891 lines
28 KiB
891 lines
28 KiB
var $, ColumnDataSource, DEFAULT_TITLE, Document, DocumentChangedEvent, EQ, HasProps, ModelChangedEvent, Models, MultiDict, RootAddedEvent, RootRemovedEvent, Set, Solver, TitleChangedEvent, Variable, _, is_ref, js_version, logger, ref1, ref2,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
_ = require("underscore");
$ = require("jquery");
Models = require("./base").Models;
js_version = require("./version");
ref1 = require("./core/layout/solver"), EQ = ref1.EQ, Solver = ref1.Solver, Variable = ref1.Variable;
logger = require("./core/logging").logger;
HasProps = require("./core/has_props");
is_ref = require("./core/util/refs").is_ref;
ref2 = require("./core/util/data_structures"), MultiDict = ref2.MultiDict, Set = ref2.Set;
ColumnDataSource = require("./models/sources/column_data_source");
DocumentChangedEvent = (function() {
function DocumentChangedEvent(document) {
this.document = document;
return DocumentChangedEvent;
ModelChangedEvent = (function(superClass) {
extend(ModelChangedEvent, superClass);
function ModelChangedEvent(document, model1, attr1, old1, new_1) {
this.document = document;
this.model = model1;
this.attr = attr1;
this.old = old1;
this.new_ = new_1;
ModelChangedEvent.__super__.constructor.call(this, this.document);
ModelChangedEvent.prototype.json = function(references) {
var id, value, value_json, value_refs;
if (this.attr === 'id') {
console.log("'id' field is immutable and should never be in a ModelChangedEvent ", this);
throw new Error("'id' field should never change, whatever code just set it is wrong");
value = this.new_;
value_json = HasProps._value_to_json('new_', value, this.model);
value_refs = {};
HasProps._value_record_references(value, value_refs, true);
if (this.model.id in value_refs && this.model !== value) {
delete value_refs[this.model.id];
for (id in value_refs) {
references[id] = value_refs[id];
return {
'kind': 'ModelChanged',
'model': this.model.ref(),
'attr': this.attr,
'new': value_json
return ModelChangedEvent;
TitleChangedEvent = (function(superClass) {
extend(TitleChangedEvent, superClass);
function TitleChangedEvent(document, title1) {
this.document = document;
this.title = title1;
TitleChangedEvent.__super__.constructor.call(this, this.document);
TitleChangedEvent.prototype.json = function(references) {
return {
'kind': 'TitleChanged',
'title': this.title
return TitleChangedEvent;
RootAddedEvent = (function(superClass) {
extend(RootAddedEvent, superClass);
function RootAddedEvent(document, model1) {
this.document = document;
this.model = model1;
RootAddedEvent.__super__.constructor.call(this, this.document);
RootAddedEvent.prototype.json = function(references) {
HasProps._value_record_references(this.model, references, true);
return {
'kind': 'RootAdded',
'model': this.model.ref()
return RootAddedEvent;
RootRemovedEvent = (function(superClass) {
extend(RootRemovedEvent, superClass);
function RootRemovedEvent(document, model1) {
this.document = document;
this.model = model1;
RootRemovedEvent.__super__.constructor.call(this, this.document);
RootRemovedEvent.prototype.json = function(references) {
return {
'kind': 'RootRemoved',
'model': this.model.ref()
return RootRemovedEvent;
DEFAULT_TITLE = "Bokeh Application";
Document = (function() {
function Document() {
this._title = DEFAULT_TITLE;
this._roots = [];
this._all_models = {};
this._all_models_by_name = new MultiDict();
this._all_models_freeze_count = 0;
this._callbacks = [];
this._doc_width = new Variable("document_width");
this._doc_height = new Variable("document_height");
this._solver = new Solver();
$(window).on("resize", $.proxy(this.resize, this));
Document.prototype._init_solver = function() {
var j, len, model, ref3, results;
ref3 = this._roots;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
model = ref3[j];
if (model.layoutable) {
} else {
results.push(void 0);
return results;
Document.prototype.solver = function() {
return this._solver;
Document.prototype.resize = function() {
return this._resize();
Document.prototype._resize = function() {
var height, j, len, measuring, ref3, root, root_div, target_height, vars, width;
ref3 = this._roots;
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
root = ref3[j];
if (root.layoutable !== true) {
vars = root.get_constrained_variables();
if ((vars.width == null) && (vars.height == null)) {
root_div = $("#modelid_" + root.id);
target_height = 0;
measuring = root_div;
while (target_height === 0) {
measuring = measuring.parent();
target_height = measuring.height();
width = measuring.width();
