"National Funding", "Thesis or Dissertation"=>"Thesis or Dissertation", "Others" => "Others", );//申请中的项目类型 public $pdfData; function __construct($db = NULL) { if(empty($db)) { $this->db = \Zend_Registry::get('db'); }else{ $this->db = $db; } $this->config = \Zend_Registry::get('config'); $Listener = new OrderListener(); @$this->events()->attachAggregate($Listener); } public function events(\Zend_EventManager_EventCollection $events = NULL) { if ($events !== NULL) { $this->events = $events; } elseif ($this->events === NULL) { $this->events = new \Zend_EventManager_EventManager(__CLASS__); } return $this->events; } /************* status: 1 开始进入离线申请申请程序中 2 填写并提交离线申请表 3 邮寄离线申请表 4 收到离线申请表 5 处理离线申请表 10:离线申请完成? -1: 取消了在线下载进程 **************/ //添加到数据篮 public function addOrder($uuid,$selection = NULL,$uid = 0){ if(empty($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } if(!is_numeric($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } if(!preg_match("/^[0-9A-Za-z]{8}-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}-[0-9A-Za-z]{4}-[0-9A-Za-z]{12}$/",$uuid)) { return "Wrong parameter."; } $results = $this->events()->trigger('submit', $this, compact('uuid','uid')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } if(empty($selection)) { $results = $this->events()->trigger('checksource', $this, compact('uuid')); $data = $results->bottom(); if(!empty($data)) { return $data; } if($this->pushToDataorder($uuid,$uid) === true) { return true; }else{ return "Errors, please retry."; } }else{ if($this->pushToDataorder($uuid,$uid,$selection) === true) { return true; }else{ return "Errors, please retry."; } } }//addOrder //放到数据篮中 public function pushToDataorder($uuid,$uid = 0,$selection = NULL) { if(empty($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } if(empty($selection)) { $sql="insert into dataorder (uuid,ts_created,userid,status) values(?,now(),?,?)"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql,array($uuid,$uid,1)); }else{ $sql="insert into dataorder (uuid,ts_created,userid,status,selection) values(?,now(),?,?,?)"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql,array($uuid,$uid,1,$selection)); } if($rs) { return true; }else{ return false; } }//pushToDataorder //提交 public function apply($id,$uid = 0) { if(!is_numeric($id) || !is_numeric($uid)) { return "Wrong parameter."; } if(empty($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } if($id == -1) { $sql = $this->db->quoteInto("update dataorder set status=2 where status=1 and userid=?",$uid); if($this->db->exec($sql)) { return true; }else{ return "Errors, please retry."; } } if($id > 0) { $sql = $this->db->quoteInto("update dataorder set status=2 where status=1 and userid=$uid and id=?",$id); if($this->db->exec($sql)) { return true; }else{ return "Errors, please retry."; } } return "Wrong parameter."; }//apply() //删除 public function del($id,$uid = 0) { if(!is_numeric($id) || !is_numeric($uid)) { return "Wrong parameter."; } if(empty($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } if($id > 0) { $sql = $this->db->quoteInto("delete from dataorder where userid=$uid and status in (1,2) and id=?",$id); if($this->db->exec($sql)) { return true; }else{ return "Errors, please retry."; } } return "Wrong parameter."; } //设置PDF上显示的内容 getOrderItemForPdf() 的返回结果 public function setPdfData($data) { $this->pdfData = $data; } //保存预览 public function SaveOrder($formData,$uid = 0) { if(empty($uid) || !is_numeric($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.formcheck', $this, compact('formData')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.pdfNumCheck', $this, compact('uid')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.onUpdate', $this, compact('formData','uid')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $this->pdfPrint($formData,$uid); return true; }//SaveOrder //生成并下载PDF public function SubmitOrder($formData,$uid = 0) { if(empty($uid) || !is_numeric($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.formcheck', $this, compact('formData')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.pdfNumCheck', $this, compact('uid')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $pdf = $this->pdfPrint($formData,$uid,true,true); $returnid = true; $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.onUpdate', $this, compact('formData','uid','returnid')); $oid = $results->bottom(); if(!is_numeric($oid) || $oid<1) { return "Wrong parameter."; } $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.onSubmited', $this, compact('formData','uid','oid','pdf')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $this->pushPdfDownload($pdf->pdflink); return true; }//SubmitOrder() public function pushPdfDownload($fn) { $output = new Output(); $path = realpath($this->config->offline->savepath); $content = file_get_contents($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fn); $output->pushDownload($content,"Application.pdf",'pdf'); exit(); } //生成pdf public function pdfPrint($formData,$userid = 0,$save = false,$returnpdf = false) { $sql="SELECT m.title||'('||m.filesize::text||'MB)' as title FROM dataorder d RIGHT JOIN heihemetadata m ON d.uuid=m.uuid WHERE d.status=2 AND d.userid=?"; $list = $this->db->fetchAll($sql,array($userid)); foreach($list as $i=>$row){ @$formData['heihelist'].