update detail page
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ class DataController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$state=$this->db->query('select c.code,name,name_zh,count(*) from category c,categorycode cc where c.code=cc.code group by c.code,cc.name,cc.name_zh');
$state=$this->db->query('select c.code,name,name_zh,count(*) from category c,categorycode cc where c.code=cc.code group by c.code,cc.name,cc.name_zh');
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='place' group by keyword order by count desc limit 24");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='place' group by keyword order by count desc limit 27");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='theme' group by keyword order by count desc limit 24");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='theme' group by keyword order by count desc limit 27");
//$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on k.id=m.id where k.keytype='theme' and (m.uuid in (select uuid from dataorder group by uuid order by count(uuid) desc limit 20)) group by k.keyword order by count(k.keyword) desc limit 20");
//$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on k.id=m.id where k.keytype='theme' and (m.uuid in (select uuid from dataorder group by uuid order by count(uuid) desc limit 20)) group by k.keyword order by count(k.keyword) desc limit 20");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='discipline' group by keyword order by count desc limit 24");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='discipline' group by keyword order by count desc limit 27");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='stratum' group by keyword order by count desc limit 24");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='stratum' group by keyword order by count desc limit 27");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='temporal' group by keyword order by count desc limit 24");
$state=$this->db->query("select keyword,count(*) from keyword right join normalmetadata on keyword.id=normalmetadata.id where keytype='temporal' group by keyword order by count desc limit 27");
//$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on k.id=m.id where k.keytype='temporal' and (m.uuid in (select uuid from dataorder group by uuid order by count(uuid) desc limit 20)) group by k.keyword order by count(k.keyword) desc limit 20");
//$state=$this->db->query("select k.keyword,count(k.keyword) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on k.id=m.id where k.keytype='temporal' and (m.uuid in (select uuid from dataorder group by uuid order by count(uuid) desc limit 20)) group by k.keyword order by count(k.keyword) desc limit 20");
@ -42,16 +42,159 @@
<div class="dataContent">
<div class="dataContent">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<div class="thumb">
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<img src="/service/thumb/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid;?>"/>
<img src="/service/thumb/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid;?>"/>
<p>西藏卡若拉冰川位于西藏自治区山南地区浪卡子县和日喀则地区江孜县交界处,北纬28°54′23.30″~28°56′50.95″,东经90°11′42.21″~90°09′26.23″,属大陆性冰川,平均海拔5042米,是近南北向展布的宁金岗桑峰的组成部分。本数据集在综合中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所的我国第一次冰川编目数据、地球系统科学数据共享平台的雅鲁藏布江流域冰川2005年1∶10万编目数据、Google Earth遥感影像及野外考察等相关数据的基础上,借助ArcGIS、ENVI等软件,对数据进行波段组合、研究区裁剪、人工目视解译等技术研发完成,最后对所得的数据进行了精度验证。本数据集共包括1972~2017年间的25期冰川矢量数据和面积数据统计表,反映了45年来卡若拉冰川边界变化情况,可以作为青藏高原冰川变化、气候变化等研究的参考数据。</p>
<p><?php echo str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),'</p><p>',$md->description);?></p>
<?php if ($this->mcitation && (count($this->mcitation)>1) ) : ?>
<?php foreach($this->mcitation as $ref) :
echo '<p>'.$ref->reference;
echo '<a href="/knowledge/paper/id/'.$ref->id.'"><i class="icon-info-sign text-success"></i>查看</a>';
if (empty($ref->link))
echo '<a href="/service/attach/id/'.$ref->attid.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo '<a href="'.$ref->link.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo "</p>";
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (($md->citation) || (count($this->mcitation)==1)) :
if (!$md->citation) $md->citation=$this->mcitation[0]->reference;
<a class="pull-right" href="/archives/help/platform/archive-23.html" ><i class="icon-comment"></i>数据引用帮助</a>
<p><?php if (empty($md->datadoi) || !strpos($md->citation,$md->datadoi)) : ?><span class="label label-info">文章的引用</span>
<?php endif; echo $this->escape($md->citation);if (strpos($md->citation,$md->datadoi)) : ?>
(下载引用:<a href="/service/ris/lang/cn/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">RIS格式</a> | <a href="/service/ris/lang/en/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">RIS英文格式</a> | <a href="/service/bibtex/lang/cn/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">Bibtex格式</a> | <a href="/service/bibtex/lang/en/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">Bibtex英文格式</a>)
