db = $db; $this->project_status = array( 0 => "计划未提交", 1 => "计划未审核", 2 => "跟踪专家审核", 3 => "跟踪专家通过", 4 => "数据委员会通过" ); } //获取所有计划 public function fetch() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->tbl_heiheproject} ORDER BY id ASC"; $sth = $this->db->query($sql); $rows = $sth->fetchAll(); return $rows; } //计划内的yuan数据 public function metadata($keyword = "") { if(empty($keyword)) $wheresql = ""; else{ $wheresql = []; $keyword = trim($keyword); $keyword = str_replace("'","''",$keyword); $wheresql[] = " md.title LIKE '%$keyword%' "; $wheresql[] = " md.title_en LIKE '%$keyword%'"; $wheresql[] = " md.description LIKE '%$keyword%' "; $wheresql = " WHERE " . join(" OR ",$wheresql); } $sql = "SELECT md.*,s.viewed,g.id as gid,gen.id as genid,st.status as mdstatus,ds.id as datasetid,fund.title as heihe_fund_title FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id LEFT JOIN mdstat s ON md.uuid=s.uuid LEFT JOIN geonetworkmetadata g ON g.uuid=md.uuid LEFT JOIN mdstatus st ON md.uuid=st.uuid LEFT JOIN dataset ds ON md.uuid=ds.uuid LEFT JOIN en.geonetworkmetadata gen on gen.uuid=md.uuid $wheresql ORDER BY md.id"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } //获取汇交状态 public function getStatus($code){ $status = $this->project_status; if(isset($status[$code])) { return $status[$code]; } } //改变状态 public function ChangeStatus($p,$s){ $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->tbl_heiheproject." SET status=? WHERE id=?"; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $rs = $sth->execute(array($s,$p)); return $rs; } //专家激活 public function expertActive($pid,$code,$email) { if(empty($pid)) { return 1; } if(!is_numeric($pid)) { return 1; } if(!preg_match("/[A-Za-z0-9]/",$code)) { return 1; } if(strlen($code) != 12) { return 1; } $validation = $this->makeValidation($email); if($code != $validation) { return 5; } $experts = $this->expertRead($pid); if(!is_array($experts)) { return 10; } $matched = false; $match_expert = ""; foreach($experts as $k=>$v) { if($v['validation'] == $code) { $matched = true; $match_expert = $v; unset($experts[$k]); break; } } if($matched != true) { return 15; } if(isset($match_expert['activated'])) { if(strtotime($match_expert['activated']) < time()) { return 20; } } $match_expert['activated'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()); $experts[] = $match_expert; $experts = json_encode($experts); $this->expertUpdate($pid,$experts); return 200; } public function expertActiveError($level){ $errors = array( 1 => "参数错误", 5 => "您的验证码不正确", 10 => "此项目尚未邀请任何专家", 15 => "您没有被邀请,请联系数据中心进行核实", 20 => "您的邀请已经激活", 50 => "服务器错误,请刷新页面重试", 200 => "激活成功", ); if(isset($errors[$level])) return $errors[$level]; else return "发生意外错误,请重试"; } //邀请一个专家 /* $data = array( "name"=>'', //专家姓名 "email"=>'', //专家email "created"=>'', //邀请时间 "validation"=>'', //验证码 "activated"=>'' //激活时间 ) */ public function expertAdd($pid,$data){ if(!is_array($data)) { return 0; } $experts = $this->expertRead($pid); if(!is_array($experts)) { $experts = array($data); }else{ foreach($experts as $k=>$v) { if($v['email'] == $data['email']) { return -1; } } $experts[] = $data; } $experts = json_encode($experts,JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); return $this->expertUpdate($pid,$experts); } //移除一个专家 public function expertRemove($pid,$email){ if(empty($pid) || empty($email)) { return 0; } $experts = $this->expertRead($pid); if(!is_array($experts)) { return -1; }else{ foreach($experts as $k=>$v) { if(isset($v['email']) && $v['email'] == $email) { unset($experts[$k]); } } } $experts = json_encode($experts); return $this->expertUpdate($pid,$experts); } //更新专家 public function expertUpdate($pid,$obj){ $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->tbl_heiheproject." SET expert='$obj' WHERE id=$pid"; $rs = $this->db->exec($sql); return $rs; } //读取已有的专家 public function expertRead($pid){ if(!is_numeric($pid)) { return NULL; } $sql = "SELECT expert FROM ".$this->tbl_heiheproject." WHERE id=$pid"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); $row = $rs->fetch(); $expert = $row['expert']; if(empty($expert)) { return NULL; } $expert = json_decode($expert,true); if(count($expert)<1) { return 0; }else{ return $expert; } } //邀请码 public function makeValidation($email){ return substr(md5($email),5,12); } //生成邀请连接 public function makeInviteLink($pid,$code) { $http_base = "http://".$_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']; $url = $http_base."/heihe/projects/invite/".$code.'/pid/'.$pid; return $url; }//生成邀请连接 //从pgsql读取数组并拆分为php数组 public function getArray($str){ if(strlen($str)>3) { return explode(",",substr($str,1,-1)); }else{ return NULL; } } //将php数组组装成pgsql中的数组 public function mkArray($array){ if(!is_array($array)) { return "{".