$sql="select (select count(*) from users) as usernum,(select count(*) from {$this->submd}) as metanum,(select count(*) from offlineapp where ts_approved is not null ) as offlinenum";
$sql="select uuid,title,id from {$this->submd} where id in (select m.id from {$this->submd} m left join dataorder d on m.uuid=d.uuid where m.datatype=0 group by m.id order by count(d.uuid) desc limit 5)";
$sql="select uuid,title,id from {$this->submd} where id in (select m.id from {$this->submd} m left join dataorder d on m.uuid=d.uuid where m.datatype=1 group by m.id order by count(d.uuid) desc limit 5)";
$sql="SELECT * FROM archive WHERE is_pub=true and sub='$this->subnews' AND ts_published<'$time' AND image!='' and id in (select ar_catalog.aid from ar_category left join ar_catalog on ar_category.id=ar_catalog.cid where ar_category.code='featured') order by ts_published desc LIMIT 5";
$sql="SELECT * FROM archive WHERE is_pub=true and sub='$this->subnews' AND ts_published<now() and id in (select ar_catalog.aid from ar_catalog left join ar_category on ar_catalog.cid=ar_category.id where ar_category.ptype='news') order by ts_published desc LIMIT 12 ";