height = target_height;
if (vars.width != null) {
logger.debug("Suggest width on Document -- " + width);
this._solver.suggest_value(this._doc_width, width);
if (vars.height != null) {
logger.debug("Suggest height on Document -- " + height);
this._solver.suggest_value(this._doc_height, height);
return this._solver.trigger('resize');
Document.prototype.clear = function() {
var results;
try {
results = [];
while (this._roots.length > 0) {
return results;
} finally {
Document.prototype._destructively_move = function(dest_doc) {
var j, l, len, len1, r, roots;
if (dest_doc === this) {
throw new Error("Attempted to overwrite a document with itself");
roots = [];
try {
while (this._roots.length > 0) {
} finally {
for (j = 0, len = roots.length; j < len; j++) {
r = roots[j];
if (r.document !== null) {
throw new Error("Somehow we didn't detach " + r);
if (_all_models.length !== 0) {
throw new Error("_all_models still had stuff in it: " + this._all_models);
for (l = 0, len1 = roots.length; l < len1; l++) {
r = roots[l];
return dest_doc.set_title(this._title);
Document.prototype._push_all_models_freeze = function() {
return this._all_models_freeze_count += 1;
Document.prototype._pop_all_models_freeze = function() {
this._all_models_freeze_count -= 1;
if (this._all_models_freeze_count === 0) {
return this._recompute_all_models();
Document.prototype._invalidate_all_models = function() {
logger.debug("invalidating document models");
if (this._all_models_freeze_count === 0) {
return this._recompute_all_models();
Document.prototype._recompute_all_models = function() {
var a, d, j, l, len, len1, len2, len3, m, n, name, new_all_models_set, o, old_all_models_set, r, recomputed, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, to_attach, to_detach;
new_all_models_set = new Set();
ref3 = this._roots;
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
r = ref3[j];
new_all_models_set = new_all_models_set.union(r.references());
old_all_models_set = new Set(_.values(this._all_models));
to_detach = old_all_models_set.diff(new_all_models_set);
to_attach = new_all_models_set.diff(old_all_models_set);
recomputed = {};
ref4 = new_all_models_set.values;
for (l = 0, len1 = ref4.length; l < len1; l++) {
m = ref4[l];
recomputed[m.id] = m;
ref5 = to_detach.values;
for (n = 0, len2 = ref5.length; n < len2; n++) {
d = ref5[n];
name = d.get('name');
if (name !== null) {
this._all_models_by_name.remove_value(name, d);
ref6 = to_attach.values;
for (o = 0, len3 = ref6.length; o < len3; o++) {
a = ref6[o];
name = a.get('name');
if (name !== null) {
this._all_models_by_name.add_value(name, a);
return this._all_models = recomputed;
Document.prototype.roots = function() {
return this._roots;
Document.prototype._add_layoutable = function(model) {
var constraint, constraints, edit_variable, editables, j, l, len, len1, ref3, strength, vars;
if (model.layoutable !== true) {
throw new Error("Cannot add non-layoutable - " + model);
editables = model.get_edit_variables();
constraints = model.get_constraints();
vars = model.get_constrained_variables();
for (j = 0, len = editables.length; j < len; j++) {
ref3 = editables[j], edit_variable = ref3.edit_variable, strength = ref3.strength;
this._solver.add_edit_variable(edit_variable, strength);
for (l = 0, len1 = constraints.length; l < len1; l++) {
constraint = constraints[l];
if (vars.width != null) {
this._solver.add_constraint(EQ(vars.width, this._doc_width));
if (vars.height != null) {
this._solver.add_constraint(EQ(vars.height, this._doc_height));
return this._solver.update_variables();
Document.prototype.add_root = function(model) {
logger.debug("Adding root: " + model);
if (indexOf.call(this._roots, model) >= 0) {
try {
model._is_root = true;
} finally {
return this._trigger_on_change(new RootAddedEvent(this, model));
Document.prototype.remove_root = function(model) {
var i;
i = this._roots.indexOf(model);
if (i < 0) {
try {
this._roots.splice(i, 1);
model._is_root = false;
} finally {
return this._trigger_on_change(new RootRemovedEvent(this, model));
Document.prototype.title = function() {
return this._title;
Document.prototype.set_title = function(title) {
if (title !== this._title) {
this._title = title;
return this._trigger_on_change(new TitleChangedEvent(this, title));
Document.prototype.get_model_by_id = function(model_id) {
if (model_id in this._all_models) {
return this._all_models[model_id];
} else {
return null;
Document.prototype.get_model_by_name = function(name) {
return this._all_models_by_name.get_one(name, "Multiple models are named '" + name + "'");
