
This commit is contained in:
Li Jianxuan 2014-01-10 09:21:13 +00:00
parent 8f8631ee2f
commit fd1a7260af
5 changed files with 815 additions and 508 deletions

View File

@ -1,437 +1,462 @@
class Admin_StatController extends Zend_Controller_Action
function preDispatch()
$this->view->config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$this->view->messages = $this->messenger->getMessages();
$this->view->theme = new Theme();
function postDispatch()
$this->view->messages = $this->messenger->getMessages();
function indexAction()
$sql="select (select count(id) from users) as alluser,
(select count(id) from normalmetadata) as alldata,
(select count(id) as num from dataorder where status=0) as onlinedown,
(select count(id) as num from dataorder where status=5) as offlinedown,
(select count(id) as num from offlineapp where ts_approved is not null) as offlinepass,
(select count(id) as num from offlineapp where ts_approved is null) as offlineunfinished,
(select count(id) as num from dataorder where offlineappid>0 and status=-1) as offlinedenied,
(select count(id) as num from onlineapp) as onlineapp";
$sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where (d.status=0 or d.status=5) and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$allsize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->allsize = $allsize;
$sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=5 and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$offlinesize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->offlinesize = $offlinesize;
$sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=0 and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$onlinesize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->onlinesize = $onlinesize;
$sql="select sum(configvalue::real)/1024/1024/1024 as num from g6ftpusersettings where userid in (select id from g6ftpusers where name like 'westdc%' or name='newwestdc') and configname='StatsDownloaded'";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$onlinesize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->onlineg6size = $onlinesize;
}//indexAction 首页
function unitAction()
$ac = $this->_getParam('ac');
$y = (int)$this->_request->getParam('y');
$n = date("Y",time());
if($y<2004 || $y>$n)
$this->view->y = $y;
/*$sql = "select count(d.id) as num,o.unit from dataorder d
left join offlineapp o on o.id=d.offlineappid
where d.offlineappid>0 and o.unit is not null and d.status>4";*/
$sql = "select count(o.id) as num,o.unit from offlineapp o
where o.unit is not null ";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from o.ts_created)='$y'";
$sql.=" group by o.unit";
$fe = $this->db->query($sql);
$unitoffline = $fe->fetchAll();
$sql = "select count(d.id) as num,o.unit from dataorder d
left join onlineapp o on o.id=d.onlineappid
where d.onlineappid>0 and o.unit is not null";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from o.ts_created)='$y'";
$sql.=" group by o.unit";
$fe = $this->db->query($sql);
$unitonline = $fe->fetchAll();
$units = array();
foreach($unitonline as $k=>$v)
$units[$v['unit']]['online'] = $v['num'];
foreach($unitoffline as $k=>$v)
$units[$v['unit']]['offline'] = $v['num'];
$index = 1;
foreach($units as $k=>$v)
$units[$k]['online'] = 0;
$units[$k]['offline'] = 0;
$units[$k]['total'] = $units[$k]['online'] + $units[$k]['offline'];
$units[$k]['index'] = $index++;
if($ac == "out")
$type = $this->_getParam('type');
if(empty($type) || $type == "csv")
$stat = new Stat($this->db);
$head = array("id","单位名称","离线申请次数","在线申请次数","总申请次数");
$content = array();
foreach($units as $k=>$v)
$content[] = array(
if($type == "json")
$stat = new Stat($this->db);
$content = array();
foreach($units as $k=>$v)
$content[] = array(
$this->view->units = $units;
function userAction(){
$ac = $this->_getParam('ac');
if($ac == "get")
$stat = new Stat($this->db);
$rows = $stat->UserDataorder();
$down = $this->_getParam('down');
return true;
if($down == "csv")
$head = array("id","姓名","离线申请次数","在线申请次数","总申请次数");
if($down == "json")
$head = array("id","姓名","离线申请次数","在线申请次数","总申请次数");
function monthAction(){
$y = (int)$this->_request->getParam('y');
$n = date("Y",time());
if($y<2004 || $y>$n)
$this->view->y = $y;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from onlineapp
where id in (select distinct(onlineappid) from dataorder)";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->data = $rows;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from dataorder
where status=0";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->online = $rows;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from offlineapp
where ts_approved is not null";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->offline = $rows;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from users";
if ($y)
$sql.=" where extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->newuser = $rows;
function awstatswebAction()
}//awstats web 统计
