diff --git a/application/default/views/scripts/visual/view.phtml b/application/default/views/scripts/visual/view.phtml
index 9a645b3b..d8f205c5 100644
--- a/application/default/views/scripts/visual/view.phtml
+++ b/application/default/views/scripts/visual/view.phtml
@@ -12,7 +12,14 @@ $this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
= $this->info['title'] ?> 数据可视化查看
+ 清除图像
@@ -23,20 +30,31 @@ $this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/module/Westdc/Visual/Record.php b/application/module/Westdc/Visual/Record.php
index c368be6d..4b1144df 100644
--- a/application/module/Westdc/Visual/Record.php
+++ b/application/module/Westdc/Visual/Record.php
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
- if(!empty($identifier))
- {
- $this->subdataset = $identifier;
- }
- if(!empty($uuid) && !empty($identifier))
- {
- $this->initVisual($uuid);
- }
- }
- public function __invoke()
- {
- return $this->getData();
- }
- public function initDatabase()
- {
- $config = \Zend_Registry::get('config');
- $dsn = "pgsql:host={$config->visual_db->hostname};"
- ."port={$config->visual_db->port};"
- ."dbname={$config->visual_db->database};"
- ."user={$config->visual_db->username};"
- ."password={$config->visual_db->password}";
- $this->db = new \PDO($dsn);
- }
- public function initVisual($uuid)
- {
- $visual = new Visual;
- $var_data = $visual->getVisualVars($uuid);
- $this->sql = $this->makeSql($var_data['data'],$this->subdataset);
- //echo $this->sql;exit();
- }
- public function getSql()
- {
- return $this->sql;
- }
- public function getData()
- {
- $rs = $this->db->query($this->sql);
- $data = [];
- while($row = $rs->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
- {
- $row['utctime'] = $this->utcMsTime(strtotime($row['utctime']));
- //var_dump($row);
- $data[] = array(
- $row['utctime'],
- $row['value']
- );
- }
- return $data;
- }
- public function makeSql($table,$fieldValue)
- {
- $sql = "SELECT
- {$this->timeFiled} as utctime , \"$fieldValue\" as value
- FROM $table
- extract(YEAR from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
- extract(MONTH from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
- extract(DAY from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
- extract(HOUR from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
- extract(MINUTE from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
- extract(SECOND from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC
- ";
- return $sql;
- }
- public function utcMsTime($time=''){
- if(empty($time))
- return (time()+8*3600)*1000;
- else
- return $time*1000;
- }
+ if(!empty($identifier))
+ {
+ $this->subdataset = $identifier;
+ }
+ if(!empty($uuid) && !empty($identifier))
+ {
+ $this->initVisual($uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ public function __invoke()
+ {
+ return $this->getData();
+ }
+ public function initDatabase()
+ {
+ $config = \Zend_Registry::get('config');
+ $dsn = "pgsql:host={$config->visual_db->hostname};"
+ ."port={$config->visual_db->port};"
+ ."dbname={$config->visual_db->database};"
+ ."user={$config->visual_db->username};"
+ ."password={$config->visual_db->password}";
+ $this->db = new \PDO($dsn);
+ }
+ public function initVisual($uuid)
+ {
+ $visual = new Visual;
+ $var_data = $visual->getVisualVars($uuid);
+ $this->sql = $this->makeSql($var_data['data'],$this->subdataset);
+ //echo $this->sql;exit();
+ }
+ public function getSql()
+ {
+ return $this->sql;
+ }
+ public function getData()
+ {
+ $rs = $this->db->query($this->sql);
+ $data = [];
+ while($row = $rs->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
+ {
+ $row['utctime'] = $this->utcMsTime(strtotime($row['utctime']));
+ //var_dump($row);
+ $data[] = array(
+ $row['utctime'],
+ $row['value']
+ );
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ public function makeSql($table,$fieldValue)
+ {
+ $sql = "SELECT
+ {$this->timeFiled} as utctime , \"$fieldValue\" as value
+ FROM $table
+ extract(YEAR from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
+ extract(MONTH from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
+ extract(DAY from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
+ extract(HOUR from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
+ extract(MINUTE from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC,
+ extract(SECOND from \"{$this->timeFiled}\") ASC
+ ";
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ public function utcMsTime($time=''){
+ if(empty($time))
+ return (time()+8*3600)*1000;
+ else
+ return ($time+8*3600)*1000;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file