178 lines
5.7 KiB
178 lines
5.7 KiB
if ($argc!=2 && $onlineip!='' && $onlineip!='' && $onlineip!='2001:cc0:f006::9' && $onlineip!='2001:cc0:f006::405')
die("error! You are not permitted to visit this page.".$onlineip);
$db = new PDO('pgsql:host=;dbname=observation', "gis", "gispassword");
$station = 0;
$site = 0;
$logger = 0;
$variable = 0;
$mailname = "";
$createtime = date("Ymd",time());
$uid = (int)$argv[1];
$uid = (int)@$_GET['uid'];
if (!($uid>0))
die("Error in parameter.");
if(!empty($action) && $action=='prepare')
$content="php -f /var/www/ftp2.westgis.ac.cn/wsndata.php $uid";
if (!file_put_contents($filename, $content, LOCK_EX))
if (!file_put_contents($filename, $content, LOCK_EX))
if (!file_put_contents($filename, $content, LOCK_EX))
die("error in write wsndatar.sh");
} else {
$sql_user = "SELECT distinct u.uid,u.site,u.starttime,u.endtime ,s.fld_name,case when (u.variable=-1) then '-1' else '1' end as variable
from users_pm_down u left join tbl_site_info s on u.site=s.fld_site_id
where starttime is not null and result=-1 and type='down' and uid=$uid";
$sth_user = $db->query($sql_user);
$rows_user = $sth_user->fetchAll();
foreach($rows_user as $k=>$v )
$site = $v['site'];
$variable = $v['variable'];
$start = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($v['starttime']));
$end = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($v['endtime']));
$uid = $v['uid'];
$sitename= $v['fld_name'];
if (!file_exists($aimDir_user))
$result = mkdir($aimDir_user);
if (!file_exists($aimDir_site))
$result = mkdir($aimDir_site);
$sql="select distinct va.fld_name from tbl_value v left join tbl_variable_info va on v.fld_variable_id=va.fld_variable_id
WHERE v.fld_site_id=$site AND v.fld_time>='$start' AND v.fld_time<'$end'";
if ($variable==1)
$sql.=" and va.fld_variable_id in (select distinct variable from users_pm_down where starttime is not null and result=-1 and type='down' and uid=$uid) ";
$sql.=" order by va.fld_name";
$head = "Time";
$sql2= "select * from crosstab('SELECT v.fld_time as time,va.fld_name as variablename,v.fld_value as value
FROM tbl_value v left join tbl_variable_info va on v.fld_variable_id=va.fld_variable_id
WHERE v.fld_site_id=$site AND v.fld_time>=''$start'' AND v.fld_time<''$end'' ";
if ($variable==1)
$sql2.=" and va.fld_variable_id in (select distinct variable from users_pm_down where starttime is not null and result=-1 and type=''down'' and uid=$uid) ";
$sql2.=" ORDER BY time',
'select distinct va.fld_name from tbl_variable_info va left join tbl_value v on v.fld_variable_id=va.fld_variable_id
WHERE v.fld_site_id=$site AND v.fld_time>=''$start'' AND v.fld_time<''$end''";
if ($variable==1)
$sql2.=" and va.fld_variable_id in (select distinct variable from users_pm_down where starttime is not null and result=-1 and type=''down'' and uid=$uid) ";
$sql2.=" order by va.fld_name')
as ct(time timestamp without time zone";
foreach($rs as $k=>$var)
$head.=", ".$var['fld_name'];
$sql2.=",v".$k." real";
$sth2 = $db->query($sql2);
//$rows2 = $sth2->fetchAll();
while ($v=$sth2->fetch())
if ($v['time']>=$start && $v['time']<$endtime)
foreach ($rs as $k=>$var)
} elseif ($v['time']>=$endtime) {
$fp = fopen($aimDir_site.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$sitename.(($variable==-1)?"_all_":"_selected_").$resulttime.".CSV","w+");
fwrite($fp,$head.$html); //写入数据
fclose($fp); //关闭文件句柄
foreach ($rs as $k=>$var)
$fp = fopen($aimDir_site.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$sitename.(($variable==-1)?"_all_":"_selected_").$resulttime.".CSV","w+");
fwrite($fp,$head.$html); //写入数据
fclose($fp); //关闭文件句柄
print $sitename."\r\n";
$sql_up= "update users_pm_down set result=0 WHERE site=$site and uid=$uid and result=-1 and type='down'";
} |