111 lines
2.7 KiB
111 lines
2.7 KiB
namespace Order\Manager;
use \Helpers\View as view;
use \Helpers\dbh;
use \Order\Listener\ApplicationListener as Listener;
class Application
public $config;
public $db;
public $table;
public $keyword;
public $filter;
public function __construct($db = NULL,$auth = NULL)
$this->db = \Zend_Registry::get('db');
$this->db = $db;
$this->config = \Zend_Registry::get('config');
$Listener = new Listener();
$this->table = new \Helpers\Table();
public function events(\Zend_EventManager_EventCollection $events = NULL)
if ($events !== NULL) {
$this->events = $events;
} elseif ($this->events === NULL) {
$this->events = new \Zend_EventManager_EventManager(__CLASS__);
return $this->events;
public function fetchByData($q = NULL)
$wheresql = array();
$wheresql[] = "o.uuid IS NOT NULL";
$wheresql[] = '(off.ts_approved is null and off.pdflink is not null and o.status=3)';
$wheresql[] = " (off.username LIKE '%$q%' OR off.unit LIKE '%$q%' OR off.project LIKE '%$q%' OR off.address LIKE '%$q%' OR md.title LIKE '%$q%') ";
$wheresql = join(" AND ",$wheresql);
$sql = "SELECT
o.*,o.status as datastatus,
off.unit,off.address,off.postcode,off.project,off.project_title ,off.project_type,off.project_id,off.datalist
FROM dataorder o
LEFT JOIN {$this->config->sub->metadata} md ON o.uuid=md.uuid
LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = o.userid
LEFT JOIN offlineapp off ON o.offlineappid = off.id
WHERE $wheresql";
$rs = $this->db->query($sql);
return $rs->fetchAll();
public function finish($id)
public function deny($id)
public function passed()
$select ->from('offlineapp')
->where('ts_approved is not null')
->where('pdflink is not null')
->where('id in (select offlineappid from dataorder where uuid in (select uuid from'.$this->config->sub->metadata.'))')
->order('ts_created desc');
$select ->where(" (username LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR
unit LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR
project_id LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR
project_type LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR
project_leader LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' OR
project LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' )");
return $select;
} |