2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - ');
$this->breadcrumb('< a href = "/" > 首页< / a > ');
$this->breadcrumb('< a href = "/data" > '.$this->config->title->data.'< / a > ');
$this->breadcrumb('< a href = "/heihe/" > '.$this->config->title->heihe.'< / a > ');
$this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
< style >
< / style >
<?php $md = $this -> metadata ; if ( $md ) : ?>
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "span2" >
<? = $this -> partial ( 'heihe/navi.phtml' ); ?>
2013-04-16 06:24:09 +00:00
< / div >
< div class = "span10" >
2013-04-16 08:20:54 +00:00
< div > <? = $this -> breadcrumb () ?> </ div >
2013-04-16 06:24:09 +00:00
< h3 > <?php echo $this -> escape ( $md -> title );
if ($md->title_en) echo '< br / > '.$this->escape($md->title_en);?>
< / h3 >
< hr / >
< / div >
< div class = "span6" >
2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
< div >
< a class = "colorbox pull-right" title = " <?php echo $md -> title ; ?> " href = "/service/bigthumb/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " >< img src = "/service/thumb/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " /></ a >
< p style = "word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word;overflow:hidden;" >
<?php echo str_replace ( array ( " \r\n " , " \n " , " \r " ), '</p><p>' , $md -> description ); ?>
< / p >
< / div >
< div >
<?php if ( $md -> citation ) : ?>
< hr / >
2013-04-16 06:24:09 +00:00
< h4 > < i class = "icon-quote-left muted" > < / i > 本数据引用方式< a class = "btn btn-danger pull-right" href = "#" > < i class = "icon-comment" > < / i > 数据引用帮助< / a > < / h4 >
2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
< p > <?php echo $this -> escape ( $md -> citation ); ?> </ p >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( $this -> ref ) : ?>
< hr / >
< h4 > < i class = "icon-eye-open text-success" > < / i > 建议参考文献< / h4 >
< ol >
<?php foreach ( $this -> ref as $ref ) :
if (empty($ref->link))
echo '< li > '.$ref->reference.'< / li > ';
echo '< li > '.$ref->reference.' < a href = "'.$ref->link.'" > < i class = "icon-download text-success" > < / i > 下载< / a > < / li > ';
< / ol >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( $this -> userref ) : ?>
< hr / >
< h4 > 数据用户发表文献< / h4 >
< ol >
<?php foreach ( $this -> userref as $ref ) :
if (empty($ref->link))
echo '< li > '.$ref->reference.'< / li > ';
echo '< li > '.$ref->reference.' < a href = "'.$ref->link.'" > < i class = "icon-download text-success" > < / i > 下载< / a > < / li > ';
< / ol >
<?php endif ; ?>
< hr / >
< h4 > < i class = "icon-legal text-warning" > < / i > 数据使用声明< / h4 >
if ($this->uselimits) :
foreach($this->uselimits as $uselimit) :
echo '< p > '.str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),'< / p > < p > ',$this->escape($uselimit->uselimit)).'< / p > ';
<?php else : ?>
< p > 为尊重知识产权、保障数据作者的权益、扩展数据中心的服务、评估数据的应用潜力,请数据使用者在使用数据所产生的研究成果中(包括公开发表的论文、论著、数据产品和未公开发表的研究报告、数据产品等成果),明确注明数据来源和数据作者。对于转载(二次或多次发布)的数据,作者还须注明原始数据来源。< / p >
< p > 中文发表的成果参考以下规范注明: 数据来源于国家自然科学基金委员会"中国西部环境与生态科学数据中心"(http://westdc.westgis.ac.cn)< / p >
< p > 英文发表的成果依据以下规范注明: The data set is provided by Environmental and Ecological Science Data Center for West China,National Natural Science Foundation of China (http://westdc.westgis.ac.cn)< / p >
< / p >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( $this -> data_archives ){ ?>
< h4 > 数据相关新闻< / h4 >
< ul >
foreach($this->data_archives as $v){?>
< li >< a href = " <? = $v [ 'url' ][ 'archive_url' ] ?> " > <? = $v [ 'title' ] ?> </ a ></ li >
<?php } ?>
< / ul >
< hr / >
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $md -> suppinfo ) : ?>
< h4 > < i class = "icon-money text-info" > < / i > 资助项目< / h4 >
<?php echo '<p>' . str_replace ( array ( " \r\n " , " \n " , " \r " ), '</p><p>' , $this -> escape ( $md -> suppinfo )) . '</p>' ; ?>
< hr / >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( $this -> resources ) : ?>
< h4 > < i class = "icon-bolt text-warning" > < / i > 相关资源< / h4 >
2013-04-16 06:24:09 +00:00
< ul class = "unstyled inline" > <?php foreach ( $this -> resources as $link ) : ?>
< li >< a class = "label" href = " <?php echo $link -> linkage ; ?> " title = " <?php echo $link -> description ; ?> " >
2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
if (!empty($link->name))
echo $link->name;
elseif (!empty($link->description))
echo $link->description;
echo $link->linkage;
?>< / a > < / li >