function awstatsweb2Action()
}//awstats web 统计
function awstatsftpAction()
}//awstats ftp 统计
function awstatsftp2Action()
}//awstats ftp 统计
function webalizerAction()
}//webalizer 统计
function waterAction()
$sql="select count(k.keyword) as num,d.status,k.keyword from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid
left join keyword k on m.id=k.id
where (d.status=5 or d.status=-1) and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'
and (k.keyword='航空遥感' or k.keyword='卫星遥感' or k.keyword='气象水文' or k.keyword='上游寒区水文试验区' or k.keyword='森林水文试验区' or k.keyword='中游干旱区水文试验区')
group by k.keyword,d.status order by k.keyword desc,d.status desc";
$re =$this->db->query($sql);
$type =$re->fetchAll();//按分类
$this->view->type = $type;
$sql="select count(extract(month from o.ts_created)) as c,extract(month from o.ts_created) as m,extract(year from o.ts_created) as y
from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid
where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=3 or d.status=5 or d.status=-1)
group by extract(month from o.ts_created),extract(year from o.ts_created)
order by extract(year from o.ts_created),extract(month from o.ts_created)";
$this->view->month = $month;
$sql = "select
extract(year from o.ts_created) as y,extract(month from o.ts_created) as m,
count(extract(month from o.ts_created)) as c
(select distinct(o.id),o.ts_created
from offlineapp o where o.datalist like '%黑河综合遥感联合试验%') as o
group by extract(month from o.ts_created),extract(year from o.ts_created)
order by extract(year from o.ts_created),extract(month from o.ts_created)";
$this->view->order = $order;
$sql = "select (sum(m.filesize)/1024) as n from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid
where d.status=5 and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'";
$sql = "select count(lower(o.unit)) as c,lower(o.unit) as u
from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid
where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=5)
group by lower(o.unit)
order by lower(o.unit)";
$sql = "select count(t.unit) as c,t.unit from
(select distinct(o.id),o.unit
from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid
where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=5)
) as t
group by t.unit";
$re = $this->db->query($sql);
$ounit= $re->fetchAll();
$this->view->ounit = $ounit;
//water 项目按月统计下载量
$sql = "select (sum(m.filesize)/1024) as n,extract(month from d.ts_created) as m,extract(year from d.ts_created) as y from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid
where d.status=5 and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'
group by extract(month from d.ts_created),extract(year from d.ts_created)
order by extract(year from d.ts_created),extract(month from d.ts_created)";
$re = $this->db->query($sql);
$dm = $re->fetchAll();
$this->view->dm = $dm;
public function jsonexit($data){
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')->appendBody(json_encode($data,JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK));
return true;
}//jsonexit() 退出并返回json数据
class Admin_StatController extends Zend_Controller_Action
function preDispatch()
$this->view->config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$this->view->messages = $this->messenger->getMessages();
$this->view->theme = new Theme();
function postDispatch()
$this->view->messages = $this->messenger->getMessages();
function indexAction()
$sql="select (select count(id) from users) as alluser,
(select count(id) from normalmetadata) as alldata,
(select count(id) as num from dataorder where status=0) as onlinedown,
(select count(id) as num from dataorder where status=5) as offlinedown,
(select count(id) as num from offlineapp where ts_approved is not null) as offlinepass,
(select count(id) as num from offlineapp where ts_approved is null) as offlineunfinished,
(select count(id) as num from dataorder where offlineappid>0 and status=-1) as offlinedenied,
(select count(id) as num from onlineapp) as onlineapp";
$sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where (d.status=0 or d.status=5) and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$allsize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->allsize = $allsize;
$sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=5 and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$offlinesize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->offlinesize = $offlinesize;
$sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=0 and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$onlinesize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->onlinesize = $onlinesize;
$sql="select sum(configvalue::real)/1024/1024/1024 as num from g6ftpusersettings where userid in (select id from g6ftpusers where name like 'westdc%' or name='newwestdc') and configname='StatsDownloaded'";
$res = $this->db->query($sql);
$onlinesize = $res->fetch();
$this->view->onlineg6size = $onlinesize;
}//indexAction 首页