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($md->datadoi) && !strpos($md->citation,$md->datadoi)) : ?>
<p><span class="label label-info">数据的引用</span><?php
echo substr($md->authors,1,-1).'. '.$md->title.'. '.$md->publisher.', '.(empty($md->ts_published)?$md->publish_year:date('Y',strtotime($md->ts_published))).'. doi:'.$md->doi;
echo ' ['.str_replace('"','',substr($md->author_en,1,-1)).'. '.$md->title_en.'. '.$md->publisher_en.', '.(empty($md->ts_published)?$md->publish_year:date('Y',strtotime($md->ts_published))).'. doi:'.$md->doi.']';
?> (下载引用:<a href="/service/ris/lang/cn/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">RIS格式</a> | <a href="/service/ris/lang/en/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">RIS英文格式</a> | <a href="/service/bibtex/lang/cn/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">Bibtex格式</a> | <a href="/service/bibtex/lang/en/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>">Bibtex英文格式</a>)</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->ref) : ?>
<?php foreach($this->ref as $ref) :
echo '<p>'.$ref->reference;
echo '<a href="/knowledge/paper/id/'.$ref->id.'"><i class="icon-info-sign text-success"></i>查看</a>';
if (empty($ref->link))
echo '<a href="/service/attach/id/'.$ref->attid.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo '<a href="'.$ref->link.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo "</p>";
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->themeref) :?>
<?php foreach($this->themeref as $ref) :
echo '<p>'.$ref->reference;
echo '<a href="/knowledge/paper/id/'.$ref->id.'"><i class="icon-info-sign text-success"></i>查看</a>';
if (empty($ref->link))
echo ' | <a href="/service/attach/id/'.$ref->attid.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo ' | <a href="'.$ref->link.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo "</p>";
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->userref) : ?>
<?php foreach($this->userref as $ref) :
echo '<p>'.$ref->reference;
echo '<a href="/knowledge/paper/id/'.$ref->id.'"><i class="icon-info-sign text-success"></i>查看</a>';
if (empty($ref->link))
echo '<a href="/service/attach/id/'.$ref->attid.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo '<a href="'.$ref->link.'"><i class="icon-download text-success"></i>下载</a>';
echo "</p>";
if (count($this->userref)==15)
echo '<a class="btn btn-success pull-right" href="/knowledge/user/uuid/'.$md->uuid.'" ><i class="icon-info-sign"></i>更多施引文献</a>';
<?php endif; ?>
if ($this->uselimits) :
foreach($this->uselimits as $uselimit) :
echo '<p>'.str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),'</p><p>',$this->escape($uselimit->uselimit)).'</p>';
<?php else : ?>
<p>中文发表的成果参考以下规范注明: 数据来源于时空三极大数据平台(http://www.poles.ac.cn)</p>
<p>英文发表的成果依据以下规范注明: The data set is provided by Cold and Arid Regions Sciences Data Center at Lanzhou (http://www.poles.ac.cn)</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->data_archives){ ?>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
foreach($this->data_archives as $v){?>
<li><a href="<?= $v['url']['archive_url']?>"><?= $v['title']?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ($md->suppinfo || $this->fund) : ?>
<?php if(!empty($this->fund)) : ?>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<?php foreach($this->fund as $k=>$v) : ?>
<li><?= $v['fund_type'] ?>:<a href="/data/fund/id/<?= $v['id'] ?>"><?= $v['title'] ?></a>(项目编号:<?= $v['fund_id']?>) [<?= $v['fund_type_en'] ?>(No. <?= $v['fund_id']?>)]</li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php elseif(!empty($md->suppinfo)) : ?>
<?php echo '<p>'.str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),'</p><p>',$this->escape($md->suppinfo)).'</p>';?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->resources) : ?>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<?php foreach($this->resources as $link) : ?>
<li><a href="<?php echo $link->linkage; ?>" title="<?php echo $link->description; ?>">
if (!empty($link->name))
echo $link->name;
elseif (!empty($link->description))
echo $link->description;
echo $link->linkage;
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="">
<div class="">
<ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs">
<ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs">
<li class="active">
<li class="active">
@ -69,7 +212,23 @@
<div class="tab-pane fade in" id="home2">
<div class="tab-pane fade in" id="home2">
<?php if ($this->downhistory) : ?>
<ul start="1">
foreach($this->downhistory as $v){
echo '<li>'.date("Y-m-d",strtotime($v->ts_created))." ".$v->unit." ".$v->realname;
if (!empty($v->offlineproject))
echo ' 用途:'.$v->offlineproject;
elseif (!empty($v->onlineproject))
