基于timemap 1.5,实现时空浏览
This commit is contained in:
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class DataController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$dateformat="D M j Y G:i:s O";
$dateformat="D M j Y G:i:s O";
$md = new MetadataTable();
$md = new MetadataTable();
$state=$db->query('select id,uuid,title,description,timebegin,timeend from metadata where timebegin is not null');
$state=$db->query('select id,uuid,title,timebegin,timeend from metadata where timebegin is not null');
foreach($rows as $row) {
foreach($rows as $row) {
@ -331,6 +331,14 @@ class DataController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* 时空动态浏览
function timemapAction()
$sql='select id,uuid,west,south,north,east,title,timebegin,timeend,description from metadata where timebegin is not null';
* 返回XML源文件
* 返回XML源文件
function xmlAction()
function xmlAction()
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - ');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/">首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/data">'.$this->config->title->data.'</a>');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/data/timeline">时空导航</a>');
$this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
var tm;
window.onload=function() {
tm = TimeMap.init({
mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required)
timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required)
options: {
eventIconPath: "../images/"
datasets: [
id: "artists",
title: "Artists",
theme: "orange",
// note that the lines below are now the preferred syntax
type: "basic",
options: {
items: [
foreach($this->rows as $row) : ?>
"start" : "<?php echo $row['timebegin']; ?>",
<?php if ($row['timeend']!='') : ?>
"end" : "<?php echo $row['timeend']; ?>",
<?php endif; ?>
"polygon" : [
"lat" : <?php echo $row['south']; ?>,
"lon" : <?php echo $row['west']; ?>
"lat" : <?php echo $row['north']; ?>,
"lon" : <?php echo $row['west']; ?>
"lat" : <?php echo $row['north']; ?>,
"lon" : <?php echo $row['east']; ?>
"lat" : <?php echo $row['south']; ?>,
"lon" : <?php echo $row['east']; ?>
"lat" : <?php echo $row['south']; ?>,
"lon" : <?php echo $row['west']; ?>
"title" : "<?php echo $row['title']; ?>",
"options" : {
// set the full HTML for the info window
"infoHtml": "<a href=/data/<?php echo $row['uuid']; ?>><?php echo $row['title']; ?></a><hr /><img src=/data/thumb/id/<?php echo $row['id']; ?> />"
<?php endforeach; ?>
bandIntervals: [
// manipulate the timemap further here if you like
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
<div id='tools'><?= $this->partial('data/tools.phtml'); ?></div>
<div id="timemap" style="clear:both;">
<div id="timeline" style="height:300px;width:100%;"></div>
<div id="map" style="height:300px;"></div>
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Timemap.js Copyright 2008 Nick Rabinowitz.
* Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
* @fileOverview
* Flickr Loader
* @author Nick Rabinowitz (www.nickrabinowitz.com)
* @class
* Flickr loader factory - inherits from jsonp loader
* <p>This is a loader for data from Flickr. You probably want to use it with a
* URL for the Flickr Geo Feed API: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/geo/">http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/geo/</a></p>
* <p>The loader takes a full URL, minus the JSONP callback function.</p>
* <p>Depends on:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>loaders/jsonp.js</li>
* </ul>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "Flickr Dataset",
type: "flickr",
options: {
// This is just the latest geotagged photo stream - try adding
// an "id" or "tag" or "photoset" parameter to get what you want
url: "http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/geo/?format=json&jsoncallback="
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {String} url Full JSONP url of Flickr feed to load
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
* @return {TimeMap.loaders.remote} Remote loader configured for Flickr
TimeMap.loaders.flickr = function(options) {
var loader = new TimeMap.loaders.jsonp(options);
// preload function for Flickr feeds
loader.preload = function(data) {
return data["items"];
// transform function for Flickr feeds
loader.transform = function(data) {
var item = {
title: data["title"],
start: data["date_taken"],
point: {
lat: data["latitude"],
lon: data["longitude"]
options: {
description: data["description"]
.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/"/g, '"')
if (options.transformFunction)
item = options.transformFunction(item);
return item;
return loader;
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
* Timemap.js Copyright 2008 Nick Rabinowitz.
* Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
* @fileOverview
* GeoRSS Loader
* @author Nick Rabinowitz (www.nickrabinowitz.com)
/*globals GXml, TimeMap, TimeMapDataset */
* @class
* GeoRSS loader factory - inherits from remote loader.