function unitAction()
$ac = $this->_getParam('ac');
$y = (int)$this->_request->getParam('y');
$n = date("Y",time());
if($y<2004 || $y>$n)
$this->view->y = $y;
/*$sql = "select count(d.id) as num,o.unit from dataorder d
left join offlineapp o on o.id=d.offlineappid
where d.offlineappid>0 and o.unit is not null and d.status>4";*/
$sql = "select count(o.id) as num,o.unit from offlineapp o
where o.unit is not null ";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from o.ts_created)='$y'";
$sql.=" group by o.unit";
$fe = $this->db->query($sql);
$unitoffline = $fe->fetchAll();
$sql = "select count(d.id) as num,o.unit from dataorder d
left join onlineapp o on o.id=d.onlineappid
where d.onlineappid>0 and o.unit is not null";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from o.ts_created)='$y'";
$sql.=" group by o.unit";
$fe = $this->db->query($sql);
$unitonline = $fe->fetchAll();
$units = array();
foreach($unitonline as $k=>$v)
$units[$v['unit']]['online'] = $v['num'];
foreach($unitoffline as $k=>$v)
$units[$v['unit']]['offline'] = $v['num'];
$index = 1;
foreach($units as $k=>$v)
$units[$k]['online'] = 0;
$units[$k]['offline'] = 0;
$units[$k]['total'] = $units[$k]['online'] + $units[$k]['offline'];
$units[$k]['index'] = $index++;
if($ac == "out")
$type = $this->_getParam('type');
if(empty($type) || $type == "csv")
$stat = new Stat($this->db);
$head = array("id","单位名称","离线申请次数","在线申请次数","总申请次数");
$content = array();
foreach($units as $k=>$v)
$content[] = array(
if($type == "json")
$stat = new Stat($this->db);
$content = array();
foreach($units as $k=>$v)
$content[] = array(
$this->view->units = $units;
function userAction(){
$this->view->ac = $ac = $this->_getParam('ac');
if($ac == "new")
$this->view->year = $year = !empty($this->_getParam('year')) ? $this->_getParam('year'):date("Y");
$this->view->by = $by = !empty($this->_getParam('by')) ? $this->_getParam('by'):"month";
$userStatistics = new \Statistics\User();
if($by == "month")
$this->view->data = $userStatistics->getNewUsersByMonth($year);
if($by == "year")
$this->view->data = $userStatistics->getNewUsersByYear($year);
if($by == "monthavg")
$this->view->data = $userStatistics->getAverageSingupByMonth($year);
return true;
if($ac == "get")
$stat = new Stat($this->db);
$rows = $stat->UserDataorder();
$down = $this->_getParam('down');
return true;
if($down == "csv")
$head = array("id","姓名","离线申请次数","在线申请次数","总申请次数");
if($down == "json")
$head = array("id","姓名","离线申请次数","在线申请次数","总申请次数");
function monthAction(){
$y = (int)$this->_request->getParam('y');
$n = date("Y",time());
if($y<2004 || $y>$n)
$this->view->y = $y;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from onlineapp
where id in (select distinct(onlineappid) from dataorder)";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->data = $rows;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from dataorder
where status=0";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->online = $rows;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from offlineapp
where ts_approved is not null";
if ($y)
$sql.=" and extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->offline = $rows;
$sql = "select count(extract(month from ts_created)) as c,extract(month from ts_created) as m,extract(year from ts_created) as y from users";
if ($y)
$sql.=" where extract(year from ts_created)='$y' ";
$sql.=" group by extract(month from ts_created),extract(year from ts_created)
order by extract(year from ts_created),extract(month from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
$this->view->newuser = $rows;
function awstatswebAction()
}//awstats web 统计
function awstatsweb2Action()
}//awstats web 统计
function awstatsftpAction()
}//awstats ftp 统计
function awstatsftp2Action()
}//awstats ftp 统计
function webalizerAction()
}//webalizer 统计
function waterAction()
$sql="select count(k.keyword) as num,d.status,k.keyword from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid
left join keyword k on m.id=k.id
where (d.status=5 or d.status=-1) and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'
and (k.keyword='航空遥感' or k.keyword='卫星遥感' or k.keyword='气象水文' or k.keyword='上游寒区水文试验区' or k.keyword='森林水文试验区' or k.keyword='中游干旱区水文试验区')
group by k.keyword,d.status order by k.keyword desc,d.status desc";
$re =$this->db->query($sql);
$type =$re->fetchAll();//按分类
$this->view->type = $type;
$sql="select count(extract(month from o.ts_created)) as c,extract(month from o.ts_created) as m,extract(year from o.ts_created) as y
from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid
where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=3 or d.status=5 or d.status=-1)
group by extract(month from o.ts_created),extract(year from o.ts_created)
order by extract(year from o.ts_created),extract(month from o.ts_created)";
$this->view->month = $month;
$sql = "select
extract(year from o.ts_created) as y,extract(month from o.ts_created) as m,
count(extract(month from o.ts_created)) as c
