text; $temp = array(); preg_match_all('/"([^"]+)"|([^\\s]+)/', (( $safe ) ? $this->safe_query($search) : $search), $temp); for ($i = 1; $i < count($temp); $i++) { foreach ( $temp[$i] as $value ) { if ( strlen($value) >= 3 ) { $this->terms[] = $value; } } } } function sql_expr($field) { $sql=" 1=1 "; if (!is_array($field)) { $field=array($field); } if (!count($this->terms)) $this->parse_search(); foreach($this->terms as $t) { $sql.=" and (1<>1 "; foreach($field as $f) { $sql.=" or ".$f." ilike '%".$t."%' "; } $sql.=") "; } return $sql; } function __construct($text='') { require_once '/home/wlx/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php'; $this->xs=new XS('westdc'); $this->search=$this->xs->search; $this->terms = array(); $this->text=$text; // other variable maybe used $this->count = $this->total = $this->search_cost = 0; $this->docs = $this->related = $this->corrected =$this->expanded = $this->hot = array(); $this->error = $this->pager = $this->base_url=''; } function dosearch() { // // 支持的 GET 参数列表 // q: 查询语句 // m: 开启模糊搜索,其值为 yes/no // f: 只搜索某个字段,其值为字段名称,要求该字段的索引方式为 self/both // s: 排序字段名称及方式,其值形式为:xxx_ASC 或 xxx_DESC // p: 显示第几页,每页数量为 XSSearch::PAGE_SIZE 即 10 条 // ie: 查询语句编码,默认为 UTF-8 // oe: 输出编码,默认为 UTF-8 // xml: 是否将搜索结果以 XML 格式输出,其值为 yes/no // // variables $eu = ''; $__ = array('q', 'm', 'f', 's', 'p', 'ie', 'oe', 'syn', 'xml','east','west','south','north','begin','end'); foreach ($__ as $_) $$_ = isset($_GET[$_]) ? $_GET[$_] : ''; // recheck request parameters $q = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($q) : $q; $f = empty($f) ? '_all' : $f; ${'m_check'} = ($m == 'yes' ? ' checked' : ''); ${'syn_check'} = ($syn == 'yes' ? ' checked' : ''); ${'f_' . $f} = ' checked'; ${'s_' . $s} = ' selected'; if (!isset($q)) $q=''; // base url $this->base_url = '/search?q=' . urlencode($q) . '&m=' . $m . '&f=' . $f . '&s=' . $s .'&begin='.$begin.'&end='.$end.'&east='.$east.'&north='.$north.'&west='.$west.'&south='.$south. $eu; $total_begin = microtime(true); // perform the search try { $this->search->setCharset('UTF-8'); if (empty($q)) { // just show hot query $this->hot = $this->search->getHotQuery(); } { // fuzzy search $this->search->setFuzzy($m === 'yes'); // synonym search $this->search->setAutoSynonyms($syn === 'yes'); // set query if (!empty($f) && $f != '_all') { $this->search->setQuery($f . ':(' . $q . ')'); } else { $this->search->setQuery($q); } //spatial search if (!empty($east) && !empty($west) && !empty($south) && !empty($north)) { $this->search->addRange('east',null,$east); $this->search->addRange('west',$west,null); $this->search->addRange('south',$south,null); $this->search->addRange('north',null,$north); } //date search if (!empty($begin)) { $from=strtotime($begin); $this->search->addRange('timebegin',$from,null); } if (!empty($end)) { $to=strtotime($end); $this->search->addRange('timeend',null,$to); } // set sort if (($pos = strrpos($s, '_')) !== false) { $sf = substr($s, 0, $pos); $st = substr($s, $pos + 1); $this->search->setSort($sf, $st === 'ASC'); } // set offset, limit $p = max(1, intval($p)); $n = XSSearch::PAGE_SIZE; $this->search->setLimit($n, ($p - 1) * $n); // get the result $search_begin = microtime(true); $this->docs = $this->search->search(); $this->search_cost = microtime(true) - $search_begin; // get other result $this->count = $this->search->getLastCount(); $this->total = $this->search->getDbTotal(); if ($xml !== 'yes') { if ($this->count<1) $this->expanded=$this->search->getExpandedQuery($q); // try to corrected, if resul too few if ($this->count < 1 || $this->count < ceil(0.001 * $this->total)) $this->corrected = $this->search->getCorrectedQuery(); // get related query $this->related = $this->search->getRelatedQuery(); } // gen pager if ($this->count > $n) { $pb = max($p - 5, 1); $pe = min($pb + 10, ceil($this->count / $n) + 1); $this->pager = ''; do { $this->pager .= ($pb == $p) ? '' . $p . '' : '[' . $pb . ']'; } while (++$pb < $pe); } } } catch (XSException $e) { $this->error = strval($e); } // calculate total time cost $this->total_cost = microtime(true) - $total_begin; // XML OUPUT if ($xml === 'yes' && !empty($q)) { header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=$oe"); echo "\n"; echo "count\" total=\"$this->total\" cost=\"$this->total_cost\" xmlns:xs=\"http://www.xunsearch.com\">\n"; if ($this->error !== '') echo " error . "]]>\n"; foreach ($this->docs as $doc) { echo " rank() . "\" percent=\"" . $doc->percent() . "%\">\n"; foreach ($doc as $k => $v) { echo " <$k>"; if (is_numeric($v)) echo $v; else echo "\n \n "; echo "\n"; } echo " \n"; } echo "\n"; exit(0); } } //搜索建议 function suggest($q) { $terms = array(); if (!empty($q) && strpos($q, ':') === false) { try { $terms = $this->search->setCharset('UTF-8')->getExpandedQuery($q); } catch (XSException $e) { } } return json_encode($terms); } //添加新文档 //$data: 包含field和value的数组 function add($data) { $doc=new XSDocument; $index=$this->xs->index; $doc->setFields($data); $index->add($doc); } //更新已有文档 //$data: 包含field和value的数组 function update($data) { $doc=new XSDocument; $index=$this->xs->index; $doc->setFields($data); $index->update($doc); } //根据主键删除对应的索引 function del($data,$field='') { $index=$this->xs->index; if (empty($field)) $index->del($data); else { $index->del($data,$field); } } }