
206 lines
8.2 KiB

function exposeTestFunctionNames() {
return [
function testDatasetsAreDefined() {
assertNotUndefined("RSS dataset is defined", tm.datasets["rss"]);
assertNotUndefined("Atom dataset is defined", tm.datasets["atom"]);
assertNotUndefined("Mixed dataset is defined", tm.datasets["mixed"]);
function testRSSItemLoaded() {
var ds = tm.datasets["rss"];
assertEquals("one item in item array", ds.getItems().length, 1);
function testRSSEarliestDate() {
var ds = tm.datasets["rss"];
assertEquals("year matches", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate().getUTCFullYear(), 1980);
assertEquals("month matches", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate().getUTCMonth(), 0);
// Timeline seems to adjust for the timezone after parsing :(
assertEquals("day matches", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate().getUTCDate(), 2);
function testRSSItemAttributes() {
var items = tm.datasets["rss"].getItems();
var item = items[0];
assertEquals("title matches", item.getTitle(), "Test Event");
assertEquals("placemark type matches", item.getType(), "marker");
var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(23.456, 12.345);
assertTrue("point matches", item.getInfoPoint().equals(point));
function testAtomItemLoaded() {
var ds = tm.datasets["atom"];
assertEquals("one item in item array", ds.getItems().length, 1);
function testAtomEarliestDate() {
var ds = tm.datasets["atom"];
assertEquals("year matches", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate().getUTCFullYear(), 1980);
assertEquals("month matches", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate().getUTCMonth(), 0);
// Timeline seems to adjust for the timezone after parsing :(
assertEquals("day matches", ds.eventSource.getEarliestDate().getUTCDate(), 2);
function testAtomItemAttributes() {
var items = tm.datasets["atom"].getItems();
var item = items[0];
assertEquals("title matches", item.getTitle(), "Test Event");
assertEquals("placemark type matches", item.getType(), "marker");
var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(23.456, 12.345);
assertTrue("point matches", item.getInfoPoint().equals(point));
function testMixedItemsLoaded() {
var ds = tm.datasets["mixed"];
assertEquals("Fourteen items in item array", 14, ds.getItems().length);
function testMixedPlacemarksFound() {
var items = tm.datasets["mixed"].getItems();
var pmTypes = ['GeoRSS-Simple','GML (pos)','GML (coordinates)','W3C Geo'];
var offset;
for (x=0; x<pmTypes.length; x++) {
var item = items[x];
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": placemark type matches", item.getType(), "marker");
var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(23.456, 12.345);
assertTrue(pmTypes[x] + ": point matches", item.getInfoPoint().equals(point));
pmTypes = ['Polyline Simple','Polyline GML'];
offset = 4;
var points = [
new mxn.LatLonPoint(45.256, -110.45),
new mxn.LatLonPoint(46.46, -109.48),
new mxn.LatLonPoint(43.84, -109.86)
for (x=0; x<pmTypes.length; x++) {
var item = items[x + offset];
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": item type matches", "polyline", item.getType());
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": placemark type matches", "polyline", TimeMap.util.getPlacemarkType(item.placemark));
assertNotUndefined("polyline points undefined", item.placemark.points);
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": vertex count matches", 3, item.placemark.points.length);
assertTrue(pmTypes[x] + ": info point matches middle point", item.getInfoPoint().equals(points[1]));
for (var y=0; y<points.length; y++) {
assertTrue("vertex " + y + " matches", item.placemark.points[y].equals(points[y]));
pmTypes = ['Polygon Simple','Polygon GML'];
offset = 6;
// polygon bounds center
var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(45.150000000000006, -109.965);
for (x=0; x<pmTypes.length; x++) {
var item = items[x + offset];
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": placemark type matches", "polygon", item.getType());
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": placemark type matches", "polygon", TimeMap.util.getPlacemarkType(item.placemark));
// Google seems to count the last vertex of a closed polygon
assertNotUndefined("polyline points undefined", item.placemark.points);
assertEquals(pmTypes[x] + ": vertex count matches", 4, item.placemark.points.length);
assertTrue(pmTypes[x] + ": info point matches middle point", item.getInfoPoint().equals(point));
for (var y=0; y<points.length; y++) {
assertTrue("vertex " + y + " matches", item.placemark.points[y].equals(points[y]));
function testMixedKMLTime() {
var ds = tm.datasets["mixed"];
var items = tm.datasets["mixed"].getItems(), item, d, prefix;
// TimeSpan
item = items[8];
// start
d = item.event.getStart();
prefix = item.getTitle() + " start ";
assertEquals(prefix + "year matches", 1985, d.getUTCFullYear());
assertEquals(prefix + "month matches", 0, d.getUTCMonth());
assertEquals(prefix + "day matches", 2, d.getUTCDate());
// end
d = item.event.getEnd();
prefix = item.getTitle() + " end ";
assertEquals(prefix + "year matches", 2000, d.getUTCFullYear());
assertEquals(prefix + "month matches", 0, d.getUTCMonth());
assertEquals(prefix + "day matches", 2, d.getUTCDate());
// TimeStamp
item = items[9];
// start
d = item.event.getStart();
prefix = item.getTitle() + " start ";
assertEquals(prefix + "year matches", 1985, d.getUTCFullYear());
assertEquals(prefix + "month matches", 0, d.getUTCMonth());
assertEquals(prefix + "day matches", 2, d.getUTCDate());
// is instant
assertTrue(item.getTitle() + " event is instant", item.event.isInstant());
function testMixedExtraTags() {
var ds = tm.datasets["mixed"];
var items = tm.datasets["mixed"].getItems(), item, d, prefix;
// Using a bare tag from the RSS xmlns
item = items[10];
assertEquals(item.getTitle() + " has link tag data", "http://www.example.com/", item.opts.link);
// Using a namespaced tag from the DC xmlns
item = items[11];
assertEquals(item.getTitle() + " has dc:subject tag data", "Testing", item.opts['dc:subject']);
// Using a bare tag from the RSS xmlns, mapped
item = items[12];
assertEquals(item.getTitle() + " has mapped tag data", "nick@example.com", item.opts.email);
// Using a namespaced tag from the DC xmlns, mapped
item = items[13];
assertEquals(item.getTitle() + " has mapped tag data", "Nick", item.opts.issuer);
var tm = null;
function setUpPage() {
TimeMap.util.nsMap['dc'] = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/';
tm = TimeMap.init({
mapId: "map", // Id of map div element (required)
timelineId: "timeline", // Id of timeline div element (required)
datasets: [
title: "Test Dataset: RSS",
id: "rss",
type: "georss",
options: {
url: "data/data.rss"
title: "Test Dataset: Atom",
id: "atom",
type: "georss",
options: {
url: "data/data-atom.xml"
title: "Test Dataset: RSS, mixed formats",
id: "mixed",
type: "georss",
options: {
url: "data/data-mixed.xml",
extraTags: ['link', 'dc:subject', 'author', 'dc:publisher'],
tagMap: {
dataDisplayedFunction: function() { setUpPageStatus = "complete"; }