(select distinct(o.id),o.ts_created
from offlineapp o where o.datalist like '%黑河综合遥感联合试验%') as o
group by extract(month from o.ts_created),extract(year from o.ts_created)
order by extract(year from o.ts_created),extract(month from o.ts_created)";
$this->view->order = $order;
$sql = "select (sum(m.filesize)/1024) as n from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid
where d.status=5 and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'";
$sql = "select count(lower(o.unit)) as c,lower(o.unit) as u
from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid
where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=5)
group by lower(o.unit)
order by lower(o.unit)";
$sql = "select count(t.unit) as c,t.unit from
(select distinct(o.id),o.unit
from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid
where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=5)
) as t
group by t.unit";
$re = $this->db->query($sql);
$ounit= $re->fetchAll();
$this->view->ounit = $ounit;
//water 项目按月统计下载量
$sql = "select (sum(m.filesize)/1024) as n,extract(month from d.ts_created) as m,extract(year from d.ts_created) as y from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid
where d.status=5 and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'
group by extract(month from d.ts_created),extract(year from d.ts_created)
order by extract(year from d.ts_created),extract(month from d.ts_created)";
$re = $this->db->query($sql);
$dm = $re->fetchAll();
$this->view->dm = $dm;
public function jsonexit($data){
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')->appendBody(json_encode($data,JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK));
return true;
}//jsonexit() 退出并返回json数据

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li <?= empty($this->ac) ? 'class="active"':"" ?>><a href="/admin/stat/user">概况</a></li>
<li <?= $this->ac == "new" ? 'class="active"':"" ?>><a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/new">新用户</a></li>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - ');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/">首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/admin">后台首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/plot/jquery.jqplot.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/plot/plugins/jqplot.barRenderer.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/plot/plugins/jqplot.pieRenderer.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/plot/plugins/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/plot/plugins/jqplot.highlighter.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/plot/plugins/jqplot.pointLabels.js"></script>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span2">
<?= $this->partial('stat/left.phtml'); ?>
<div class="span10">
<?= $this->partial('stat/user-nav.phtml',array('ac'=>$this->ac)); ?>
<div class="cp">
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/new/by/month<?= $this->year ? "/year/".$this->year:"" ?>" class="btn btn-info <?= $this->by == "month" ? "disabled":"" ?>">按月</a>
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/new/by/year<?= $this->year ? "/year/".$this->year:"" ?>" class="btn btn-info <?= $this->by == "year" ? "disabled":"" ?>">按年</a>
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/new/by/monthavg<?= $this->year ? "/year/".$this->year:"" ?>" class="btn btn-info <?= $this->by == "monthavg" ? "disabled":"" ?>">月均值</a>
<?php if(in_array($this->by,array("year","monthavg") )) {?><a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/new/by/<?= $this->by ?>/year/-1" class="btn btn-info">所有</a><?php } ?>
<?php for($i = (int)date("Y");$i>=2004 ;$i--)
$active = $this->year == $i ? "disabled":"";
echo '<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/new/by/'.$this->by.'/year/'.$i.'" class="btn btn-info '.$active.'">'.$i.'</a>';
<?php if($this->by == 'month' && !empty($this->data)){ ?>
<hr />
<h4><?= $this->year ?>的按月新用户注册量统计</h4>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span3">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<?php foreach($this->data as $k=>$v) {?>
<tr><td><?= $v['date_part'] ?></td><td><?= $v['count'] ?></td></tr>
<?php } ?>
<div class="span9">
<!-- 统计图表 -->
<?php } ?>
<?php if($this->by == 'year' && !empty($this->data)){ ?>
<hr />
<h4><?= $this->year == -1 ? "所有":$this->year ?>的新用户注册量统计</h4>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span3">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<?php foreach($this->data as $k=>$v) {?>
<tr><td><?= $v['date_part'] ?></td><td><?= $v['count'] ?></td></tr>
<?php } ?>
<div class="span9">
<!-- 统计图表 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$vars = array();
$month = array();
foreach ($this->data as $v)
$vars[] = $v['count'];
$month[]= "'".$v['date_part']."'";
var s1 = [<?php echo join(',',$vars); ?>];
var ticks = [<?php echo join(',',$month); ?>];
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart_div_year_seq', [s1], {
