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Class mxn.Invoker

Defined in: mxn.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
mxn.Invoker(aobj, asClassName, afnApiIdGetter)
Creates a new Invoker, a class which helps with on-the-fly invocation of the correct API methods.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
go(sMethodName, args, oOptions)
Invoke the API implementation of a specific method.
Class Detail
mxn.Invoker(aobj, asClassName, afnApiIdGetter)
Creates a new Invoker, a class which helps with on-the-fly invocation of the correct API methods.
{Object} aobj
The core object whose methods will make cals to go()
{String} asClassName
The name of the Mapstraction class to be invoked, normally the same name as aobj's constructor function
{Function} afnApiIdGetter
The function on object aobj which will return the active API ID
Method Detail
go(sMethodName, args, oOptions)
Invoke the API implementation of a specific method.
{String} sMethodName
The method name to invoke
{Array} args
Arguments to pass on
{Object} oOptions
Optional. Extra options for invocation
{Boolean} oOptions.overrideApi
When true the first argument is used as the API ID.
{Object} oOptions.context
A context object for passing extra information on to the provider implementation.
{Function} oOptions.fallback
A fallback function to run if the provider implementation is missing.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.1 on Sat Aug 06 2011 13:39:42 GMT-0700 (PDT)