* <p>This is a loader class for GeoRSS feeds. Parsing is complicated by the
* diversity of GeoRSS formats; this parser handles:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>RSS feeds</li>
* <li>Atom feeds</li>
* </ul>
* <p>and looks for geographic information in the following formats:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>GeoRSS-Simple</li>
* <li>GML </li>
* <li>W3C Geo</li>
* </ul>
* <p>At the moment, this only supports points; polygons, polylines, and boxes
* will be added at some later point.</p>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "GeoRSS Dataset",
type: "georss", // Data to be loaded in GeoRSS
options: {
url: "mydata.rss" // GeoRSS file to load - must be a local URL
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {Array} url URL of GeoRSS file to load (NB: must be local address)
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
* @return {TimeMap.loaders.remote} Remote loader configured for GeoRSS
TimeMap.loaders.georss = function(options) {
var loader = new TimeMap.loaders.remote(options);
loader.parse = TimeMap.loaders.georss.parse;
return loader;
* Static function to parse GeoRSS
* @param {XML text} rss GeoRSS to be parsed
* @return {TimeMapItem Array} Array of TimeMapItems
TimeMap.loaders.georss.parse = function(rss) {
var items = [], data, node, placemarks, pm;
node = GXml.parse(rss);
// get TimeMap utilty functions
// assigning to variables should compress better
var util = TimeMap.util;
var getTagValue = util.getTagValue,
getNodeList = util.getNodeList,
makePoint = util.makePoint,
makePoly = util.makePoly,
formatDate = util.formatDate,
nsMap = util.nsMap;
// define namespaces
nsMap.georss = 'http://www.georss.org/georss';
nsMap.gml = 'http://www.opengis.net/gml';
nsMap.geo = 'http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#';
nsMap.kml = 'http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2';
// determine whether this is an Atom feed or an RSS feed
var feedType = (node.firstChild.tagName == 'rss') ? 'rss' : 'atom';
// look for placemarks
var tName = (feedType == 'rss' ? "item" : "entry");
placemarks = getNodeList(node, tName);
for (var i=0; i<placemarks.length; i++) {
pm = placemarks[i];
data = { options: {} };
// get title & description
data.title = getTagValue(pm, "title");
tName = (feedType == 'rss' ? "description" : "summary");
data.options.description = getTagValue(pm, tName);
// get time information, allowing KML-namespaced time elements
var nList = getNodeList(pm, "TimeStamp", "kml");
if (nList.length > 0) {
data.start = getTagValue(nList[0], "when", "kml");
// look for timespan
if (!data.start) {
nList = getNodeList(pm, "TimeSpan", "kml");
if (nList.length > 0) {
data.start = getTagValue(nList[0], "begin", "kml");
data.end = getTagValue(nList[0], "end", "kml") ||
// unbounded spans end at the present time
formatDate(new Date());
// otherwise, use pubDate/updated elements
if (!data.start) {
if (feedType == 'rss') {
// RSS needs date conversion
var d = new Date(Date.parse(getTagValue(pm, "pubDate")));
// reformat
data.start = formatDate(d);
} else {
// atom uses ISO 8601
data.start = getTagValue(pm, "updated");
// find placemark - single geometry only for the moment
var coords, geom;
// look for point, GeoRSS-Simple
coords = getTagValue(pm, "point", 'georss');
if (coords) {
data.point = makePoint(coords);
// look for point, GML
nList = getNodeList(pm, "Point", 'gml');
if (nList.length > 0) {
// GML <pos>
coords = getTagValue(nList[0], "pos", 'gml');
// GML <coordinates>
if (!coords) {
coords = getTagValue(nList[0], "coordinates", 'gml');
if (coords) {
data.point = makePoint(coords);
// look for point, W3C Geo
if (getTagValue(pm, "lat", 'geo')) {
coords = [
getTagValue(pm, "lat", 'geo'),
getTagValue(pm, "long", 'geo')
data.point = makePoint(coords);
// look for polyline, GeoRSS-Simple
coords = getTagValue(pm, "line", 'georss');
if (coords) {
data.polyline = makePoly(coords);
// look for polygon, GeoRSS-Simple
coords = getTagValue(pm, "polygon", 'georss');
if (coords) {
data.polygon = makePoly(coords);
// look for polyline, GML
nList = getNodeList(pm, "LineString", 'gml');
if (nList.length > 0) {
geom = "polyline";
} else {
nList = getNodeList(pm, "Polygon", 'gml');
if (nList.length > 0) {
geom = "polygon";
if (nList.length > 0) {
// GML <posList>
coords = getTagValue(nList[0], "posList", 'gml');
// GML <coordinates>
if (!coords) {
coords = getTagValue(nList[0], "coordinates", 'gml');
if (coords) {
data[geom] = makePoly(coords);
// XXX: deal with boxes
// clean up
node = null;
placemarks = null;
pm = null;
nList = null;
return items;
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* Timemap.js Copyright 2008 Nick Rabinowitz.
* Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
* @fileOverview
* Google Spreadsheet Loader
* @author Nick Rabinowitz (www.nickrabinowitz.com)
* @class
* Google spreadsheet loader factory - inherits from jsonp loader.
* <p>This is a loader for data from Google Spreadsheets. Takes an optional map
* to indicate which columns contain which data elements; the default column
* names (case-insensitive) are: title, description, start, end, lat, lon</p>
* <p>See <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/docs/2.0/reference.html#gsx_reference">http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/docs/2.0/reference.html#gsx_reference</a>
* for details on how spreadsheet column ids are derived. Note that date fields
* must be in yyyy-mm-dd format - you may need to set the cell format as "plain text"
* in the spreadsheet (Google's automatic date formatting won't work).</p>
* <p>The loader takes either a full URL, minus the JSONP callback function, or
* just the spreadsheet key. Note that the spreadsheet must be published.</p>
* <p>Depends on:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>loaders/jsonp.js</li>
* </ul>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "Google Spreadsheet by key",
type: "gss",
options: {
key: "pjUcDAp-oNIOjmx3LCxT4XA" // Spreadsheet key
title: "Google Spreadsheet by url",
type: "gss",
options: {
url: "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/pjUcDAp-oNIOjmx3LCxT4XA/1/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback="
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {String} key Key of spreadsheet to load, or
* {String} url Full JSONP url of spreadsheet to load
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
* @return {TimeMap.loaders.remote} Remote loader configured for Google Spreadsheets
TimeMap.loaders.gss = function(options) {
var loader = new TimeMap.loaders.jsonp(options);
// use key if no URL was supplied
if (!loader.url) {
loader.url = "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/" +
options.key + "/1/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=";
// column map
loader.map = options.map;
// preload function for spreadsheet data
loader.preload = function(data) {
return data["feed"]["entry"];
// transform function for spreadsheet data
loader.transform = function(data) {
// map spreadsheet column ids to corresponding TimeMap elements
var fieldMap = loader.map || TimeMap.loaders.gss.map;
var getField = function(f) {
if (f in fieldMap && fieldMap[f]) {
return data['gsx$' + fieldMap[f]]['$t'];
} else return false;
var item = {
title: getField("title"),
start: getField("start"),
point: {
lat: getField("lat"),
lon: getField("lon")
options: {
description: getField("description")
// hook for further transformation
if (options.transformFunction)
item = options.transformFunction(item);
return item;
return loader;
* 1:1 map of expected spreadsheet column ids.
TimeMap.loaders.gss.map = {
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
* Timemap.js Copyright 2008 Nick Rabinowitz.
* Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
* @fileOverview
* JSON Loaders (JSONP, JSON String)
* @author Nick Rabinowitz (www.nickrabinowitz.com)
* @class
* JSONP loader class - expects a service that takes a callback function name as
* the last URL parameter.
* <p>The jsonp loader assumes that the JSON can be loaded from a url to which a
* callback function name can be appended, e.g. "http://www.test.com/getsomejson.php?callback="
* The loader then appends a nonce function name which the JSON should include.
* This works for services like Google Spreadsheets, etc., and accepts remote URLs.</p>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "JSONP Dataset",
type: "jsonp",
options: {
url: "http://www.test.com/getsomejson.php?callback="
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {Array} url URL of JSON service to load, callback name left off
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
TimeMap.loaders.jsonp = function(options) {
// get standard functions
TimeMap.loaders.mixin(this, options);
// get URL to load
this.url = options.url;
* JSONP load function.
