783 lines
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783 lines
32 KiB
class HiwaterController extends DataController
private $limit=20;
function preDispatch()
$this->debug = 1;
$acName = $this->_request->getActionName();
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse1";
else if(in_array($acName,array("airborne","demdsm","reflectance","vegtypeair","vegparam","temperature","soilmoisture")))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse2";
else if(in_array($acName,array("hmon",'hmon2012','hmon2013','hmon2012up','hmon2012middle','hmon2012down','hmon2013up','hmon2013middle','hmon2013down','super','normal','prec')))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse3";
else if(in_array($acName,array("cgs","calibration","ground",'sync')))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse4";
else if(in_array($acName,array("wsn","waternet","soilnet","bnunet",'bnulai')))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse5";
else if(in_array($acName,array("mso","autometeo","ec",'las',"cosmos","tdp","isotope")))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse6";
else if(in_array($acName,array("rsproduct","dem","precipitation",'sm',"snow","vegtype","vegcov",'phenology','npp')))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse7";
else if(in_array($acName,array("browse","thumb","fund","tag","timeline","timemap",'author','organization')))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse10";
else if(in_array($acName,array("other")))
$this->view->pageIn = "collapse9";
$this->view->pageID = "hiwater-".$acName;
function indexAction()
$sql="select m.uuid,m.title,m.id,m.description from normalmetadata m left join thumbnail t on m.id=t.id where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and length(t.data)>2 order by random() limit 3";
$archive = new Archive($this->db);
$this->view->info = $archive->getOneArchive('HiWATER:黑河流域生态-水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验','about');
* 数据浏览
function browseAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') ");
$select->from('normalmetadata','*')->where(" uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') ")->order('title desc')->limitPage($page,$this->limit);
$this->view->metadata = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function thumbAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$state=$this->db->query("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') ");
$select->from('normalmetadata as m','m.*')
->where(" uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') ")
->order('m.title desc')->limitPage($page,$this->limit);
$this->view->metadata = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function documentAction()
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$row=$this->db->fetchAll("select count(*) from reference where id in (select refid from mdref where uuid in (select uuid from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') ))");
$sql="select * from reference where id in (select refid from mdref where uuid in (select uuid from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') )) order by reference limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit,"文献");
function aviationAction()
function radiometerAction()
function lidarAction()
function ccdlidarAction()
function widasAction()
function ccdwidasAction()
function nearvisAction()
function thermalAction()
function airborneAction()
function demdsmAction()
function reflectanceAction()
function vegtypeairAction()
function vegparamAction()
function soilmoistureAction()
function temperatureAction()
function hmonAction()
function superAction()
function normalAction()
function autometeoAction()
$archive = new Archive($this->db);
$this->view->info = $archive->getOneArchive('HiWATER-通量观测矩阵','about');
function ecAction()
$archive = new Archive($this->db);
$this->view->info = $archive->getOneArchive('HiWATER-通量观测矩阵','about');
function lasAction()
$archive = new Archive($this->db);
$this->view->info = $archive->getOneArchive('HiWATER-通量观测矩阵','about');
function precAction()
function cgsAction()
function calibrationAction()
function groundAction()
function syncAction()
function wsnAction()
function waternetAction()
function soilnetAction()
function bnunetAction()
function bnulaiAction()
function satelliteAction()
function soilAction()
function meteoAction()
function hydroAction()
function irragationAction()
function obsAction()
function msoAction()
$archive = new Archive($this->db);
$this->view->info = $archive->getOneArchive('HiWATER-通量观测矩阵','about');
function isotopeAction()
function tdpAction()
function cosmosAction()
function rsproductAction()
function demAction()
function precipitationAction()
function smAction()
function snowAction()
function vegtypeAction()
function vegcovAction()
function phenologyAction()
function nppAction()
function hmon2012Action()
function hmon2013Action()
function hmon2012upAction()
function hmon2012middleAction()
function hmon2012downAction()
function hmon2013upAction()
function hmon2013middleAction()
function hmon2013downAction()
function listAction()
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') order by timebegin,title";
function tagAction()
$key = $this->_request->getParam('key');
$keytype = $this->_request->getParam('keytype');
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
if (!empty($key)) {
$sql=$this->db->quoteInto("select count(k.id) from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on k.id=m.id where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and k.keyword=?",$key);
$sql="select uuid,title,id,description from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and id in (select id from keyword where keyword='".$key."') order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
} else {
$sql="select k.keyword,count(*),k.keytype from keyword k left join normalmetadata m on k.id=m.id where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') ";
if (!empty($keytype) && ($keytype=='place' || $keytype=='theme' || $keytype=='discipline'||$keytype=='temporal')) $sql.=" and k.keytype='".$keytype."'";
$sql.=' group by k.keyword,k.keytype order by k.keytype,k.keyword,count desc';
function searchAction()
$form=new SearchForm();
if (!empty($key)) {
$search=new SimpleSearch($key);
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$row=$this->db->fetchAll("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and ".$where);
$sql="select uuid,title,id,description from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and ".$where." order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function timemapAction()
$sql="select id,uuid,west,south,north,east,title,timebegin,timeend from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and timebegin is not null";
function timelineAction()
$rows=$this->db->fetchAll("select ts_created from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') order by ts_created desc limit 1");
if (!file_exists($fn) || (filemtime($fn)<$last_update))
$dateformat="M j Y";