<?php endforeach ; ?>
< / ul >
< hr / >
<?php endif ; ?>
< / div >
< div >
$keywords = array();
foreach($this->keys as $cg){
$ev = join(" ",$keywords);
< div class = "tabbable" > <!-- Only required for left/right tabs -->
< ul class = "nav nav-tabs" >
< li class = "active" > < a href = "#related" data-toggle = "tab" id = "related_t" > 相关数据< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#literature" data-toggle = "tab" id = "literature_t" > 相关文献< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#gsearch" data-toggle = "tab" id = "gsearch_t" > 相关搜索< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#service" data-toggle = "tab" > 服务记录< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#recommend" data-toggle = "tab" id = "recommend_t" > 给我推荐< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div id = "related" class = "tab-pane active" >
< / div >
< div id = "literature" class = "tab-pane" >
< div class = "" >
< ul class = "nav nav-pills lit-nav" >
< li > < a href = "javascript:;" class = "literatures lit-nav-btn" > 西部计划知识库< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "javascript:;" class = "scholar lit-nav-btn" > Google学术搜索< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "javascript:;" class = "cnkiSearch lit-nav-btn" > CNKI学术搜索< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< div id = "literature-list" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "gsearch" class = "tab-pane" >
< ul id = "searchlist" class = "unstyled well well-small" > < / ul >
< / div >
< div id = "service" class = "tab-pane" >
<?php if ( $this -> downhistory ) : ?>
< p > 最近10条服务记录如下: < / p >
< ol start = "1" >
foreach($this->downhistory as $v){
echo '< li > '.date("Y-m-d",strtotime($v->ts_created))." ".$v->unit." ".$v->realname;
if (!empty($v->offlineproject))
echo ' 用途:'.$v->offlineproject;
elseif (!empty($v->onlineproject))
echo ' 用途:'.$v->onlineproject;
echo '< / li > ';
< / ol >
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif ; ?>
< / div >
< div id = "recommend" class = "tab-pane" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr / >
< div id = "comments" >
<?php if ( $md -> status > 0 and $md -> status < 5 ) : ?>
< p class = "strong" > 此数据还在评审过程中,我们真切地邀请您参加此数据的评审,以便我们能尽快发布此数据!< a class = "btn btn-primary" href = "/review/review/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " > 评审</ a ></ p >
<?php else : ?>
< h4 > 数据评论< / h4 >
< div id = "allcomments" >
< div id = "loading" > < img src = "/images/loading.gif" / > 评论加载中< / div >
< / div >
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$user = $auth->getIdentity();
$name = $user->realname;
$email = $user->email;
$name = "";
$email = "";
< form class = "form-horizontal" id = "postcommentform" >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > 姓名< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< input type = "text" name = "author" value = " <?php echo $name ; ?> " />
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > Email< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< input type = "text" name = "email" value = " <?php echo $email ; ?> " />
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > Website< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< input type = "text" name = "url" value = "" / > < span class = "help-block" > e.g. http://westdc.westgis.ac.cn/< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > 内容< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< textarea name = "content" class = "span5" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "control-group" >
< label class = "control-label" > 验证码< / label >
< div class = "controls" >
< img id = "imgcode" style = "margin-bottom:-10px;cursor:pointer;border:0px;" src = "/service/imgcode/" onClick = "this.src=this.src+'?'" > < input type = "text" name = "vdcode" id = "vdcode" maxlength = "4" value = "" / >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "control-group" >
< div class = "controls" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "mdtitle" value = " <?php echo $md -> title ; ?> " />
< input type = "hidden" name = "uuid" value = " <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " />
< a class = "btn btn-primary" id = "postcomment" href = "javascript:;" onclick = "postcomment();" > 提交< / a > < button type = "reset" id = "reset" class = "btn" > 重置< / button > < span id = "returninfo" > < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / form >
