344 lines
14 KiB
344 lines
14 KiB
function exposeTestFunctionNames() {
return [
function testDatasetIsDefined() {
assertNotUndefined("dataset is defined", tm.datasets["test"]);
function testItemLoaded() {
var ds = tm.datasets["test"];
assertEquals("two items in item array", 2, ds.getItems().length);
function testItemLoadedInEventSource() {
var ds = tm.datasets["test"];
assertEquals("two items in eventSource", 2, ds.eventSource.getCount());
function testEarliestDate() {
var ds = tm.datasets["test"];
assertDateMatches1980("Earliest date not correct", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate());
function testLatestDate() {
var ds = tm.datasets["test"];
assertDateMatches2000("Latest date not correct", ds.eventSource.getLatestDate());
function testItemAttributes() {
var items = tm.datasets["test"].getItems();
// point
var item = items[0];
assertEquals("title matches", item.getTitle(), "Test Event");
assertEquals("description matches", item.opts.description, "Test Description");
// polyline
item = items[1];
assertEquals("title matches", item.getTitle(), "Test Event 2");
function testItemEvent() {
var items = tm.datasets["test"].getItems();
// point
var item = items[0],
title = item.getTitle();
assertNotNull(title + ": event not null", item.event);
assertNotUndefined(title + ": event undefined", item.event);
assertEquals(title + ": event title matches", item.event.getText(), "Test Event");
assertDateMatches1980(title + ": item event start wrong", item.getStart());
assertDateMatches2000(title + ": item event end wrong", item.getEnd());
// polyline
item = items[1];
title = item.getTitle();
assertNotNull(title + ": event not null", item.event);
assertNotUndefined(title + ": event undefined", item.event);
assertEquals(title + ": event title matches", item.event.getText(), "Test Event 2");
assertDateMatches1980(title + ": item event start wrong", item.getStart());
function testMarkerPlacemark() {
var items = tm.datasets["test"].getItems(),
item = items[0];
assertNotNull("placemark not null", item.placemark);
assertNotUndefined("placemark undefined", item.placemark);
assertEquals("item type matches", "marker", item.getType());
assertEquals("placemark type matches", "marker", TimeMap.util.getPlacemarkType(item.placemark));
assertEquals("marker title wrong", "Test Event", item.placemark.labelText);
var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(23.456, 12.345);
assertTrue("marker point matches", item.placemark.location.equals(point));
assertTrue("info point matches", item.getInfoPoint().equals(point));
function testNativeMarkerPlacemark() {
var items = tm.datasets["test"].getItems(),
item = items[0],
nativePlacemark = item.getNativePlacemark();
assertNotNull("native placemark null", nativePlacemark);
assertNotUndefined("native placemark undefined", nativePlacemark);
switch (tm.map.api) {
case "google":
assertTrue("native marker not GMarker", nativePlacemark.constructor == GMarker);
assertEquals("native marker title wrong", "Test Event", nativePlacemark.getTitle());
var point = new GLatLng(23.456, 12.345);
assertTrue("marker point matches", nativePlacemark.getLatLng().equals(point));
case "googlev3":
// ducktype
assertTrue("native marker wrong", 'getMap' in nativePlacemark &&
'setMap' in nativePlacemark &&
'getIcon' in nativePlacemark);
assertEquals("native marker title wrong", "Test Event", nativePlacemark.getTitle());
var point = new google.maps.LatLng(23.456, 12.345);
assertTrue("marker point matches", nativePlacemark.getPosition().equals(point));
case "openlayers":
assertTrue("native marker wrong", nativePlacemark.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Marker");
// OpenLayers markers have no titles
// XXX: not thrilled with this test - I think Mapstraction is screwy here
var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(23.456, 12.345).toProprietary("openlayers");
assertTrue("marker point matches", nativePlacemark.lonlat.equals(point));
case "microsoft":
assertTrue("native marker wrong", nativePlacemark.constructor == VEShape &&
nativePlacemark.GetShapeType() == "Point");
assertEquals("native marker title wrong", "Test Event", nativePlacemark.GetTitle());
assertEquals("native marker latitude wrong", 23.456, nativePlacemark.Latitude);
assertEquals("native marker longitude wrong", 12.345, nativePlacemark.Longitude);
fail("Map API not defined, or tests not defined for this API");
function testPolylinePlacemark() {
var items = tm.datasets["test"].getItems(),
item = items[1];
assertNotNull("placemark not null", item.placemark);
assertNotUndefined("placemark undefined", item.placemark);
assertEquals("item type matches", "polyline", item.getType());
assertEquals("placemark type matches", "polyline", TimeMap.util.getPlacemarkType(item.placemark));
var points = [
new mxn.LatLonPoint(45.256, -110.45),
new mxn.LatLonPoint(46.46, -109.48),
new mxn.LatLonPoint(43.84, -109.86)
assertNotUndefined("polyline points undefined", item.placemark.points);
assertEquals("vertex count wrong", 3, item.placemark.points.length);
