._glyph(cls, "x,y", args);
Figure.prototype._get_range = function(range) {
if (range == null) {
return new models.DataRange1d();
if (range instanceof models.Range) {
return range;
if (_.isArray(range)) {
if (_.all(function(x) {
var j, len, results;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = range.length; j < len; j++) {
x = range[j];
return results;
})) {
return new models.FactorRange({
factors: range
if (range.length === 2) {
return new models.Range1d({
start: range[0],
end: range[1]
Figure.prototype._process_guides = function(dim, axis_type, axis_location, minor_ticks, axis_label) {
var axis, axiscls, grid, range;
range = dim === 0 ? this.x_range : this.y_range;
axiscls = this._get_axis_class(axis_type, range);
if (axiscls != null) {
if (axiscls === models.LogAxis) {
if (dim === 0) {
this.x_mapper_type = 'log';
} else {
this.y_mapper_type = 'log';
axis = new axiscls();
if (axis.ticker instanceof models.ContinuousTicker) {
axis.ticker.num_minor_ticks = this._get_num_minor_ticks(axiscls, minor_ticks);
if (axis_label.length !== 0) {
axis.axis_label = axis_label;
grid = new models.Grid({
dimension: dim,
ticker: axis.ticker
this.add_layout(axis, axis_location);
return this.add_layout(grid);
Figure.prototype._get_axis_class = function(axis_type, range) {
if (axis_type == null) {
return null;
if (axis_type === "linear") {
return models.LinearAxis;
if (axis_type === "log") {
return models.LogAxis;
if (axis_type === "datetime") {
return models.DatetimeAxis;
if (axis_type === "auto") {
if (range instanceof models.FactorRange) {
return models.CategoricalAxis;
} else {
return models.LinearAxis;
Figure.prototype._get_num_minor_ticks = function(axis_class, num_minor_ticks) {
if (_.isNumber(num_minor_ticks)) {
if (num_minor_ticks <= 1) {
throw new Error("num_minor_ticks must be > 1");
return num_minor_ticks;
if (num_minor_ticks == null) {
return 0;
if (num_minor_ticks === 'auto') {
if (axis_class === models.LogAxis) {
return 10;
return 5;
Figure.prototype._process_tools = function(tools) {
var objs, tool;
if (_.isString(tools)) {
tools = tools.split(/\s*,\s*/);
objs = (function() {
var j, len, results;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = tools.length; j < len; j++) {
tool = tools[j];
if (_.isString(tool)) {
} else {
return results;
return objs;
Figure.prototype._update_legend = function(legend_name, glyph_renderer) {
var j, legends, len, name, ref, renderers;
legends = _.clone(this._legend.legends);
for (j = 0, len = legends.length; j < len; j++) {
ref = legends[j], name = ref[0], renderers = ref[1];
if (name === legend_name) {
this._legend.legends = legends;
legends.push([legend_name, [glyph_renderer]]);
return this._legend.legends = legends;
return Figure;
figure = function(attributes, options) {
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = {};
if (options == null) {
options = {};
return new Figure(attributes, options);
show = function(obj, target) {
var _obj, div, doc, j, len, multiple, views;
multiple = _.isArray(obj);
doc = new Document();
if (!multiple) {
} else {
for (j = 0, len = obj.length; j < len; j++) {
_obj = obj[j];
div = $("");
$(target != null ? target : "body").append(div);
views = embed.add_document_standalone(doc, div);
if (!multiple) {
return views[obj.id];
} else {
return views;
color = function(r, g, b) {
return sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);
gridplot = function(children, options) {
var grid, item, j, k, l, layout, len, len1, len2, neighbor, row, row_children, row_tools, rows, sizing_mode, toolbar, toolbar_location, toolbar_sizing_mode, tools;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
toolbar_location = _.isUndefined(options.toolbar_location) ? 'above' : options.toolbar_location;
sizing_mode = _.isUndefined(options.sizing_mode) ? 'fixed' : options.sizing_mode;
toolbar_sizing_mode = options.sizing_mode === 'fixed' ? 'scale_width' : sizing_mode;
tools = [];
rows = [];
for (j = 0, len = children.length; j < len; j++) {
row = children[j];
row_tools = [];
row_children = [];
for (k = 0, len1 = row.length; k < len1; k++) {
item = row[k];
if (item instanceof models.Plot) {
row_tools = row_tools.concat(item.toolbar.tools);
item.toolbar_location = null;
if (item === null) {
for (l = 0, len2 = row.length; l < len2; l++) {
neighbor = row[l];
if (neighbor instanceof models.Plot) {
item = new models.Spacer({
width: neighbor.plot_width,
height: neighbor.plot_height
if (item instanceof models.LayoutDOM) {
item.sizing_mode = sizing_mode;
} else {
throw new Error("only LayoutDOM items can be inserted into Grid");
tools = tools.concat(row_tools);
row = new models.Row({
children: row_children,
sizing_mode: sizing_mode
grid = new models.Column({
children: rows,
sizing_mode: sizing_mode
layout = (function() {
if (toolbar_location) {
toolbar = new models.ToolbarBox({
tools: tools,
sizing_mode: toolbar_sizing_mode,
toolbar_location: toolbar_location
switch (toolbar_location) {
case 'above':
return new models.Column({
children: [toolbar, grid],
sizing_mode: sizing_mode
case 'below':
return new models.Column({
children: [grid, toolbar],
sizing_mode: sizing_mode
case 'left':
return new models.Row({
children: [toolbar, grid],
sizing_mode: sizing_mode
case 'right':
return new models.Row({
children: [grid, toolbar],
sizing_mode: sizing_mode
} else {
return grid;
return layout;
module.exports = {
Figure: Figure,
figure: figure,
show: show,
color: color,
gridplot: gridplot
Copyright (c) 2012, Continuum Analytics, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of Continuum Analytics nor the names of any contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
//# sourceMappingURL=bokeh-api.js.map