LESS / Custom Builds

If you're familiar with LESS, bootstrap-drawer has less files that you can use to either build your own custom bootstrap-drawer or directly incoroprate with other LESS files in your project.

bootstrap-drawer currently uses Gulp and LESS, but it'd be great if people can contribute grunt and SASS components! Check out the repo to contribute!

Building Your Own Flavor of Drawer

You'll need gulp and Node if you want to build your own version.

Run npm install in order to get all the devDependencies from the package.json.

Most of the tasks are outlined in gulpfile.js. The gulp build will also update the assets for example/index.html so you can see your changes.

To customize bootstrap-drawer, just edit some of the variables in less/drawer-variables.less to the sizes and colors, etc. you want. Then run gulp build and a new dist/css/bootstrap-drawer(.min).css should be made just for you! Include the file right after the Bootstrap core file, and you should be good to go!

Things to keep in mind:

Using Less

I am assuming for this section you are familiar with using less and the Bootstrap less source. There are files in the less/ directory that are parallel to Bootstrap's less source files. drawer.less already includes its custom variable package as well as less loop framework. To include the less in your build files, you can do one of the following:

Add to your main less file after bootstrap

    @import "bootstrap.less";
    @import "path/to/drawer.less";

    /* Your styles */

Add to bootstrap.less

    @import "variables.less";
    @import "mixins.less";

    // Bootstrap Core
    // ...

    // ... etc ...

    // Components w/ JavaScript
    @import "modals.less";
    @import "tooltip.less";
    @import "popovers.less";
    @import "carousel.less";
    @import "path/to/drawer.less";

    // Utility Classes
    // ... etc ...

Move Contents

The first two lines in less/drawer.less can be removed and moved

Feel free to move drawer-variables.less and drawer-framework.less to appropriate folders to maintain bootstrap structure. The component's variables rely on a few variables from the core bootstrap framework, likewise for the mixin framework. Be sure to simply include them after the bootstrap core variables/mixins files:

    @import "variables.less";
    @import "path/to/drawer-variables.less"
    @import "mixins.less";
    @import "path/to/drawer-framework.less";

    // Bootstrap Core
    // ...

    // ... etc ...

    // Components w/ JavaScript
    @import "modals.less";
    @import "tooltip.less";
    @import "popovers.less";
    @import "carousel.less";
    @import "path/to/drawer.less";

    // Utility Classes
    // ... etc ...