Timemap.js v.2.0.1

Class TimeMapTheme

Defined in:

Predefined visual themes for datasets, defining colors and images for map markers and timeline events. Note that theme is only used at creation time - updating the theme of an existing object won't do anything.



Static Methods

TimeMapTheme.create(theme, options)
Create a theme, based on an optional new or pre-set theme


classicTape :{Boolean}
Whether to use the "classic" style timeline event tape
color :{String}
Default color in hex
eventColor :{String}
Background color for duration events
eventIcon :{String}
Full URL for instant event icons
eventIconImage :{String}
Filename of instant event icon image
eventIconPath :{String}
Path to instant event icon directory
eventTextColor :{String}
Text color for duration events
fillColor :{String}
Fill color for polygons
fillOpacity :{Number}
Opacity for polygon fill
icon :{String}
Icon image for marker placemarks
iconAnchor :{Number[]}
Icon anchor for marker placemarks
iconShadow :{String}
Icon shadow image for marker placemarks
iconShadowSize :{Number[]}
Icon shadow size for marker placemarks
iconSize :{Number[]}
Icon size for marker placemarks
lineColor :{String}
Line color for polylines/polygons
lineOpacity :{Number}
Opacity for polylines/polygons
lineWeight :{Number}
Line weight in pixels for polylines/polygons
Class Detail
Parameters (optional)
options {Object} A container for optional arguments
options.icon {String} Icon image for marker placemarks
Default: http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/ms/icons/red-dot.png
options.iconSize {Number[]} Array of two integers indicating marker icon size as [width, height] in pixels
Default: [32,32]
options.iconShadow {String} Icon image for marker placemarks
Default: http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/ms/icons/msmarker.shadow.png
options.iconShadowSize {Number[]} Array of two integers indicating marker icon shadow size as [width, height] in pixels
Default: [59,32]
options.iconAnchor {Number[]} Array of two integers indicating marker icon anchor point as [xoffset, yoffset] in pixels
Default: [16,33]
options.color {String} Default color in hex for events, polylines, polygons.
Default: #FE766A
options.lineColor {String} Color for polylines/polygons.
Default: color
options.lineOpacity {Number} Opacity for polylines/polygons.
Default: 1
options.lineWeight {Number} Line weight in pixels for polylines/polygons.
Default: 2
options.fillColor {String} Color for polygon fill.
Default: color
options.fillOpacity {String} Opacity for polygon fill.
Default: 0.25
options.eventColor {String} Background color for duration events.
Default: color
options.eventTextColor {String} Text color for events (null=Timeline default).
Default: null
options.eventIconPath {String} Path to instant event icon directory.
Default: timemap/images/
options.eventIconImage {String} Filename of instant event icon image.
Default: red-circle.gif
options.eventIcon {URL} URL for instant event icons.
Default: eventIconPath+eventIconImage
options.classicTape {Boolean} Whether to use the "classic" style timeline event tape (needs additional css to work - see examples/artists.html).
Default: false
Static Method Details
TimeMapTheme.create(theme, options) :{TimeMapTheme}
Create a theme, based on an optional new or pre-set theme
Parameters (optional)
theme {TimeMapTheme|String} Existing theme to clone, or string key in TimeMap.themes
options {Object} Optional settings to overwrite - see TimeMapTheme
{TimeMapTheme} Configured theme
Field Details
classicTape :{Boolean}
Whether to use the "classic" style timeline event tape
color :{String}
Default color in hex
eventColor :{String}
Background color for duration events
eventIcon :{String}
Full URL for instant event icons
eventIconImage :{String}
Filename of instant event icon image
eventIconPath :{String}
Path to instant event icon directory
eventTextColor :{String}
Text color for duration events
fillColor :{String}
Fill color for polygons
fillOpacity :{Number}
Opacity for polygon fill
icon :{String}
Icon image for marker placemarks
iconAnchor :{Number[]}
Icon anchor for marker placemarks
iconShadow :{String}
Icon shadow image for marker placemarks
iconShadowSize :{Number[]}
Icon shadow size for marker placemarks
iconSize :{Number[]}
Icon size for marker placemarks
lineColor :{String}
Line color for polylines/polygons
lineOpacity :{Number}
Opacity for polylines/polygons
lineWeight :{Number}
Line weight in pixels for polylines/polygons
©2010 Nick Rabinowitz
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Sat Aug 06 2011 13:40:08 GMT-0700 (PDT)