Document.prototype.on_change = function(callback) {
if (indexOf.call(this._callbacks, callback) >= 0) {
return this._callbacks.push(callback);
Document.prototype.remove_on_change = function(callback) {
var i;
i = this._callbacks.indexOf(callback);
if (i >= 0) {
return this._callbacks.splice(i, 1);
Document.prototype._trigger_on_change = function(event) {
var cb, j, len, ref3, results;
ref3 = this._callbacks;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
cb = ref3[j];
return results;
Document.prototype._notify_change = function(model, attr, old, new_) {
if (attr === 'name') {
this._all_models_by_name.remove_value(old, model);
if (new_ !== null) {
this._all_models_by_name.add_value(new_, model);
return this._trigger_on_change(new ModelChangedEvent(this, model, attr, old, new_));
Document._references_json = function(references, include_defaults) {
var j, len, r, ref, references_json;
if (include_defaults == null) {
include_defaults = true;
references_json = [];
for (j = 0, len = references.length; j < len; j++) {
r = references[j];
ref = r.ref();
ref['attributes'] = r.attributes_as_json(include_defaults);
delete ref['attributes']['id'];
return references_json;
Document._instantiate_object = function(obj_id, obj_type, obj_attrs) {
var full_attrs, model;
full_attrs = _.extend({}, obj_attrs, {
id: obj_id
model = Models(obj_type);
return new model(full_attrs, {
silent: true,
defer_initialization: true
Document._instantiate_references_json = function(references_json, existing_models) {
var instance, j, len, obj, obj_attrs, obj_id, obj_type, references;
references = {};
for (j = 0, len = references_json.length; j < len; j++) {
obj = references_json[j];
obj_id = obj['id'];
obj_type = obj['type'];
obj_attrs = obj['attributes'];
if (obj_id in existing_models) {
instance = existing_models[obj_id];
} else {
instance = Document._instantiate_object(obj_id, obj_type, obj_attrs);
if ('subtype' in obj) {
references[instance.id] = instance;
return references;
Document._resolve_refs = function(value, old_references, new_references) {
var resolve_array, resolve_dict, resolve_ref;
resolve_ref = function(v) {
if (is_ref(v)) {
if (v['id'] in old_references) {
return old_references[v['id']];
} else if (v['id'] in new_references) {
return new_references[v['id']];
} else {
throw new Error("reference " + (JSON.stringify(v)) + " isn't known (not in Document?)");
} else if (_.isArray(v)) {
return resolve_array(v);
} else if (_.isObject(v)) {
return resolve_dict(v);
} else {
return v;
resolve_dict = function(dict) {
var k, resolved, v;
resolved = {};
for (k in dict) {
v = dict[k];
resolved[k] = resolve_ref(v);
return resolved;
resolve_array = function(array) {
var j, len, results, v;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = array.length; j < len; j++) {
v = array[j];
return results;
return resolve_ref(value);
Document._initialize_references_json = function(references_json, old_references, new_references) {
var foreach_depth_first, instance, j, len, obj, obj_attrs, obj_id, to_update, was_new;
to_update = {};
for (j = 0, len = references_json.length; j < len; j++) {
obj = references_json[j];
obj_id = obj['id'];
obj_attrs = obj['attributes'];
was_new = false;
instance = obj_id in old_references ? old_references[obj_id] : (was_new = true, new_references[obj_id]);
obj_attrs = Document._resolve_refs(obj_attrs, old_references, new_references);
to_update[instance.id] = [instance, obj_attrs, was_new];
foreach_depth_first = function(items, f) {
var already_started, foreach_value, k, results, v;
already_started = {};
foreach_value = function(v, f) {
var a, attrs, e, k, l, len1, ref3, results, results1, same_as_v;
if (v instanceof HasProps) {
if (!(v.id in already_started) && v.id in items) {
already_started[v.id] = true;
ref3 = items[v.id], same_as_v = ref3[0], attrs = ref3[1], was_new = ref3[2];
for (a in attrs) {
e = attrs[a];
foreach_value(e, f);
return f(v, attrs, was_new);
} else if (_.isArray(v)) {
results = [];
for (l = 0, len1 = v.length; l < len1; l++) {
e = v[l];
results.push(foreach_value(e, f));
return results;
} else if (_.isObject(v)) {
results1 = [];
for (k in v) {
e = v[k];
results1.push(foreach_value(e, f));
return results1;
results = [];
for (k in items) {
v = items[k];
results.push(foreach_value(v[0], f));
return results;
foreach_depth_first(to_update, function(instance, attrs, was_new) {
if (was_new) {
return instance.set(attrs);
return foreach_depth_first(to_update, function(instance, attrs, was_new) {
if (was_new) {
return instance.initialize(attrs);
