db=Zend_Registry::get('db'); $this->view->config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $this->messenger=$this->_helper->getHelper('FlashMessenger'); $this->view->messages = $this->messenger->getMessages(); } function postDispatch() { $this->view->messages = $this->messenger->getMessages(); } function indexAction() { //用户总量 $sql = "select count(id) as num from users"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $alluser= $re->fetch(); $this->view->alluser=$alluser; //所有数据 $sql = "select count(id) as num from metadata"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $alldata=$re->fetch(); $this->view->alldata=$alldata; //数据下载总量 通过dataorder统计?? $sql = "select count(id) as num from dataorder"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $alldown=$re->fetch(); $this->view->alldown=$alldown; //已通过的离线申请个数 $sql = "select count(id) as num from dataorder where offlineappid>0 and status>4"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $allpass = $re->fetch(); $this->view->allpass = $allpass; //未通过的离线申请个数 $sql="select count(id) as num from dataorder where offlineappid>0 and status<4"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $nopass = $re->fetch(); $this->view->nopass = $nopass; //在线下载点击次数 $sql="select count(id) as num from onlineapp"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $onlinedown = $re->fetch(); $this->view->onlinedown = $onlinedown; //各单位下载情况 $sql = "select count(d.id) as num,o.unit from dataorder d left join offlineapp o on o.id=d.offlineappid where d.offlineappid>0 and o.unit is not null and d.status>4 group by o.unit"; $fe = $this->db->query($sql); $unitoffline = $fe->fetchAll(); $this->view->unitoffline = $unitoffline; //各单位在线下载情况 $sql = "select count(d.id) as num,o.unit from dataorder d left join onlineapp o on o.id=d.onlineappid where d.onlineappid>0 and o.unit is not null group by o.unit"; $fe = $this->db->query($sql); $unitonline = $fe->fetchAll(); $this->view->unitonline = $unitonline; //下载量统计 $sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where (d.status=0 or d.status=5) and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t"; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $allsize = $res->fetch(); $this->view->allsize = $allsize; $sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=5 and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t"; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $offlinesize = $res->fetch(); $this->view->offlinesize = $offlinesize; $sql = "select sum(num) as num from (select m.filesize/1024 as num,m.title,d.userid from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=0 and m.filesize>0 group by m.title,d.userid,m.filesize) as t"; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $onlinesize = $res->fetch(); $this->view->onlinesize = $onlinesize; $sql="select sum(configvalue::real)/1024/1024/1024 as num from g6ftpusersettings where userid in (select id from g6ftpusers where name like 'westdc%' or name='newwestdc') and configname='StatsDownloaded'"; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $onlinesize = $res->fetch(); $this->view->onlineg6size = $onlinesize; }//indexAction 首页 function awstatswebAction() { }//awstats web 统计 function awstatsftpAction() { }//awstats ftp 统计 function webalizerAction() { }//webalizer 统计 function waterAction() { $sql="select count(k.keyword) as num,k.keyword from dataorder d join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid left join keyword k on m.id=k.id where (d.status=5 or d.status=-1) and m.source!='' and (k.keyword='航空遥感' or k.keyword='卫星遥感' or k.keyword='气象水文' or k.keyword='上游寒区水文试验区' or k.keyword='森林水文试验区' or k.keyword='中游干旱区水文试验区') group by k.keyword order by num desc"; $re =$this->db->query($sql); $type =$re->fetchAll();//按分类 $this->view->type = $type; $sql="select count(extract(month from o.ts_created)) as c,extract(month from o.ts_created) as m,extract(year from o.ts_created) as y from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=3 or d.status=5 or d.status=-1) group by extract(month from o.ts_created),extract(year from o.ts_created) order by extract(year from o.ts_created),extract(month from o.ts_created)"; $re=$this->db->query($sql); $month=$re->fetchAll(); $this->view->month = $month; $sql = "select count(extract(month from o.ts_created)) as c,extract(month from o.ts_created) as m,extract(year from o.ts_created) as y from (select distinct(o.id),o.ts_created from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=3 or d.status=5 or d.status=-1) ) as o group by extract(month from o.ts_created),extract(year from o.ts_created) order by extract(year from o.ts_created),extract(month from o.ts_created)"; $re=$this->db->query($sql); $order=$re->fetchAll(); $this->view->order = $order; $sql = "select (sum(m.filesize)/1024) as n from dataorder d left join metadata m on d.uuid=m.uuid where d.status=5 and m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d'"; $re=$this->db->query($sql); $num=$re->fetchAll(); $this->view->num=$num; $sql = "select count(lower(o.unit)) as c,lower(o.unit) as u from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=5) group by lower(o.unit) order by lower(o.unit)"; $re=$this->db->query($sql); $units=$re->fetchAll(); $this->view->units=$units; $sql = "select count(t.unit) as c,t.unit from (select distinct(o.id),o.unit from offlineapp o left join dataorder d on d.offlineappid=o.id left join metadata m on m.uuid=d.uuid where m.source='0595169a-279e-4b95-819f-129d0ba4280d' and (d.status=5) ) as t group by t.unit"; $re = $this->db->query($sql); $ounit= $re->fetchAll(); $this->view->ounit = $ounit; }//WATER项目 }