* jQuery jqGalScroll Plugin
* Examples and documentation at: http://benjaminsterling.com/jquery-jqgalscroll-photo-gallery/
* @author: Benjamin Sterling
* @version: 2.1
* @copyright (c) 2007 Benjamin Sterling, KenzoMedia
* @extendThanks Koesmanto Bong http://www.koesbong.com/
* Koes put a fire under my butt to improve this plugin
* and when I took too long he took what I had and added
* the horizontal scroll and in turn I ripped it from his
* hands and made it better :)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* @requires jQuery v1.2.1 or later
* @optional jQuery Easing v1.2
* @name jqGalScroll
* @example $('ul').jqGalScroll();
* @Semantic requirements:
* The structure fairly simple; the structure should consist
* of a ul > li > img structure.
* @param String ease
* refer to http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery.easing.php for values
* @example $('#gallery').jqGalScroll({speed:1000});
* @param String speed
* fast, slow, 1000, ext..
* @example $('#gallery').jqGalScroll({speed:1000});
* @param String height
* the default height of your wrapper
* @example $('#gallery').jqGalScroll({height:490});
* @param String titleOpacity
* the opacity of your title bar (if present)
* @example $('#gallery').jqGalScroll({titleOpacity:.70});
* @param String direction
* vertical horizontal diagonal
* @example $('#gallery').jqGalScroll({direction:'vertical'});
(function($) {
$.fn.jqGalScroll = function(options){
return this.each(function(i){
var el = this
el.curImage = 0;
el.jqthis = $(this).css({position:'relative'});
el.jqchildren = el.jqthis.children();
el.opts = $.extend({}, jqGalScroll, options);
el.index = i;
el.totalChildren = el.jqchildren.size();
var width,height;
case 'horizontal':
width = el.totalChildren *el.opts.width;
height = el.opts.height;
case 'vertical':
width = el.opts.width;
height = el.totalChildren *el.opts.height;
width = el.totalChildren *el.opts.width;
height = el.totalChildren *el.opts.height;
el.container = $('').css({position:'relative'});
el.ImgContainer = $('
el.pagination = $('