first init yrnmr project

This commit is contained in:
wlx 2012-08-30 09:35:50 +00:00
parent 77784c77ba
commit 788ea2097e
4 changed files with 385 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import.dir=../data/import西部数据中心西部数据中心数据产品与服务数据产品与服务
title.heihe=黑河计划数据整理服务 title.heihe=黑河计划数据整理服务
title.knowledge=知识积累 title.knowledge=知识积累

View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
class YrnmrController extends DataController
private $limit=20;
function preDispatch()
function indexAction()
$sql="select m.uuid,m.title,,m.description from normalmetadata m left join thumbnail t on where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and length(>2 order by random() limit 3";
* 数据浏览
function browseAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') ");
$select->from('normalmetadata','*')->where(" uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') ")->order('title desc')->limitPage($page,$this->limit);
$this->view->metadata = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function thumbAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') ");
$select->from('normalmetadata as m','m.*')
->where(" uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') ")
->order('m.title desc')->limitPage($page,$this->limit);
$this->view->metadata = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function documentAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$row=$this->db->fetchAll("select count(*) from reference where id in (select refid from mdref where uuid in (select uuid from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') ))");
$sql="select * from reference where id in (select refid from mdref where uuid in (select uuid from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') )) order by reference limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit,"文献");
function baseAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='冰川' or keyword='沙漠' or keyword='地貌' or keyword='植被' or keyword='草场' or keyword='沙漠化' or keyword='基础地理' or keyword='遥感影像' or keyword='水文地质' or keyword='社会经济' or keyword='人口' or keyword='SWAT' or keyword='NPP' or keyword='WRF' or keyword='辐射' or keyword='NEP'))");
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='冰川' or keyword='沙漠' or keyword='地貌' or keyword='植被' or keyword='草场' or keyword='沙漠化' or keyword='基础地理' or keyword='遥感影像' or keyword='水文地质' or keyword='社会经济' or keyword='人口' or keyword='SWAT' or keyword='NPP' or keyword='WRF' or keyword='辐射' or keyword='NEP')) order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function geobaseAction()
function coreAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='DEM' or keyword='土地利用' or keyword='土壤' or keyword='气象' or keyword='水文观测' or keyword='灌溉' or keyword='试验'))");
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='DEM' or keyword='土地利用' or keyword='土壤' or keyword='气象' or keyword='水文观测' or keyword='灌溉' or keyword='试验')) order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function demAction()
function rsAction()
function waterAction()
function modelAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='WRF' or keyword='NPP' or keyword='SWAT' or keyword='NEP' or keyword='辐射'))");
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='WRF' or keyword='NPP' or keyword='SWAT' or keyword='NEP' or keyword='辐射')) order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function economicAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='人口' or keyword='社会经济'))");
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='人口' or keyword='社会经济')) order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function landsurfaceAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='冰川' or keyword='沙漠' or keyword='地貌' or keyword='植被' or keyword='草场' or keyword='沙漠化'))");
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='theme' and (keyword='冰川' or keyword='沙漠' or keyword='地貌' or keyword='植被' or keyword='草场' or keyword='沙漠化')) order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function landuseAction()
function soilAction()
function meteoAction()
function hydroAction()
function irragationAction()
function obsAction()
function listAction()
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') order by timebegin,title";
function tagAction()
$key = $this->_request->getParam('key');
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
if (!empty($key)) {
$sql=$this->db->quoteInto('select count(id) from keyword where keyword=?',$key);
$sql="select uuid,title,id,description from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keyword='".$key."') order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
} else {
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword.keyword,count(*) from keyword left join normalmetadata m on where keyword.keytype='place' and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') group by keyword.keyword order by count desc");
$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on where k.keytype='theme' and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') group by k.keyword order by k.keyword");
$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on where k.keytype='discipline' and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') group by k.keyword order by k.keyword");
$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on where k.keytype='stratum' and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') group by k.keyword order by k.keyword");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword.keyword,count(*) from keyword left join normalmetadata m on where keyword.keytype='temporal' and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') group by keyword.keyword order by keyword.keyword");
function searchAction()
$form=new SearchForm();
if (!empty($key)) {
$search=new Search($key);
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$row=$this->db->fetchAll("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and ".$where);
$sql="select uuid,title,id,description from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and ".$where." order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function timemapAction()
$sql="select id,uuid,west,south,north,east,title,timebegin,timeend from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and timebegin is not null";
function timelineAction()
$rows=$this->db->fetchAll("select ts_created from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') order by ts_created desc limit 1");
if (!file_exists($fn) || (filemtime($fn)<$last_update))
$dateformat="M j Y";
$rows=$this->db->fetchAll("select id,uuid,description,title,timebegin,timeend from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and timebegin is not null order by timebegin,title");
foreach($rows as $row) {
$timexml.='<event start="'.date($dateformat,strtotime($row['timebegin'])).' GMT+0800" ';
if ($row['timeend']!='' && $row['timeend']!=$row['timebegin']) $timexml.=' end="'.date($dateformat,strtotime($row['timeend'])).'" isDuration="true"';
$timexml.= ' title="'.htmlspecialchars($row['title']).'" image="/images/westdc_40w.gif" link="/heihe/view/uuid/'.$row['uuid'].'">';
if ($desc_length>300) $desc.=" ...";
function categoryAction()
$code = (int)$this->_request->getParam('code');
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$this->view->category=$this->db->fetchAll("select c.code,name,name_zh,count(*) from category c left join normalmetadata m on,categorycode cc where c.code=cc.code and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') group by c.code,,cc.name_zh");
if ($code>0 && $code<20) {
$row=$this->db->fetchAll("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from category where code=".$code.")");
$sql="select uuid,title,description,id from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select distinct id from category where code=".$code.") order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
$row=$this->db->fetchRow("select name,name_zh from categorycode where code=?",$code);
} else {
private function getmd($keyword,$type='theme')
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(m.*) from normalmetadata m left join datasource d on m.uuid=d.uuid left join source s on where s.code='heihe' and in (select id from keyword where keytype='".$type."' and keyword='".$keyword."')");
//@todo: add order with title
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on where s.code='heihe') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='".$type."' and keyword='".$keyword."') order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<div id="divHeader">
<div id="heiheLogo">
<a href="/yrnmr"><img src="/images/yrnmr-logo.png" alt="yrnmr Logo" /></a>
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<div id="userNavi">
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$user = $auth->getIdentity();
echo '<a href="/account/edit">'.$user->username.'</a> ';
if ($user->usertype=="administrator") echo '<a href="/admin">后台管理</a> ';
echo '<a href="/data/order">数据篮</a> <a href="/account/logout">注销</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="/account/login">登录</a> <a href="/account/register">注册</a>';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
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