pointLabels: { show: true }
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: ticks
highlighter: { show: false }
<div class="content" id="chart_div_year_seq"></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($this->by == 'monthavg' && !empty($this->data)){ ?>
<hr />
<h4><?= $this->year ?>的月均用户注册量</h4>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span3">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<?php foreach($this->data as $k=>$v) {?>
<tr><td><?= $v['date_part'] ?></td><td><?= $v['count'] ?></td></tr>
<?php } ?>
<div class="span9">
<!-- 统计图表 -->
<?php } ?>

View File

@ -1,72 +1,62 @@
$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - ');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/">首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/admin">后台首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
.charts{margin:30px 0px;}
.charts .title{color:#003366;}
.cp {line-height:24px;}
.cp ul li{float:left;margin:0px 0px;}
.cp a{color:#4bb2c5;line-height:24px;padding:5px;}
.cp a.active,.cp a:hover{color:#FFF;background:#4bb2c5;}
<div id="leftPanel">
<?= $this->partial('stat/left.phtml'); ?>
<div id="rightPanel">
<div class="cp">
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/get/down/csv">导出csv格式</a>
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/get/down/json">导出JSON格式</a>
<div id="unitdata">
<div class="dataTables_wrapper">
<table id="datatable" class="table table-bordered table-striped table_vam dataTable">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#datatable').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"sAjaxSource": "/admin/stat/user/ac/get",
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "userid" },
{ "mData": "realname" },
{ "mData": "offline" },
{ "mData": "online" },
{ "mData": "total" }
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
} );
$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - ');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/">首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb('<a href="/admin">后台首页</a>');
$this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > ');
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span2">
<?= $this->partial('stat/left.phtml'); ?>
<div class="span10">
<?= $this->partial('stat/user-nav.phtml',array('ac'=>$this->ac)); ?>
<div class="cp">
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/get/down/csv" class="btn btn-info">导出csv格式</a>
<a href="/admin/stat/user/ac/get/down/json" class="btn btn-info">导出JSON格式</a>
<div id="unitdata">
<div class="dataTables_wrapper">
<table id="datatable" class="table table-bordered table-striped table_vam dataTable">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#datatable').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"sAjaxSource": "/admin/stat/user/ac/get",
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "userid" },
{ "mData": "realname" },
{ "mData": "offline" },
{ "mData": "online" },
{ "mData": "total" }
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
} );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
namespace Statistics;
use \Helpers\View as view;
use \Helpers\dbh;
use \Files\Files;
class User
private $db; //传入PDO对象.
private $config; //站点设置
protected $events = NULL;
public $table;
public $keyword;
public $order;
public $sort = "DESC";
function __construct($db = NULL,$mail = NULL)
$this->db = \Zend_Registry::get('db');
$this->db = $db;
$this->config = \Zend_Registry::get('config');
$this->table = new \Helpers\Table();
public function ThisYear(){
return date("Y",time());
public function getNewUsersByYear($year = 0)
$year = $this->ThisYear();
if($year == -1)
$sql = "select count(id),extract(year from ts_created)
from users
group by extract(year from ts_created)
order by date_part";
$sql = "select count(id),extract(year from ts_created)
from users
where extract(year from ts_created)='$year'
group by extract(year from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
return $rows;
public function getNewUsersByMonth($year = 0)
$year = $this->ThisYear();
$sql = "select count(id),extract(month from ts_created)
from users
where extract(year from ts_created)=$year
group by extract(month from ts_created)
order by date_part";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
return $rows;
public function getAverageSingupByMonth($year = 0)
$year = $this->ThisYear();
$sql = "select round(count(id)/12) as count,extract(year from ts_created)
from users
where extract(year from ts_created)='$year'
group by extract(year from ts_created)";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
return $rows;
public function getTotal($year = 0)
$year = $this->ThisYear();
$sql = "";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
return $rows;
public function getAverageApplicationTimes($times = 1)
$times = 1;
$sql = "";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
$rows = $rs->fetchAll();
return $rows;