Document._event_for_attribute_change = function(changed_obj, key, new_value, doc, value_refs) {
var changed_model, event;
changed_model = doc.get_model_by_id(changed_obj.id);
if (!changed_model.attribute_is_serializable(key)) {
return null;
event = {
'kind': 'ModelChanged',
'model': {
id: changed_obj.id,
type: changed_obj.type
'attr': key,
'new': new_value
HasProps._json_record_references(doc, new_value, value_refs, true);
return event;
Document._events_to_sync_objects = function(from_obj, to_obj, to_doc, value_refs) {
var added, events, from_keys, j, key, l, len, len1, len2, n, new_value, old_value, removed, shared, to_keys;
from_keys = Object.keys(from_obj.attributes);
to_keys = Object.keys(to_obj.attributes);
removed = _.difference(from_keys, to_keys);
added = _.difference(to_keys, from_keys);
shared = _.intersection(from_keys, to_keys);
events = [];
for (j = 0, len = removed.length; j < len; j++) {
key = removed[j];
logger.warn("Server sent key " + key + " but we don't seem to have it in our JSON");
for (l = 0, len1 = added.length; l < len1; l++) {
key = added[l];
new_value = to_obj.attributes[key];
events.push(Document._event_for_attribute_change(from_obj, key, new_value, to_doc, value_refs));
for (n = 0, len2 = shared.length; n < len2; n++) {
key = shared[n];
old_value = from_obj.attributes[key];
new_value = to_obj.attributes[key];
if (old_value === null && new_value === null) {
} else if (old_value === null || new_value === null) {
events.push(Document._event_for_attribute_change(from_obj, key, new_value, to_doc, value_refs));
} else {
if (!_.isEqual(old_value, new_value)) {
events.push(Document._event_for_attribute_change(from_obj, key, new_value, to_doc, value_refs));
return _.filter(events, function(e) {
return e !== null;
Document._compute_patch_since_json = function(from_json, to_doc) {
var events, from_references, from_root_ids, from_roots, id, include_defaults, j, l, len, len1, model, r, ref3, ref4, ref5, refs, to_json, to_references, to_root_ids, to_roots, update_model_events, value_refs;
to_json = to_doc.to_json(include_defaults = false);
refs = function(json) {
var j, len, obj, ref3, result;
result = {};
ref3 = json['roots']['references'];
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
obj = ref3[j];
result[obj.id] = obj;
return result;
from_references = refs(from_json);
from_roots = {};
from_root_ids = [];
ref3 = from_json['roots']['root_ids'];
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
r = ref3[j];
from_roots[r] = from_references[r];
to_references = refs(to_json);
to_roots = {};
to_root_ids = [];
ref4 = to_json['roots']['root_ids'];
for (l = 0, len1 = ref4.length; l < len1; l++) {
r = ref4[l];
to_roots[r] = to_references[r];
if (_.difference(from_root_ids, to_root_ids).length > 0 || _.difference(to_root_ids, from_root_ids).length > 0) {
throw new Error("Not implemented: computing add/remove of document roots");
value_refs = {};
events = [];
ref5 = to_doc._all_models;
for (id in ref5) {
model = ref5[id];
if (id in from_references) {
update_model_events = Document._events_to_sync_objects(from_references[id], to_references[id], to_doc, value_refs);
events = events.concat(update_model_events);
return {
'events': events,
'references': Document._references_json(_.values(value_refs), include_defaults = false)
Document.prototype.to_json_string = function(include_defaults) {
if (include_defaults == null) {
include_defaults = true;
return JSON.stringify(this.to_json(include_defaults));
Document.prototype.to_json = function(include_defaults) {
var j, len, r, ref3, root_ids, root_references;
if (include_defaults == null) {
include_defaults = true;
root_ids = [];
ref3 = this._roots;
for (j = 0, len = ref3.length; j < len; j++) {
r = ref3[j];
root_references = _.values(this._all_models);
return {
'title': this._title,
'roots': {
'root_ids': root_ids,
'references': Document._references_json(root_references, include_defaults)
Document.from_json_string = function(s) {
var json;
if (s === null || (s == null)) {
throw new Error("JSON string is " + (typeof s));
json = JSON.parse(s);
return Document.from_json(json);
Document.from_json = function(json) {
var doc, j, len, py_version, r, references, references_json, root_ids, roots_json, versions_string;
logger.debug("Creating Document from JSON");
if (typeof json !== 'object') {
throw new Error("JSON object has wrong type " + (typeof json));
py_version = json['version'];
versions_string = "Library versions: JS (" + js_version + ") / Python (" + py_version + ")";
if (py_version.indexOf('-') < 0 && js_version !== py_version) {
logger.warn("JS/Python version mismatch");
