118 lines
3.4 KiB
118 lines
3.4 KiB
// Sticky v1.0 by Daniel Raftery
// http://thrivingkings.com/sticky
// http://twitter.com/ThrivingKings
;(function($) {
// Using it without an object
$.sticky = function(note, options, callback) { return $.fn.sticky(note, options, callback); };
$.fn.sticky = function(note, options, callback) {
var settings =
'speed' : 'fast', // animations: fast, slow, or integer
'duplicates' : false, // true or false
'autoclose' : 5000, // integer or false
'position' : 'top-right', // top-center, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right
'type' : '' // st-success, st-info, st-error
if(options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
// Passing in the object instead of specifying a note
if(!note) {
note = this.html();
// Variables
var display = true, duplicate = 'no';
// Somewhat of a unique ID
var uniqID = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
// Handling duplicate notes and IDs
$('.sticky-note').each(function() {
if($(this).html() == note && $(this).is(':visible')) {
duplicate = 'yes';
if(!settings['duplicates']) {
display = false;
if($(this).attr('id')==uniqID) {
uniqID = Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999);
// Make sure the sticky queue exists
if(!$('body').find('.sticky-queue.'+settings.position).html()) {
$('body').append('<div class="sticky-queue ' + settings.position + '"></div>');
// Can it be displayed?
if(display) {
// Building and inserting sticky note
$('.sticky-queue.'+settings.position).prepend('<div class="sticky border-' + settings.position + ' ' + settings.type +'" id="' + uniqID + '"></div>');
$('#' + uniqID).append('<span class="close st-close" rel="' + uniqID + '" title="Close">×</span>');
$('#' + uniqID).append('<div class="sticky-note" rel="' + uniqID + '">' + note + '</div>');
// Smoother animation
var height = $('#' + uniqID).height();
$('#' + uniqID).css('height', height);
$('#' + uniqID).slideDown(settings['speed']);
display = true;
// Listeners
$('.sticky').ready(function() {
// If 'autoclose' is enabled, set a timer to close the sticky
if(settings['autoclose']) {
$('#' + uniqID).delay(settings['autoclose']).slideUp(settings['speed'], function(){
var closest = $(this).closest('.sticky-queue');
var elem = closest.find('.sticky');
if(elem.length == '1'){
// Closing a sticky
$('#' + $(this).attr('rel')).dequeue().slideUp(settings['speed'], function(){
var closest = $(this).closest('.sticky-queue');
var elem = closest.find('.sticky');
if(elem.length == '1'){
// Callback data
var response = {
'id' : uniqID,
'duplicate' : duplicate,
'displayed' : display,
'position' : settings.position,
'type' : settings.type
// Callback function?
if(callback) {
else {
})( jQuery ); |