=($i+1).". ".$row['title'].";"; } $sql="SELECT m.title||'('||m.filesize::text||'MB)' as title FROM dataorder d RIGHT JOIN normalmetadata m ON d.uuid=m.uuid WHERE d.uuid not in (select uuid from heihemetadata) AND d.status=2 AND d.userid=?"; $list = $this->db->fetchAll($sql,array($userid)); foreach($list as $i=>$row){ @$formData['westdclist'].=($i+1).". ".$row['title'].";"; } $pdf = new \ApplicantPDF(); $pdf->template = $this->config->offline->template; $pdf->heihetemplate = $this->config->offline->heihetemplate; $formData['project'].='['.$formData['project_title'].' | '.$formData['project_type'].' | '.$formData['project_id'].' | ' . $formData['project_leader'] . ']'; $pdf->data = $formData; if (isset($formData['westdclist'])) $pdf->drawWestdc(); if (isset($formData['heihelist'])) $pdf->drawHeihe(); $pdf->addRef($this->pdfData); $pdf->addSelection($this->pdfData); $pdf->addSecurity($this->config->offline->security); if($save === false) { header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=westdc-data-apply.pdf"); header("Content-Type:application/pdf"); //header("Content-Length: " . strlen($pdfstring)); echo $pdf->Output('westdc-data-apply.pdf','S'); }else{ //$fn = $formData['realname'].date('YmdHis').".pdf"; $fn = date('YmdHis').".pdf"; $path = realpath($this->config->offline->savepath); $pdf->pdflink = $fn; @$pdf->Output($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fn, 'F'); } if($returnpdf === true) { return $pdf; } } //获得要生成pdf的信息 public function getOrderItemForPdf($uid = 0 , $statu = 2) { if(empty($uid)) { $uid = view::User('id'); } $sql = "select m.title||'('||m.filesize::text||'MB)' as title,m.ts_published,date_part('year',doi.ts_published) as publish_year,m.citation,m.suppinfo,d.selection, array_to_string(ARRAY( select r.reference from mdref mr left join reference r on mr.refid=r.id where mr.reftype=3 and mr.uuid=d.uuid order by mr.place),'\n'::text) as reference, array_to_string(array( select fund.fund_type_en||':'||fund.title_en||'(No: '||fund.fund_id||')' from fund left join mdfund on fund.id=mdfund.fid where mdfund.uuid=d.uuid order by mdfund.place),'\n'::text) as fund, doi.doi as datadoi,doi.authors,doi.publisher,doi.title as doititle,doi.author_en,doi.publisher_en,doi.title_en from dataorder d right join en.metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid left join datadoi doi on doi.uuid=d.uuid where d.status=$statu and d.userid=? order by d.ts_created desc "; $rows = $this->db->fetchAll($sql,array($uid)); return $rows; } //确认申请 public function commitApplicationForm($offlineappid) { $user = view::User(); if($user === false) { return false; } $uid = $user->id; $results = $this->events()->trigger('order.pdfNumCheck', $this, compact('uid')); $data = $results->bottom(); if($data !== true) { return $data; } $sql = "update dataorder set status=3 where status=2 and userid=$uid and offlineappid=$offlineappid"; if($this->db->exec($sql) < 0) { return "Could not update the status of the your shopping cart, please retry."; } $sql = "UPDATE offlineapp SET status=3 WHERE id=$offlineappid "; if($this->db->exec($sql) < 0) { return "Error exist when update the status of the shopping card, please contact our service group by email."; } $data = array( "user" => empty($user->realname) ? $user->username : $user->realname, "link"=> view::getHostLink() . '/admin/down/offlineapp/ac/view/offlineappid/'.$offlineappid ); $mail = new Mail(); $mail->loadTemplate("offline-pdf-commited",$data); $mail->setDefaultTo(); $mail->send(); return true; }//确认申请 //service_type 选择 public function serviceTypeTest($type) { if(empty($type) || !is_numeric($type)) { return false; } switch($type) { case 0: return "This data is online."; break; case 1: return "This data has subset."; break; case 2: return "This data has multiple subsets."; break; case 3: return ""; break; case 4: return ""; break; case 5: return ""; break; case 6: return ""; break; } return false; }//serviceTypeTest }