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Class mxn.BoundingBox

Defined in: mxn.core.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
mxn.BoundingBox(swlat, swlon, nelat, nelon)
BoundingBox creates a new bounding box object
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
contains finds whether a given point is within a bounding box
extend extends the bounding box to include the new point
getCenter calculates the center of a bounding box.
getNorthEast returns a LatLonPoint of the north-east point of the bounding box
getSouthWest returns a LatLonPoint of the south-west point of the bounding box
isEmpty finds if this bounding box has zero area
toSpan returns a LatLonPoint with the lat and lon as the height and width of the bounding box
Class Detail
mxn.BoundingBox(swlat, swlon, nelat, nelon)
BoundingBox creates a new bounding box object
{double} swlat
the latitude of the south-west point
{double} swlon
the longitude of the south-west point
{double} nelat
the latitude of the north-east point
{double} nelon
the longitude of the north-east point
Method Detail
{boolean} contains(point)
contains finds whether a given point is within a bounding box
{LatLonPoint} point
the point to test with
whether point is within this bounding box

extend extends the bounding box to include the new point

getCenter calculates the center of a bounding box.
a LatLonPoint at the center of this bounding box.

{LatLonPoint} getNorthEast()
getNorthEast returns a LatLonPoint of the north-east point of the bounding box
the north-east point of the bounding box

{LatLonPoint} getSouthWest()
getSouthWest returns a LatLonPoint of the south-west point of the bounding box
the south-west point of the bounding box

{boolean} isEmpty()
isEmpty finds if this bounding box has zero area
whether the north-east and south-west points of the bounding box are the same point

{LatLonPoint} toSpan()
toSpan returns a LatLonPoint with the lat and lon as the height and width of the bounding box
a LatLonPoint containing the height and width of this bounding box

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.1 on Sat Aug 06 2011 13:39:41 GMT-0700 (PDT)