$rows=$this->db->fetchAll("select id,uuid,description,title,timebegin,timeend from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and timebegin is not null order by timebegin,title");
foreach($rows as $row) {
$timexml.='<event start="'.date($dateformat,strtotime($row['timebegin'])).' GMT+0800" ';
if ($row['timeend']!='' && $row['timeend']!=$row['timebegin']) $timexml.=' end="'.date($dateformat,strtotime($row['timeend'])).'" isDuration="true"';
$timexml.= ' title="'.htmlspecialchars($row['title']).'" image="/images/westdc_40w.gif" link="/hiwater/view/uuid/'.$row['uuid'].'">';
if ($desc_length>300) $desc.=" ...";
function categoryAction()
$code = (int)$this->_request->getParam('code');
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
$this->view->category=$this->db->fetchAll("select c.code,name,name_zh,count(*) from category c left join normalmetadata m on c.id=m.id,categorycode cc where c.code=cc.code and m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') group by c.code,cc.name,cc.name_zh");
if ($code>0 && $code<20) {
$row=$this->db->fetchAll("select count(*) from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and id in (select id from category where code=".$code.")");
$sql="select uuid,title,description,id from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and id in (select distinct id from category where code=".$code.") order by timebegin,title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
$row=$this->db->fetchRow("select name,name_zh from categorycode where code=?",$code);
} else {
function viewAction()
private function getmd($keyword,$type='theme')
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
if (!is_array($keyword))
foreach($keyword as $k)
$state=$this->db->query("select count(m.*) from normalmetadata m left join datasource d on m.uuid=d.uuid left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater' and m.id in (select id from keyword where keytype='".$type."' and keyword in ".$keyword.")");
//@todo: add order with title
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and id in (select id from keyword where keytype='".$type."' and keyword in ".$keyword.") order by title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
private function getmdlimited($keyword,$limited,$without='')
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
if (!is_array($keyword))
foreach($keyword as $k)
if (!empty($without))
if (!is_array($without))
foreach ($without as $wo)
$sql="select count(m.*) from normalmetadata m left join datasource d on m.uuid=d.uuid left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id
where s.code='hiwater' and m.id in (select id from keyword where keyword='".$limited."')
and m.id in (select id from keyword where keyword in ".$keyword.")";
if (!empty($without)) $sql.=" and m.id not in (select id from keyword where keyword in $withoutkey)";
//@todo: add order with title
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata where
uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater')
and id in (select id from keyword where keyword='".$limited."')
and id in (select id from keyword where keyword in ".$keyword.")";
if (!empty($without)) $sql.=" and id not in (select id from keyword where keyword in $withoutkey)";
$sql.=" order by title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
private function getmdrestricted($keyword)
if (empty($page)) $page=1;
if (!is_array($keyword))
foreach($keyword as $k)
$key.="m.id in (select id from keyword where keyword='".$k."') and ";
$state=$this->db->query("select count(m.*) from normalmetadata m left join datasource d on m.uuid=d.uuid left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater' and $keyword");
//@todo: add order with title
$sql="select uuid,title from normalmetadata m where m.uuid in
(select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater')
and $keyword
order by title limit ? offset ?";
$this->view->page=new Pagination($sum,$page,$this->limit);
function authorAction()
$ac = $this->_request->getParam('ac');
$id = (int)$this->_request->getParam('id');
if ($ac=='verified') {
if ($id) {
$sql="select username,realname from users where id=?";
$sql="select m.* from normalmetadata m left join mdauthor a on a.uuid=m.uuid where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and a.userid=?";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
} else {
$sql="select u.username,u.realname,u.id,count(u.id) as count from mdauthor a left join users u on a.userid=u.id where a.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and a.status=1 and a.uuid in (select uuid from normalmetadata) group by u.id,u.username,u.realname";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
} else if ($ac=='unverified' || empty($ac)) {
if ($id) {
$sql="select individual as username from responsible where id=?";
$sql="select distinct m.* from normalmetadata m left join role r on m.uuid=r.uuid left join responsible s on r.resid=s.id where r.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and r.role in ('pointOfContact','resourceProvider','owner') and s.id=?";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
} else {
$sql="select distinct responsible.individual as username,responsible.id from responsible left join role on role.resid=responsible.id where role.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and role.role in ('pointOfContact','resourceProvider','owner')";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
function fundAction()
$id = (int)$this->_request->getParam('id');
if (!empty($id)) {
$sql="select * from fund where id=?";
if ($this->view->fund) {
$sql="select distinct m.* from normalmetadata m left join mdfund mf on m.uuid=mf.uuid where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and mf.fid=?";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
} else {
$sql="select f.id,f.title,f.fund_id,f.fund_type,f.ts_created,count(m.id) as datacount,sum(md.filesize) as filesize from fund f left join mdfund m on f.id=m.fid left join metadata md on m.uuid=md.uuid where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') group by f.id,f.title,f.fund_id,f.fund_type,f.ts_created order by f.ts_created desc";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
function organizationAction()
$page = $this->_request->getParam('page');
$name = $this->_request->getParam('name');
$state=$this->db->query("select distinct responsible.organisation from responsible left join role on role.resid=responsible.id where role.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and role.role in ('pointOfContact','resourceProvider','owner')");
if (!empty($name)) {
$sql="select distinct m.* from normalmetadata m left join role r on m.uuid=r.uuid left join responsible s on r.resid=s.id where m.uuid in (select d.uuid from datasource d left join source s on d.sourceid=s.id where s.code='hiwater') and r.role in ('pointOfContact','resourceProvider','owner') and s.organisation=?";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($rows);
} else {
} |