headTitle($this->config->title->site); $this->headTitle($this->config->title->data); $this->headTitle($this->metadata->title); $this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - '); $this->theme->AppendPlus($this,'tianditu'); $this->theme->AppendPlus($this,'colorbox'); if(!empty($this->dataService)) { $this->theme->AppendModel($this,"dataservice"); } $this->nav[] = array('link'=>"/hiwater",'title'=>'HiWATER'); ?> render('breadcrumbs.phtml'); ?> metadata;if ($md):?>

escape($md->title); if ($md->title_en) echo '
'.$this->escape($md->title_en); if ($md->mdid) echo ' Chinese Version';?>


mcitation && (count($this->mcitation)>1) ) : ?>


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  1. '.$ref->reference; echo 'Detail'; if (empty($ref->link)) { if(!empty($ref->attid)) echo 'Download'; }else{ echo 'Download'; } echo "
  2. "; endforeach; ?>
citation) || (count($this->mcitation)==1)) : if (!$md->citation) $md->citation=$this->mcitation[0]->reference; ?>


datadoi) || !strpos($md->citation,$md->datadoi)) : ?> Paper Cite escape($md->citation); if (strpos($md->citation,$md->datadoi)) : ?> (Download: RIS | Bibtex)

datadoi) && !strpos($md->citation,$md->datadoi)) : ?>

Dataset Cite author_en,1,-1)).'. '.$md->title.'. '.$md->publisher_en.', '.(empty($md->ts_published)?$md->publish_year:date('Y',strtotime($md->ts_published))).'. doi:'.$md->doi; ?> (Download: RIS | Bibtex)

ref) : ?>

Related Publications (Recommended by Author)

    ref as $ref) : echo '
  1. '.$ref->reference; echo 'Detail'; if (empty($ref->link)) { if(!empty($ref->attid)) echo ' Download'; }else{ echo ' Download'; } echo "
  2. "; endforeach; ?>
themeref) :?>

General introduction of HiWATER

    themeref as $ref) : echo '
  1. '.$ref->reference; echo 'Detail'; if (empty($ref->link)) { if(!empty($ref->attid)) echo ' | Download'; }else{ echo ' | Download'; } echo "
  2. "; endforeach; ?>
userref) : ?>

Cited By

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  1. '.$ref->reference; echo 'Detail'; if (empty($ref->link)) { if(!empty($ref->attid)) echo ' Download'; }else{ echo ' Download'; } echo "
  2. "; endforeach; if (count($this->userref)==15) { echo 'More'; } ?>


uselimits) : foreach($this->uselimits as $uselimit) : echo '

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'; endforeach; ?> data_archives){ ?>

Dataset News

    data_archives as $v){?>

suppinfo || $this->fund) : ?>


fund)) : ?>
    fund as $k=>$v) : ?>
  • (No. )
suppinfo)) : ?> '.str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),'


resources) : ?>

Online Resources

keys as $cg){ if($cg['keytype']=="theme") $keywords[]=$cg['keyword']; } $ev = join(" ",$keywords); ?>
'Discipline','place'=>'Place','theme'=>'Theme','temporal'=>'Temporal','stratum'=>'Stratum'); $kt=''; $i=0; foreach($this->keys as $cg) : if ($kt==$cg['keytype']) : $i+=1; else : if (!empty($kt)) echo ''; $kt=$cg['keytype']; $i=0; endif; if ($i==0) { ?> doi) : ?>

InformationFile list

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  • attachments) : ?>
  • Documents: attachments as $k=>$a) : ?>
status>0 and $md->status<5) : ?> Reviewing datatype) : ?> Download dataService)) { ?> dataService['service_type'] == 2) { ?> dataService['service_type'] == 3) {?> Put in the Basket



    'Resource Provider','custodian'=>'Custodian','owner'=>'Owner','user'=>'User','distributor'=>'Distributor','originator'=>'Originator','pointOfContact'=>'Point Of Contact','principalInvestigator'=>'Participator','processor'=>'Processor','publisher'=>'Publisher','author'=>'Author'); $r=''; $i=0; foreach($this->authors as $k=>$author) : if ($author->role!=$r) { $r=$author->role; $i=0; if ($k>0) echo ''; echo '
  • '.$party_zh[$author->role].':'; } if ($i>0) echo ', '; $i+=1; if (!empty($author->email) && $r!='principalInvestigator') echo ''; echo ''; if (!empty($author->individual)) echo $author->individual; else echo $author->organisation; echo ''; if (!empty($author->email)) echo ''; if ($k+1==count($this->authors)) echo '
  • '; endforeach; ?>

  • Last update: ts_created)); ?>
  • Download Metadata: Adobe PDF OpenOffice odt Word doc XML
  • version->c>0):?>
  • Versions: version->c ?>

Cannot find the metadata.