#197 添加了评审意见反馈功能

This commit is contained in:
Li Jianxuan 2012-11-29 08:02:10 +00:00
parent c7828e79a9
commit c6426e0c3e
3 changed files with 194 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
2, //开始邀请专家,送审阶段
3, //专家接受邀请,在审阶段
4, //专家反馈,在审
5, //评审结束,发布
5, //评审结束,发布
if(empty($id) || !isset($status) || !in_array($status,$stvalues))
@ -516,9 +516,9 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* return view
function addonAction()
function addonAction()
$sql = "select * from mdstatus where uuid='$uuid'";
@ -538,11 +538,11 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
} else if ($row['status']==5){
$sql="update mdstatus set status=1,ts_accepted=now() where status=5 and id=".$row['id'];
} else if ($row['status']==5){
$sql="update mdstatus set status=1,ts_accepted=now() where status=5 and id=".$row['id'];
} else {
@ -654,12 +654,12 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$sql = "UPDATE mdversion SET changelog=?,userid=? WHERE id in (select id from mdversion where uuid in (select uuid from mdstatus where id=?) order by ts_created desc limit 1)";
$this->db->query($sql,array('发布第一个正式版本 version 1.0',$userid,$id));
$sql="delete from mdversion where changelog is null and uuid in (select uuid from mdstatus where id=?)";
$sql = "UPDATE mdversion SET changelog=?,userid=? WHERE id in (select id from mdversion where uuid in (select uuid from mdstatus where id=?) order by ts_created desc limit 1)";
$this->db->query($sql,array('发布第一个正式版本 version 1.0',$userid,$id));
$sql="delete from mdversion where changelog is null and uuid in (select uuid from mdstatus where id=?)";
//email message
$mail=new WestdcMailer($this->view->config->smtp);
@ -743,25 +743,25 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
else $ids=$update;
if (is_numeric($ids))
$sql="select distinct u.email,m.title,m.uuid from mdstatus s left join metadata m on s.uuid=m.uuid
left join mdauthor a on s.uuid=a.uuid left join users u on a.userid=u.id where s.id=? order by u.email";
if ($rows)
foreach ($rows as $row)
//send email
if (is_numeric($ids))
$sql="select distinct u.email,m.title,m.uuid from mdstatus s left join metadata m on s.uuid=m.uuid
left join mdauthor a on s.uuid=a.uuid left join users u on a.userid=u.id where s.id=? order by u.email";
if ($rows)
foreach ($rows as $row)
//send email
$mail=new WestdcMailer($this->view->config->smtp);
$mailtp=new EmailText($this->db,"review-new-accept",array(
@ -769,12 +769,12 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'title'=> $iso->resTitle
@ -1471,5 +1471,83 @@ class Admin_ReviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
}//commentsAction 查看所有评审意见
//replyAction() 数据评审信息反馈
function replyAction(){
$uuid = $this->_getParam('uuid');
$send = $this->_getParam('send');
$jump_url = $this->view->jump_url = 'javascript:history.go(-1);';
$this->view->msg = "参数错误,<a href='$jump_url'>如果页面没有跳转请点击这里</a>";
return true;
$this->view->uuid = $uuid;
$sql = "SELECT mr.*,u.username,u.realname FROM mdreview mr
LEFT JOIN users u ON mr.userid = u.id
WHERE mr.uuid = '$uuid'";
$sth = $this->db->query($sql);
$reviews = $sth->fetchAll();
$this->view->review = $reviews;
$sql = "SELECT md.title,u.email FROM metadata md
LEFT JOIN mdauthor a ON md.uuid=a.uuid
WHERE md.uuid='$uuid'";
$sth = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$emails = array();
foreach($rows as $v);
$emails[] = $v['email'];
$jump_url = $this->view->jump_url = 'javascript:history.go(-1);';
$this->view->msg = "该元数据未指派作者,<a href='$jump_url'>如果页面没有跳转请点击这里</a>";
return true;
$title = $rows[0]['title'];
$body = "元数据《$title》的作者您好\r\n
foreach($reviews as $k=>$v)
$body .= $v['username'].":".$v['mdcomment']."\r\n";
$body .= "\r\n           西部数据中心服务组";
$mail=new WestdcMailer($this->view->config->smtp);
foreach($emails as $v)

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
<a href="/admin/review/changeadmin/id/<?php echo $item['id'];?>">更改管理员</a>
<a href="/admin/review/inreview/show/<?php echo $item['id'];?>">查看详细</a>
<a href="/admin/review/comments/ac/list/uuid/<?php echo $item['uuid'];?>">查看评审意见</a>
<a href="/admin/review/reply/uuid/<?php echo $item['uuid'];?>">意见反馈</a>
<a href='/admin/review/accept/cancel/<?php echo $item['id'];?>' onclick="return confirm('是否确定取消评审')">取消评审</a>
<a href="/admin/review/checkmail/id/<?php echo $item['id'];?>" style="color:#6C0">发布</a>
<a href="/admin/review/delete/id/<?php echo $item['id'];?>" style="color:#F00" onclick="return confirm('是否确定删除?该操作不可逆')">删除</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - ');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/">首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/admin">后台首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
<div id="leftPanel">
<?= $this->partial('review/left.phtml'); ?>
<div id="rightPanel">
<div class="box box-error"><?= $this->msg;?></div>
<?php if(!empty($this->jump_url)) {?>
<script language="javascript">setTimeout("history.go(-1)",3000);</script>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else{?>
<?php if(empty($this->review))
{ echo "此数据尚无反馈信息";
<div id="datalist">
<?php foreach($this->review as $v)
<li><?= empty($v['realname']) ? $v['username'] : $v['realname']?> <?= $v['mdcomment']?></li>
<?php }?>
<button type="button" onclick="send()" id="submit" class="btn btn-green">反馈给元数据作者</button>
function send(){
var dom = "#submit";
var html = $(dom).html();
'data':'uuid=<?= $this->uuid?>&send=1',
if (typeof(data)=='object')
{Alert(data.error);return false;}
'timeout': 30000,
'error': function(){
$(dom).html('<img src="/images/ajax-load-small.gif" />处理中...');
$(dom).html(html);$(dom).removeAttr("disabled");dom = null;
<?php }?>
<?php } ?>