function exposeTestFunctionNames() { return [ 'testItemsLoaded', 'testItemsLoadedInEventSource' ]; } function testItemsLoaded() { var ds = tm.datasets["test"]; assertEquals("All items loaded in item array", 6, ds.getItems().length); } function testItemsLoadedInEventSource() { var ds = tm.datasets["test"]; assertEquals("All items with events loaded in eventSource", 5, ds.eventSource.getCount()); } var tm = null; function setUpPage() { tm = TimeMap.init({ mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required) timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required) datasets: [ { title: "Test Dataset", id: "test", type: "basic", options: { items: [ { "start" : "1980-01-02", "end" : "1990-01-02", "point" : { "lat" : 23.456, "lon" : 12.345 }, "title" : "Test Event 1", "options" : { "description": "Test Description" } }, { // missing event "point" : { "lat" : 23.456, "lon" : 12.3453 }, "title" : "Test Event 2", "options" : { "description": "Test Description" } }, { // missing placemark "start" : "1980-01-02", "end" : "1990-01-02", "title" : "Test Event 3", "options" : { "description": "Test Description" } }, { // missing point data "start" : "1980-01-02", "end" : "1990-01-02", "title" : "Test Event 4", "point" : {} }, { // missing polygon data "start" : "1980-01-02", "end" : "1990-01-02", "title" : "Test Event 5", "polygon" : [] }, { // empty placemark array "start" : "1980-01-02", "end" : "1990-01-02", "title" : "Test Event 6", "placemarks" : [] } ] } } ] }); setUpPageStatus = "complete"; } function setUp() { var eventSource = tm.timeline.getBand(0).getEventSource(); tm.timeline.getBand(0).setCenterVisibleDate(eventSource.getEarliestDate()); tm.showDatasets(); }