headTitle($this->config->title->site); $this->headTitle($this->config->title->data); $this->headTitle('时空导航'); $this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' - '); $this->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/css/water.css'); $this->breadcrumb('首页'); $this->breadcrumb(''.$this->config->title->data.''); $this->breadcrumb('黑河综合遥感联合试验'); $this->breadcrumb('时空联合导航'); $this->breadcrumb()->setSeparator(' > '); $this->headScript()->appendFile('http://maps.google.cn/maps?file=api&v=2&key='.$this->config->google->maps->api); $this->headScript()->appendFile('/js/timeline_var.js'); $this->headScript()->appendFile('/js/timeline_js/timeline-api.js'); $this->headScript()->appendFile('/js/timemap/timemap.js'); $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?> var tm; window.onload=function() { tm = TimeMap.init({ mapId: "watermap", // Id of map div element (required) timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required) scrollTo: "2008-06-01", options: { eventIconPath: "../images/", mapType:G_SATELLITE_MAP, mapCenter: new GLatLng(39,100) }, datasets: [ { data:{ theme: "orange", // note that the lines below are now the preferred syntax type: "basic", value: [ rows as $row) : ?> { "start" : "", "end" : "", "point" : { "lat" : , "lon" : }, "title" : "", "options" : { // set the full HTML for the info window "infoHtml": "
", "theme":"orange" } }, ] } } ], bandIntervals: [ Timeline.DateTime.DAY, Timeline.DateTime.MONTH ] }); // manipulate the timemap further here if you like var map=tm.map; map.setCenter(new GLatLng(39,100),7); } window.onunload=GUnload(); headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>