/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ var Window = Class.create(); Window.prototype = { initialize:function(){ $('show-list').observe('click', (function(event) { $('file-list').update('
  • loading
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  • + #{filename}
  • "); var liTemplate = new Template("
  • #{filename}
  • "); var lis = ""; if(json.length == 0){ lis = "
  • 暂无数据
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  • + #{filename}
  • "); var liTemplate = new Template("
  • #{filename}
  • "); var lis = "
      "; if(json.length == 0){ lis = "
    1. 暂无数据
    2. " } else { json.each(function(file){ lis += file['filename'].endsWith('/')?liT.evaluate(file):liTemplate.evaluate(file); }); } lis += "
    "; $('span_'+id).update('-'); $('uuid_'+id).update(lis).show(); } function encodestr(str){ return str.replace('/&/g','%26'); } document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { new Window(); });