db = \Zend_Registry::get('db'); }else{ $this->db = $db; } $this->config = \Zend_Registry::get('config'); $Listener = new ReferenceListener(); @$this->events()->attachAggregate($Listener); $this->table = new \Helpers\Table(); } public function events(\Zend_EventManager_EventCollection $events = NULL) { if ($events !== NULL) { $this->events = $events; } elseif ($this->events === NULL) { $this->events = new \Zend_EventManager_EventManager(__CLASS__); } return $this->events; } public function reference($id = 0) { $data = $this->getReferenceParam(); $params = compact('data'); $results = $this->events()->trigger('submit.checkParam', $this, $params); $cache_data = $results->bottom(); if($cache_data !== true) { return $cache_data; } $results = $this->events()->trigger('submit.processData', $this, $params); $data = $results->bottom(); unset($data['submit']); $dbh = new dbh(); if(empty($id)) { $id = $dbh->insert($this->table->reference,$data,true); }else{ if(!$dbh->update($this->table->reference,$data," id=$id ",true)) { return "修改失败!请重试"; } } if(!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { return true; }else{ return "修改失败"; } } //获得参数 public function getReferenceParam(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request = NULL) { $request = new \Zend_Controller_Request_Http(); $data = array( 'reference' => trim($request->getParam('reference')), 'link' => trim($request->getParam('link')), 'publisher' => trim($request->getParam('publisher')), 'year' => (int)$request->getParam('year'), 'title' => trim($request->getParam('title')), 'ris' => trim($request->getParam('ris')), 'note' => trim($request->getParam('note')), 'attid' => (int)$request->getParam('attid') ); return $data; } //上传文献PDF public function uploadReferencePdf($file,$autoread = false) { $files = new Files(); $file_info = $files->upload($file,'literature/',true); if(isset($file_info['error']) && !empty($file_info['error'])) { return array("error" => $file_info['error']); } $file_data = array( 'filename' => $file_info['file_url'], 'filetype' => 'literature', 'filedesc' => $file_info['file_mime'], 'userid' => view::User('id'), 'filesize' => $file_info['file_size'], 'realname' => $file_info['realname'] ); $dbh = new dbh(); $file_id = $dbh->insert($this->table->attachments,$file_data,true); $file_data['id'] = $file_id; if($autoread) { $params = compact('file_data'); $results = $this->events()->trigger('upload.insertToReferenceTable', $this, $params); $cache_data = $results->bottom(); $file_data = array_merge($file_data,$cache_data); } return $file_data; } //通过文件名自动提取文章标题 public function getReferenceTitleFromFilenName($filename) { $file = new Files(); $title = str_replace( ".".$file->getFileTextExt($filename),"",$filename); return $title; } //删除文献文件 public function deleteReferenceAttchment($attid) { if(empty($attid) || !is_numeric($attid)) { return array("error"=>"参数错误"); } $files = new Files(); $status = $files->delete($attid); if($status !== true) { return array("error"=>$status); }else{ return array("success"=>1); } } //所有文献 public function fetchReferences() { $wheresql = array(); if(!empty($this->keyword)) { $wheresql[] = " ({$this->table->reference}.title LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR {$this->table->reference}.reference LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%') "; } if(count($wheresql)>0) { $wheresql = " WHERE ".join(" AND ",$wheresql); }else{ $wheresql = ""; } if(empty($this->order)) { $order = "{$this->table->reference}.title"; }else{ $order = "{$this->table->reference}.{$this->order}"; } $sql = "SELECT {$this->table->reference}.* FROM {$this->table->reference} $wheresql ORDER BY $order {$this->sort}"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchAll(); } //获取专题数据的文献 public function fetchThemeReferences($code) { $wheresql = array(); $wheresql[] = " s.code='$code' "; if(!empty($this->keyword)) { $wheresql[] = " (ref.title LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR ref.reference LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%') "; } if(count($wheresql)>0) { $wheresql = " WHERE ".join(" AND ",$wheresql); }else{ $wheresql = ""; } if(empty($this->order)) { $order = "ref.year,ref.title"; }else{ $order = "ref.{$this->order} {$this->sort}"; } $sql="select distinct ref.* from mdref r left join {$this->table->reference} ref on r.refid=ref.id left join datasource ds on r.uuid=ds.uuid left join {$this->table->source} s on s.id=ds.sourceid $wheresql ORDER BY $order"; $rs=$this->db->query($sql); return $rs->fetchAll(); } //单条文献的信息 public function getOneReferenceData($id) { if(empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table->reference} WHERE id=$id LIMIT 1"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); $row = $rs->fetch(); if ($row['attid']) { $files = new Files(); $attfile = $files->getOne($row['attid']); $row['file'] = $attfile; } return $row; } //获得reference类型的附件 public function getReferenceFiles() { $sql = "SELECT att.*,ref.attid,ref.id as refid FROM {$this->table->attachments} att LEFT JOIN {$this->table->reference} ref ON att.id=ref.attid WHERE att.filetype='literature'"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); $rows = $rs->fetchAll(); return $rows; } //删除文献 public function deleteReference($id,$delete_att = false) { if(empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) { return false; } if($delete_att == false) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->table->reference} WHERE id=$id"; return $this->db->exec($sql); }else{ } } //建立文献与数据的关系 public function createRelationFromReferenceToData($refid,$uuid,$reftype,$place) { if(empty($refid) || is_numeric($refid)) { return "参数错误"; } if(!view::isUuid($uuid)) { return "参数错误"; } $data = array( 'uuid'=>$uuid, 'refid'=>$refid, 'reftype'=>$reftype, 'place'=>$place ); $dbh = new dbh(); $id = $dbh->insert($this->table->metadata_reference,$data,true); if(is_numeric($id)) { return $id; }else{ return "关系写入失败,请检查是否已经存在"; } } //获得某个文献关联的数据 (根据文献获得数据) public function getDataByReference($id) { if(empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) { return "参数错误"; } $sql = "SELECT mr.reftype,mr.place,md.title,md.uuid FROM {$this->table->metadata_reference} mr LEFT JOIN {$this->table->metadata} md ON mr.uuid=md.uuid WHERE mr.refid=$id"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); $rows = $rs->fetchAll(); return $rows; } //获得某个数据关联的文献 (根据数据获得文献) public function getReferenceByData($uuid) { if(!view::isUuid($uuid)) { return "参数错误"; } $sql = "SELECT mr.reftype,mr.place,md.title,md.uuid FROM {$this->table->metadata_reference} mr LEFT JOIN {$this->table->metadata} md WHERE mr.uuid = $uuid"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); $rows = $rs->fetchAll(); return $rows; } //文献类型 public function referenceType() { return array( 1 => '作者文献', 2 => '施引文献', 3 => '参考文献', 4 => '多篇文献' ); } }