assertTrue("info point doesn't match middle point", item.getInfoPoint().equals(points[1]));
for (var x=0; x<points.length; x++) {
assertTrue("vertex " + x + " matches", item.placemark.points[x].equals(points[x]));
function testNativePolylinePlacemark() {
var items = tm.datasets["test"].getItems(),
item = items[1],
nativePlacemark = item.getNativePlacemark();
assertNotNull("native placemark null", nativePlacemark);
assertNotUndefined("native placemark undefined", nativePlacemark);
switch (tm.map.api) {
case "google":
// ducktype
assertTrue("native polyine wrong class", 'getVertex' in nativePlacemark &&
'getVertexCount' in nativePlacemark);
var points = [
new GLatLng(45.256, -110.45),
new GLatLng(46.46, -109.48),
new GLatLng(43.84, -109.86)
assertEquals("native vertex count wrong", 3, nativePlacemark.getVertexCount());
for (var x=0; x<points.length; x++) {
assertTrue("native vertex " + x + " wrong",
case "googlev3":
// ducktype
assertTrue("native polyline wrong class", 'getMap' in nativePlacemark &&
'setMap' in nativePlacemark &&
'getPath' in nativePlacemark);
var points = [
new google.maps.LatLng(45.256, -110.45),
new google.maps.LatLng(46.46, -109.48),
new google.maps.LatLng(43.84, -109.86)
assertEquals("native vertex count wrong", 3, nativePlacemark.getPath().getLength());
for (var x=0; x<points.length; x++) {
assertTrue("native vertex " + x + " wrong",
case "openlayers":
assertTrue("native polyline wrong class", nativePlacemark.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Feature.Vector");
// XXX: Not thrilled with this test - it's testing Mapstraction, not whether the lat/lons are correct
var lls = [
new mxn.LatLonPoint(45.256, -110.45).toProprietary("openlayers"),
new mxn.LatLonPoint(46.46, -109.48).toProprietary("openlayers"),
new mxn.LatLonPoint(43.84, -109.86).toProprietary("openlayers")
points = [], x;
for (x=0; x<lls.length; x++) {
points.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lls[x].lon, lls[x].lat));
assertEquals("native vertex count wrong", 3, nativePlacemark.geometry.components.length);
for (x=0; x<points.length; x++) {
assertTrue("native vertex " + x + " wrong",
case "microsoft":
assertTrue("native marker wrong", nativePlacemark.constructor == VEShape &&
nativePlacemark.GetShapeType() == "Polyline");
var points = [
[45.256, -110.45],
[46.46, -109.48],
[43.84, -109.86]
nativePoints = nativePlacemark.GetPoints();
assertEquals("native vertex count wrong", 3, nativePoints.length);
for (var x=0; x<points.length; x++) {
assertEquals("native vertex " + x + " latitude wrong", points[x][0], nativePoints[x].Latitude);
assertEquals("native vertex " + x + " longitude wrong", points[x][1], nativePoints[x].Longitude);
fail("Map API not defined, or tests not defined for this API");
function assertDateMatches1980(msg, d) {
assertEquals(msg + ": year", 1980, d.getUTCFullYear());
assertEquals(msg + ": month", 0, d.getUTCMonth());
assertEquals(msg + ": day", 2, d.getUTCDate());
function assertDateMatches2000(msg, d) {
assertEquals(msg + ": year", 2000, d.getUTCFullYear());
assertEquals(msg + ": month", 0, d.getUTCMonth());
assertEquals(msg + ": day", 2, d.getUTCDate());
var tm = null;
// page setup function - basic
function basicLoadTestSetup() {
tm = TimeMap.init({
mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required)
timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required)
datasets: [
title: "Test Dataset",
id: "test",
// this syntax should still work
data: {
type: "basic",
value: [
"start" : "1980-01-02",
"end" : "2000-01-02",
"point" : {
"lat" : 23.456,
"lon" : 12.345
"title" : "Test Event",
"options" : {
"description": "Test Description"
"start" : "1980-01-02",
"polyline" : [
"lat" : 45.256,
"lon" : -110.45
"lat" : 46.46,
"lon" : -109.48
"lat" : 43.84,
"lon" : -109.86
"title" : "Test Event 2"
dataDisplayedFunction: function() { setUpPageStatus = "complete"; }
// page setup function - kml
function kmlLoadTestSetup() {
tm = TimeMap.init({
mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required)
timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required)
datasets: [
title: "Test Dataset",
id: "test",
type: "kml",
options: {
url: "data/data.kml"
dataDisplayedFunction: function() { setUpPageStatus = "complete"; }
// page setup function - jsonp
function jsonpLoadTestSetup() {
tm = TimeMap.init({
mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required)
timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required)
datasets: [
title: "Test Dataset",
id: "test",
type: "jsonp",
options: {
url: "data/data.js?cb="
dataDisplayedFunction: function() { setUpPageStatus = "complete"; }
// page setup function - json string
function jsonLoadTestSetup() {
tm = TimeMap.init({
mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required)
timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required)
datasets: [
title: "Test Dataset",
id: "test",
type: "json_string",
options: {
url: "data/data_string.js"
dataDisplayedFunction: function() { setUpPageStatus = "complete"; }