< div id = "infobox" > < / div >
<?php endif ; ?>
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "span4" >
< ul class = "well well-small inline unstyled" >
< li > < a href = "/data/category" > < i class = "icon-th text-warning" > < / i > 类别:< / a > < / li >
<?php foreach ( $this -> category as $cat ) : ?>
< li >< a href = "/data/category/code/ <?php echo $cat -> code ; ?> " >< i class = "icon-th-large" ></ i > <?php echo $this -> escape ( $cat -> name_zh ); ?> </ a ></ li >
<?php endforeach ; ?>
< / ul >
foreach($this->keys as $cg) :
if ($kt==$cg['keytype']) :
else :
if (!empty($kt)) echo '< / ul > ';
if ($i==0) {
< ul class = "well well-small inline unstyled" >
< li >< a href = "/data/tag/keytype/ <?php echo $kt ; ?> " >< i class = "icon-tags text-warning" ></ i > <?php echo $kw [ $kt ]; ?> </ a ></ li >
echo '< li > < a href = "/data/tag/key/'.urlencode($cg['keyword']).'" > < i class = "icon-tag" > < / i > '.$cg['keyword'].'< / a > < / li > ';
?>< / ul >
2013-04-16 06:24:09 +00:00
<?php if ( $md -> doi ) : ?>
< ul class = "well well-small inline unstyled" >< li >< span class = "label label-success" > 数据DOI</ span > <?php echo $md -> doi ; ?> </ li ></ ul >
<?php endif ; ?>
2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
< div >
< hr / >
< h4 > 数据细节< a class = "btn pull-right" href = "javascript:void(0);" id = "show-list" onclick = "getFileList()" title = "" > < i class = "icon-file" > < / i > 文件列表< / a > < / h4 >
< ul class = "inline unstyled well" >
<?php if ( $md -> fileformat ) : ?>
< li >< strong > 格式:</ strong > <?php echo $md -> fileformat ; ?> </ li >
<?php endif ; ?>
< li >< strong > 大小:</ strong > <?php echo $md -> filesize ; ?> MB</ li >
<?php if ( $this -> downloaded > 9 ) : ?>
< li >< strong > 下载:</ strong > <?php echo $this -> downloaded ; ?> 次</ li >
<?php endif ; ?>
< li >< strong > 浏览:</ strong > <?php echo $this -> viewed ; ?> 次</ li >
<?php if ( $md -> projection ) : ?>
< li id = "projection" title = " <? = $this -> projection ; ?> " > 数据投影:
$p=explode(" ",$this->projection);
if (!empty($p[1]))
echo $p[1];
if (is_numeric($md->projection)) echo 'EPSG_CODE_';
echo $md->projection;
?>< / li >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty ( $md -> timebegin )) : ?>
< li id = "datatimes" >< strong > 数据时间范围:</ strong > <?php echo date ( 'Y-m-d' , strtotime ( $md -> timebegin )); if ( ! empty ( $md -> timeend )) echo " 至 " . date ( 'Y-m-d' , strtotime ( $md -> timeend )); ?> </ li >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty ( $this -> doc )) : ?>
< li id = "datadoc" >< a href = " <?php $wikiTitle = $this -> doc ;
echo "/data/wiki/$title";
echo $this->doc;
}?>">数据说明文档< / a > < / li >
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php if ( $this -> attachments ) : ?>
2013-04-16 06:24:09 +00:00
< li > < span class = "label label-success" > 相关文档:< / span >
2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
<?php foreach ( $this -> attachments as $k => $a ) : ?>
< a href = "/service/attach/id/ <?php echo $a -> id ; ?> " title = " <?php echo $a -> realname ; ?> " >< img src = "/images/document.png" ></ a >
<?php endforeach ; ?>
< a href = "/service/attach/zip/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " >< img src = "/images/zip_icon.gif" title = "打包下载" /></ a >
< / li >
<?php endif ; ?>
< li id = "datatype" >< strong > 数据共享方式:</ strong > <?php if ( $md -> datatype ) print "离线" ; else print "在线(可直接下载)" ; ?> </ li >
< / ul >
< div id = "linkurl" >
<?php if ( $md -> status > 0 and $md -> status < 5 ) : ?>
< a href = "/review/review/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " class = "btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" title = "此数据正在评审中,我们邀请您对此数据进行评审,以便其能尽快发布!" > 数据评审</ a >
<?php else : if ( ! $md -> datatype ) : ?>
< a href = "/data/todownload/?uuid= <? = $md -> uuid ?> " class = "btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" title = "直接下载" >
< / a >
<?php else : ?>
< a href = "/data/order/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " class = "btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" title = "免费!离线申请此数据(在线数据和离线数据都可申请)" >
< / a >
<?php endif ; endif ; ?>
< / div >
< / div >
< hr / >
< h4 > 空间位置< / h4 >
< div id = 'watermap' style = "width:100%;height:300px;" > < / div >
< hr / >
< h4 > 联系信息< / h4 >
< div id = "authors" >
< ul class = "unstyled" >
foreach($this->authors as $k=>$author) :
if ($author->role!=$r)
if ($k>0) echo '< / li > ';