echo ' 用途:'.$v->onlineproject;
echo '</li>';
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="tab-pane fade in" id="home3">
<div class="tab-pane fade in" id="home3">
@ -79,31 +238,111 @@
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 rightBox">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 rightBox">
<div class="topMap">
<div class="topMap" id='watermap' style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<img src="/static-sanji-v2/img/banner1.jpg"/>
<img src="/static-sanji-v2/img/banner1.jpg"/>
<?php if ($md->fileformat) : ?>
<li>格式:<span><?php echo $md->fileformat; ?></span></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<li>数据时间范围:1972-10-18 至 2017-01-16</li>
<li>大小:<span><?php echo $md->filesize; ?>MB</span></li>
<?php if ($this->downloaded>9) :?>
<li>下载:<span><?php echo $this->downloaded; ?>次</span></li>
<li>历史版本:1 个<a href=""></a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<li>下载元数据:<a href=""></a></li>
<li>浏览:<span><?php echo $this->viewed; ?>次</span></li>
<?php if (!empty($md->timebegin)) : ?>
<li>数据时间范围:<span><?php echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime($md->timebegin));if (!empty($md->timeend)) echo " 至 ".date('Y-m-d',strtotime($md->timeend)); ?></span></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<li>数据共享方式:<span><?php if ($md->datatype) print "离线"; else print "在线(可直接下载)";?></span></li>
<li>元数据更新时间:<span><?php print date('Y-m-d',strtotime($md->ts_created)); ?></span></li>
<a href="" class="addBtn">放入数据篮</a>
<?php if ($md->status>0 and $md->status<5) : ?>
<a href="/review/review/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>" class="addBtn">数据评审</a>
<?php else : if (!$md->datatype) : ?>
<a href="/data/todownload/?uuid=<?= $md->uuid?>" class="addBtn">下载数据</a>
<?php else: ?>
if(!empty($this->dataService)) { ?>
<?php $this->theme->AppendPlus($this,'datepicker'); ?>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="addBtn" title="此数据需要选择要下载的子集" onclick="westdc.dataservice.choiceData('<?= $md->uuid ?>',this);">
<?php }else{ ?>
<a href="/data/order/uuid/<?php echo $md->uuid; ?>" class="addBtn" title="免费!离线申请此数据(在线数据和离线数据都可申请)">放入数据篮</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif;endif; ?>
<div class="">
<div class="">
<p>元数据作者:<a href="">邱玉宝</a></p>
<p>数据服务联系人:<a href="">邱玉宝</a></p>
<p>联系人:<a href="">邱玉宝</a></p>
<p>资源提供者:<a href="">邱玉宝</a></p>
foreach($this->authors as $k=>$author) :
if ($author->role!=$r)
if ($k>0) echo '</p>';
echo '<p>'.$party_zh[$author->role].':';
if ($i>0) echo ',';
if (!empty($author->email) && $r!='principalInvestigator')
echo '<a href="mailto:'.$author->email.'">';
echo '<strong title="'.$author->organisation.'">';
if (!empty($author->individual))
echo $author->individual;
echo $author->organisation;
echo '</strong>';
if (!empty($author->email)) echo '</a>';
if ($k+1==count($this->authors)) echo '</p>';
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var config = { projection: "EPSG:4326"};
var map=new TMap("watermap",config);
var lat=<?= ($md->south+$md->north)/2; ?>;
var lng=<?= ($md->east+$md->west)/2; ?>;
map.centerAndZoom(new TLngLat(lng,lat),12);
<?php if ($md->north==$md->south && $md->east==$md->west) :?>
var marker=new TMarker(new TLngLat(lng,lat));
<?php else :?>
var p1=new TLngLat(<?= $md->west ?>,<?= $md->south ?>);
var p2=new TLngLat(<?= $md->west ?>,<?= $md->north ?>);
var p3=new TLngLat(<?= $md->east ?>,<?= $md->north ?>);
var p4=new TLngLat(<?= $md->east ?>,<?= $md->south ?>);
map.setViewport(new Array(p1,p2,p3,p4));
var bounds = new TBounds(<?= $md->west; ?>,<?= $md->south; ?>,<?= $md->east; ?>,<?= $md->north; ?>);
var config = {
strokeColor:"red", //折线颜色
fillColor:"#FFFFFF", //填充颜色。当参数为空时,折线覆盖物将没有填充效果
strokeWeight:"3px", //折线的宽度,以像素为单位
opacity:0.3, //折线的透明度,取值范围0 - 1
strokeStyle:"dashed" //折线的样式,solid或dashed
var rect = new TRect(bounds,config);
<?php endif; ?>
var config = {
anchor:"TMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT", //缩放平移控件显示的位置
offset:[0,0] //缩放平移控件的偏移值 showZoomInfo:true //是否显示级别提示信息,true表示显示,false表示隐藏。
control=new TNavigationControl(config);
<?php else: ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p>Cannot find the metadata.</p>
<p>Cannot find the metadata.</p>
@ -21,10 +21,12 @@
float: left;
float: left;
margin-right: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
.dataContent .thumb{
text-align: center;
.dataContent img{
.dataContent img{
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 30px;
margin: 30px auto 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.leftBox p{
.leftBox p{
font-size: 14px;
font-size: 14px;
@ -45,6 +47,9 @@
width: 120px;
width: 120px;
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: bold;
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
height: 250px;
height: 250px;
Reference in New Issue