* @param {TimeMapDataset} dataset Dataset to load data into
* @param {Function} callback Function to call once data is loaded
TimeMap.loaders.jsonp.prototype.load = function(dataset, callback) {
var loader = this;
// get items
TimeMap.loaders.jsonp.read(this.url, function(result) {
// load
items = loader.preload(result);
dataset.loadItems(items, loader.transform);
// callback
* Static - for naming anonymous callback functions
* @type int
TimeMap.loaders.jsonp.counter = 0;
* Static - reads JSON from a URL, assuming that the service is set up to apply
* a callback function specified in the URL parameters.
* @param {String} jsonUrl URL to load, missing the callback function name
* @param {function} f Callback function to apply to returned data
TimeMap.loaders.jsonp.read = function(url, f) {
// Define a unique function name
var callbackName = "_" + TimeMap.loaders.jsonp.counter++;
TimeMap.loaders.jsonp[callbackName] = function(result) {
// Pass result to user function
// Delete the callback function
delete TimeMap.loaders.jsonp[callbackName];
// Create a script tag, set its src attribute and add it to the document
// This triggers the HTTP request and submits the query
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = url + "TimeMap.loaders.jsonp." + callbackName;
* @class
* JSON string loader factory - expects a plain JSON array.
* Inherits from remote loader.
* <p>The json_string loader assumes an array of items in plain JSON, with no
* callback function - this will require a local URL.</p>
* <p>Depends on:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>lib/json2.pack.js</li>
* </ul>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "JSON String Dataset",
type: "json_string",
options: {
url: "mydata.json" // Must be a local URL
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {Array} url URL of JSON service to load, callback name left off
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
* @return {TimeMap.loaders.remote} Remote loader configured for JSON strings
TimeMap.loaders.json_string = function(options) {
var loader = new TimeMap.loaders.remote(options);
loader.parse = JSON.parse;
return loader;
// Probably the default json loader should be json_string, not
// jsonp. I may change this in the future, so I'd encourage you to use
// the specific one you want.
TimeMap.loaders.json = TimeMap.loaders.jsonp;
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* Timemap.js Copyright 2008 Nick Rabinowitz.
* Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
* @fileOverview
* KML Loader
* @author Nick Rabinowitz (www.nickrabinowitz.com)
/*globals GXml, TimeMap */
* @class
* KML loader factory - inherits from remote loader
* <p>This is a loader class for KML files. Currently supports all geometry
* types (point, polyline, polygon, and overlay) and multiple geometries.</p>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "KML Dataset",
type: "kml",
options: {
url: "mydata.kml" // Must be local
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {Array} url URL of KML file to load (NB: must be local address)
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
* @return {TimeMap.loaders.remote} Remote loader configured for KML
TimeMap.loaders.kml = function(options) {
var loader = new TimeMap.loaders.remote(options);
loader.parse = TimeMap.loaders.kml.parse;
return loader;
* Static function to parse KML with time data.
* @param {XML string} kml KML to be parsed
* @return {TimeMapItem Array} Array of TimeMapItems
TimeMap.loaders.kml.parse = function(kml) {
var items = [], data, kmlnode, placemarks, pm, i, j;
kmlnode = GXml.parse(kml);
// get TimeMap utilty functions
// assigning to variables should compress better
var util = TimeMap.util;
var getTagValue = util.getTagValue,
getNodeList = util.getNodeList,
makePoint = util.makePoint,
makePoly = util.makePoly,
formatDate = util.formatDate;
// recursive time data search
var findNodeTime = function(n, data) {
var check = false;
// look for instant timestamp
var nList = getNodeList(n, "TimeStamp");
if (nList.length > 0) {
data.start = getTagValue(nList[0], "when");
check = true;
// otherwise look for span
else {
nList = getNodeList(n, "TimeSpan");
if (nList.length > 0) {
data.start = getTagValue(nList[0], "begin");
data.end = getTagValue(nList[0], "end") ||
// unbounded spans end at the present time
formatDate(new Date());
check = true;
// try looking recursively at parent nodes
if (!check) {
var pn = n.parentNode;
if (pn.nodeName == "Folder" || pn.nodeName=="Document") {
findNodeTime(pn, data);
pn = null;
// look for placemarks
placemarks = getNodeList(kmlnode, "Placemark");
for (i=0; i<placemarks.length; i++) {
pm = placemarks[i];
data = { options: {} };
// get title & description
data.title = getTagValue(pm, "name");
data.options.description = getTagValue(pm, "description");
// get time information
findNodeTime(pm, data);
// find placemark(s)
var nList, coords, pmobj;
data.placemarks = [];
// look for marker
nList = getNodeList(pm, "Point");
for (j=0; j<nList.length; j++) {
pmobj = { point: {} };
// get lat/lon
coords = getTagValue(nList[j], "coordinates");
pmobj.point = makePoint(coords, 1);
// look for polylines
nList = getNodeList(pm, "LineString");
for (j=0; j<nList.length; j++) {
pmobj = { polyline: [] };
// get lat/lon
coords = getTagValue(nList[j], "coordinates");
pmobj.polyline = makePoly(coords, 1);
// look for polygons
nList = getNodeList(pm, "Polygon");
for (j=0; j<nList.length; j++) {
pmobj = { polygon: [] };
// get lat/lon
coords = getTagValue(nList[j], "coordinates");
pmobj.polygon = makePoly(coords, 1);
// XXX: worth closing unclosed polygons?