echo '< li > '.$party_zh[$author->role].': ';
if ($i>0) echo ', ';
if (!empty($author->email) & & $r!='principalInvestigator')
echo '< a href = "mailto:'.$author->email.'" > ';
echo '< strong title = "'.$author->organisation.'" > ';
if (!empty($author->individual))
echo $author->individual;
echo $author->organisation;
echo '< / strong > ';
if (!empty($author->email)) echo '< / a > ';
if ($k+1==count($this->authors)) echo '< / li > ';
< / ul >
< hr / >
< ul class = "unstyled" >
< li > 元数据更新时间:<?php print date ( 'Y-m-d' , strtotime ( $md -> ts_created )); ?> </ li >
< li > < strong > 下载元数据:< / strong >
< a href = "/service/pdf/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " >< img src = "/images/pdf_icon.gif" alt = "Adobe PDF格式" title = "Adobe PDF格式" ></ a >
< a href = "/service/odt/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " >< img src = "/images/odt_icon.gif" alt = "OpenOffice odt格式" title = "OpenOffice odt格式" ></ a >
< a href = "/service/doc/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " >< img src = "/images/doc_icon.gif" alt = "Word doc格式" title = "Word doc格式" ></ a >
< a href = "/service/xml/uuid/ <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> " >< img src = "/images/xml_icon.gif" alt = "查看XML源文件" title = "查看XML源文件" ></ a >
< / li >
<!--<li><a href="/data/detail/id/ <?php echo $md -> id ; ?> ">详细元数据</a></li>-->
<?php if ( $this -> version -> c > 0 ) : ?>
2013-04-16 15:28:02 +00:00
< li id = "dataversion" > 版本历史:< a href = "javascript:void(0);" onclick = "dataVersion(' <?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> ')" title = "" > <? = $this -> version -> c ?> 个 < img src = "/images/list_extensions.gif" style = "vertical-align:middle" /></ a ></ li >
2013-04-16 02:15:14 +00:00
<?php endif ; ?>
< / ul >
< / div >
< hr / >
< div class = "pull-left" > 分享到< / div >
<!-- JiaThis Button BEGIN -->
< div class = "jiathis_style" style = "margin-left:10px;" >
< a class = "jiathis_button_tsina" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_button_qzone" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_button_tqq" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_button_renren" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_button_douban" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_button_tsohu" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_button_t163" > < / a >
< a href = "http://www.jiathis.com/share" class = "jiathis jiathis_txt jtico jtico_jiathis" target = "_blank" > < / a >
< a class = "jiathis_counter_style" > < / a >
< / div >
<!-- JiaThis Button END -->
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< script src = "/js/metadata-view.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" charset = "utf-8" >
$(function() {
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
$('.googlesearch').click(function(){googleSearch('<?php echo $ev ; ?> ');});
$('.bingsearch').click(function(){bingSearch('<?php echo $ev ; ?> ');});
$('.cnkiSearch').click(function(){cnkiSearch('<?php echo $ev ; ?> ');});
$('.scholar').click(function(){scholarSearch('<?php echo $ev ; ?> ');});
$('.lit-nav-btn').each(function(index, element) {
$('.lit-nav').children('li').each(function(index, element) {
if($('#searchlist').children('li').length< 1 )
googleSearch('<?php echo $ev ; ?> ');
//ajax literature
function literature(page){
literature_get(page,'<? = $md -> uuid ; ?> ');
//ajax related
function related(page){
related_get(page,'<? = $md -> uuid ; ?> ');
//ajax recommend
function recommend(page){
recommend_get(page,'<? = $md -> uuid ; ?> ');
function getFileList(){
getFileList_h('<?php echo $md -> uuid ; ?> ');
function ajaxpage(page){
ajaxpage_get(page,'<? = $md -> uuid ; ?> ');
var map = null;
var mapElementID = "watermap";
var bounds = null;
var rectangle = null;
var zoomlevel = 1;
var bound = {
lat:<? = ( $md -> south + $md -> north ) / 2 ; ?> ,
lng:<? = ( $md -> east + $md -> west ) / 2 ; ?> ,
zoom:<?php if ( $md -> north == $md -> south ) { ?> 10 <?php } else { ?> 16 <?php } ?> ,
east:<? = $md -> east ; ?> ,
west:<? = $md -> west ; ?> ,
south:<? = $md -> south ; ?> ,
north:<? = $md -> north ; ?>
< / script >
<?php else : ?>
< p > Cannot find the metadata.< / p >
< p > 没有找到对应的元数据。< / p >
<?php endif ; ?>
< / div >
2013-03-12 04:27:01 +00:00
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "http://v3.jiathis.com/code_mini/jia.js?uid=1336100079460458" charset = "utf-8" > < / script >