} else {
roots_json = json['roots'];
root_ids = roots_json['root_ids'];
references_json = roots_json['references'];
references = Document._instantiate_references_json(references_json, {});
Document._initialize_references_json(references_json, {}, references);
doc = new Document();
for (j = 0, len = root_ids.length; j < len; j++) {
r = root_ids[j];
return doc;
Document.prototype.replace_with_json = function(json) {
var replacement;
replacement = Document.from_json(json);
return replacement._destructively_move(this);
Document.prototype.create_json_patch_string = function(events) {
return JSON.stringify(this.create_json_patch(events));
Document.prototype.create_json_patch = function(events) {
var event, j, json_events, len, references, result;
references = {};
json_events = [];
for (j = 0, len = events.length; j < len; j++) {
event = events[j];
if (event.document !== this) {
console.log("Cannot create a patch using events from a different document, event had ", event.document, " we are ", this);
throw new Error("Cannot create a patch using events from a different document");
return result = {
events: json_events,
references: Document._references_json(_.values(references))
Document.prototype.apply_json_patch_string = function(patch) {
return this.apply_json_patch(JSON.parse(patch));
Document.prototype.apply_json_patch = function(patch) {
var attr, column_source, column_source_id, data, event_json, events_json, id, j, l, len, len1, model_id, new_references, obj1, old_references, patched_id, patched_obj, patches, references, references_json, results, rollover, root_id, root_obj, value;
references_json = patch['references'];
events_json = patch['events'];
references = Document._instantiate_references_json(references_json, this._all_models);
for (j = 0, len = events_json.length; j < len; j++) {
event_json = events_json[j];
if ('model' in event_json) {
model_id = event_json['model']['id'];
if (model_id in this._all_models) {
references[model_id] = this._all_models[model_id];
} else {
if (!(model_id in references)) {
console.log("Got an event for unknown model ", event_json['model']);
throw new Error("event model wasn't known");
old_references = {};
new_references = {};
for (id in references) {
value = references[id];
if (id in this._all_models) {
old_references[id] = value;
} else {
new_references[id] = value;
Document._initialize_references_json(references_json, old_references, new_references);
results = [];
for (l = 0, len1 = events_json.length; l < len1; l++) {
event_json = events_json[l];
if (event_json['kind'] === 'ModelChanged') {
patched_id = event_json['model']['id'];
if (!(patched_id in this._all_models)) {
throw new Error("Cannot apply patch to " + patched_id + " which is not in the document");
patched_obj = this._all_models[patched_id];
attr = event_json['attr'];
value = Document._resolve_refs(event_json['new'], old_references, new_references);
obj1 = {},
obj1["" + attr] = value,
} else if (event_json['kind'] === 'ColumnsStreamed') {
column_source_id = event_json['column_source']['id'];
if (!(column_source_id in this._all_models)) {
throw new Error("Cannot stream to " + column_source_id + " which is not in the document");
column_source = this._all_models[column_source_id];
if (!(column_source instanceof ColumnDataSource.Model)) {
throw new Error("Cannot stream to non-ColumnDataSource");
data = event_json['data'];
rollover = event_json['rollover'];
results.push(column_source.stream(data, rollover));
} else if (event_json['kind'] === 'ColumnsPatched') {
column_source_id = event_json['column_source']['id'];
if (!(column_source_id in this._all_models)) {
throw new Error("Cannot patch " + column_source_id + " which is not in the document");
column_source = this._all_models[column_source_id];
if (!(column_source instanceof ColumnDataSource.Model)) {
throw new Error("Cannot patch non-ColumnDataSource");
patches = event_json['patches'];
} else if (event_json['kind'] === 'RootAdded') {
root_id = event_json['model']['id'];
root_obj = references[root_id];
} else if (event_json['kind'] === 'RootRemoved') {
root_id = event_json['model']['id'];
root_obj = references[root_id];
} else if (event_json['kind'] === 'TitleChanged') {
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown patch event " + JSON.stringify(event_json));
return results;
return Document;
module.exports = {
Document: Document,
DocumentChangedEvent: DocumentChangedEvent,
ModelChangedEvent: ModelChangedEvent,
TitleChangedEvent: TitleChangedEvent,
RootAddedEvent: RootAddedEvent,
RootRemovedEvent: RootRemovedEvent,