// look for ground overlays
placemarks = getNodeList(kmlnode, "GroundOverlay");
for (i=0; i<placemarks.length; i++) {
pm = placemarks[i];
data = { options: {}, overlay: {} };
// get title & description
data.title = getTagValue(pm, "name");
data.options.description = getTagValue(pm, "description");
// get time information
findNodeTime(pm, data);
// get image
nList = getNodeList(pm, "Icon");
data.overlay.image = getTagValue(nList[0], "href");
// get coordinates
nList = getNodeList(pm, "LatLonBox");
data.overlay.north = getTagValue(nList[0], "north");
data.overlay.south = getTagValue(nList[0], "south");
data.overlay.east = getTagValue(nList[0], "east");
data.overlay.west = getTagValue(nList[0], "west");
// clean up
kmlnode = null;
placemarks = null;
pm = null;
nList = null;
return items;
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* Timemap.js Copyright 2008 Nick Rabinowitz.
* Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
* @fileOverview
* Metaweb Loader
* @author Nick Rabinowitz (www.nickrabinowitz.com)
* Loader
* @class
* Metaweb loader factory - inherits from jsonp loader
* <p>This is a loader for data from the Metaweb service at freebase.com. See
* the API documentation at <a href="http://www.freebase.com/view/en/documentation">http://www.freebase.com/view/en/documentation</a> for
* a description of how to write MQL queries. This code is based on code from
* the API site.</p>
* <p>Depends on:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>lib/json2.pack.js</li>
* <li>loaders/jsonp.js</li>
* </ul>
* @example Usage in TimeMap.init():
datasets: [
title: "Freebase Dataset",
type: "metaweb",
options: {
query: [
// query here - see Metaweb API
transformFunction: function(data) {
// map returned data to the expected format - see
// http://code.google.com/p/timemap/wiki/JsonFormat
return data;
* @param {Object} options All options for the loader:<pre>
* {Object} query MQL query to load
* {Function} preloadFunction Function to call on data before loading
* {Function} transformFunction Function to call on individual items before loading
* </pre>
* @return {TimeMap.loaders.remote} Remote loader configured for MetaWeb
TimeMap.loaders.metaweb = function(options) {
var loader = new TimeMap.loaders.jsonp(options);
// Host and service - default to freebase.com
loader.HOST = options.host || "http://www.freebase.com";
loader.QUERY_SERVICE = options.service || "/api/service/mqlread";
// Metaweb preload functon
loader.preload = function(data) {
// Open outer envelope
var innerEnvelope = data.qname;
// Make sure the query was successful
if (innerEnvelope.code.indexOf("/api/status/ok") != 0) {
// uncomment for debugging
// If error, get error message and throw
var error = innerEnvelope.messages[0];
throw error.code + ": " + error.message;
return [];
// Get result from inner envelope
var result = innerEnvelope.result;
return result;
// format the query URL for Metaweb
var q = options.query || {};
var querytext = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({qname: {query: q}}));
// Build the URL using encoded query text and the callback name
loader.url = loader.HOST + loader.QUERY_SERVICE + "?queries=" + querytext + "&callback=";
return loader;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue