Timemap.js v.2.0.1

Namespace TimeMap.util

Defined in:

Namespace for TimeMap utility functions.

Static Fields

Empty container for mapping XML namespaces to URLs

Static Methods

TimeMap.util.formatDate(d, precision)
Format a date as an ISO 8601 string
TimeMap.util.getNodeList(n, tag, ns)
Cross-browser implementation of getElementsByTagNameNS.
Identify the placemark type of a Mapstraction placemark
TimeMap.util.getTagValue(n, tag, ns)
Get XML tag value as a string
TimeMap.util.lookup(key, map)
Attempt look up a key in an object, returning either the value, undefined if the key is a string but not found, or the key if not a string
TimeMap.util.makePoint(coords, reversed)
Make TimeMap.init()-style points from a GLatLng, LatLonPoint, array, or string
TimeMap.util.makePoly(coords, reversed)
Make TimeMap.init()-style polyline/polygons from a whitespace-delimited string of coordinates (such as those in GeoRSS and KML).
Determine the SIMILE Timeline version.
Namespace Detail
Static Field Details
Empty container for mapping XML namespaces to URLs
 TimeMap.util.nsMap['georss'] = 'http://www.georss.org/georss';
 // find georss:point
 TimeMap.util.getNodeList(node, 'point', 'georss')
Static Method Details
TimeMap.util.formatDate(d, precision) :{String}
Format a date as an ISO 8601 string
Parameters (optional)
d {Date} Date to format
precision {Number} Precision indicator:
     3 (default): Show full date and time
     2: Show full date and time, omitting seconds
     1: Show date only
{String} Formatted string
TimeMap.util.getNodeList(n, tag, ns) :{jQuery}
Cross-browser implementation of getElementsByTagNameNS. Note: Expects any applicable namespaces to be mapped in TimeMap.util.nsMap.
Parameters (optional)
n {jQuery|XML Node} jQuery object with context, or XML node
tag {String} Name of tag to look for
ns {String} XML namespace to look in
{jQuery} jQuery object with the list of nodes found
TimeMap.util.getPlacemarkType(pm) :{String}
Identify the placemark type of a Mapstraction placemark
Parameters (optional)
pm {Object} Placemark to identify
{String} Type of placemark, or false if none found
TimeMap.util.getTagValue(n, tag, ns) :{String}
Get XML tag value as a string
Parameters (optional)
n {jQuery} jQuery object with context
tag {String} Name of tag to look for
ns {String} XML namespace to look in
{String} Tag value as string
TimeMap.util.lookup(key, map) :{Object}
Attempt look up a key in an object, returning either the value, undefined if the key is a string but not found, or the key if not a string
Parameters (optional)
key {String|Object} Key to look up
map {Object} Object in which to look
{Object} Value, undefined, or key
TimeMap.util.makePoint(coords, reversed) :{Object}
Make TimeMap.init()-style points from a GLatLng, LatLonPoint, array, or string
Parameters (optional)
coords {Object} GLatLng, LatLonPoint, array, or string to convert
reversed {Boolean} Whether the points are KML-style lon/lat, rather than lat/lon
{Object} TimeMap.init()-style point object
TimeMap.util.makePoly(coords, reversed) :{Object}
Make TimeMap.init()-style polyline/polygons from a whitespace-delimited string of coordinates (such as those in GeoRSS and KML).
Parameters (optional)
coords {Object} String to convert
reversed {Boolean} Whether the points are KML-style lon/lat, rather than lat/lon
{Object} Formated coordinate array
TimeMap.util.TimelineVersion() :{String}
Determine the SIMILE Timeline version.
{String} At the moment, only "1.2", "2.2.0", or what Timeline provides
©2010 Nick Rabinowitz
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Sat Aug 06 2011 13:40:08 GMT-0700 (PDT)