$array."}"; } if(count($array)==1) { $key = max(array_keys($array)); return "{".$array[$key]."}"; } if(count($array)>1) { return "{".join(",",$array)."}"; } } //从数组中获得键名 public function getKey($array,$needle) { foreach($array as $k=>$v) { if($v == $needle) { return $k; } } } } class Status{ public $fund_id; function __construct() { $this->db = \Zend_Registry::get('db'); } public function makeConditionFound($field) { if(empty($this->fund_id)) { return null; } $str = join("','",$this->fund_id); return "$field IN ('". $str . "')"; } public function makeWhereSql($array) { if(is_array($array) && count($array) > 0) return " WHERE " . join(" AND ",$array); else return ""; } //项目总数 public function projectsCount() { $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("hh.code"); if(!empty( $fund )) { $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql(array($fund)); }else{ $wheresql = ""; } $sql = "SELECT count(hh.code) as c FROM heiheproject hh $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //数据条数 public function dataCount() { $arr = [ "md.uuid IS NOT NULL", ]; $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("fund.fund_id"); if(!empty($fund)) $arr[] = $fund; $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql($arr); $sql = "SELECT count(md.uuid) as c FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //数据量 public function dataSize() { $arr = [ "md.uuid IS NOT NULL" ]; $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("fund.fund_id"); if(!empty($fund)) $arr[] = $fund; $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql($arr); $sql = "SELECT SUM(md.filesize) as c FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //文件数 public function fileCount() { $arr = [ "md.uuid IS NOT NULL", "df.filename !~ E'[/|\]+$'" ]; $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("fund.fund_id"); if(!empty($fund)) $arr[] = $fund; $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql($arr); $sql = "SELECT count(df.id) FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id RIGHT JOIN dataset ds ON ds.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN datafile df ON ds.id = df.dsid $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //数据申请数量 public function dataApplyTimes() { $arr = [ "md.uuid IS NOT NULL", "(o.offlineappid <> -1 OR o.onlineappid <> -1)" ]; $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("fund.fund_id"); if(!empty($fund)) $arr[] = $fund; $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql($arr); $sql = "SELECT count(distinct o.id) as c FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id RIGHT JOIN dataorder o ON o.uuid = md.uuid $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //服务人次 public function applyTimes() { $arr = [ "md.uuid IS NOT NULL", "(o.offlineappid <> -1 OR o.onlineappid <> -1)" ]; $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("fund.fund_id"); if(!empty($fund)) $arr[] = $fund; $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql($arr); $sql = "SELECT count(distinct o.offlineappid) as c FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id RIGHT JOIN dataorder o ON o.uuid = md.uuid $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //服务人次(用户唯一) public function applyTimesDistinct() { $arr = [ "md.uuid IS NOT NULL", "(o.offlineappid <> -1 OR o.onlineappid <> -1)" ]; $fund = $this->makeConditionFound("fund.fund_id"); if(!empty($fund)) $arr[] = $fund; $wheresql = $this->makeWhereSql($arr); $sql = "SELECT count(distinct o.userid) as c FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id RIGHT JOIN dataorder o ON o.uuid = md.uuid $wheresql"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchColumn(0); } //每个用户数据申请量 public function downloadTimesByData() { $sql = "SELECT o.userid,count(o.id) FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id RIGHT JOIN dataorder o ON o.uuid = md.uuid WHERE md.uuid IS NOT NULL AND (o.offlineappid <> -1 OR o.onlineappid <> -1) GROUP BY o.userid"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchAll; } //详细的用户申请次数统计 public function downloadTimesByUser() { $sql = "SELECT u.id,u.username, u.realname ,count(o.id) as c FROM metadata md LEFT JOIN mdfund mf ON mf.uuid = md.uuid RIGHT JOIN fund ON fund.id = mf.fid RIGHT JOIN heiheproject hh ON hh.code = fund.fund_id RIGHT JOIN dataorder o ON o.uuid = md.uuid LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = o.userid WHERE md.uuid IS NOT NULL AND (o.offlineappid <> -1 OR o.onlineappid <> -1) GROUP BY u.id,u.username, u.realname"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchAll(); } }